Chapter Thirty

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The moment that Diana can feel her powers return, she uses her smoke to bring them to her aunt's house. Given Liam's weak state, it's too much of a risk to wander through the woods. The faster that they are able to get the ceremony done, the better.

Outside of the cottage, Octavian is tending to the garden. He plucks thick, ripe fruit and gently places them into his basket. He's in a world of his own, not noticing Diana or Liam standing on the outskirts of the property line.

Beside her, Liam is looking around at the trees. "Where are we? Why are we in the middle of the woods?"

She had forgotten about the house's spell. Liam will not be able to see the cottage or Octavian until she invites him onto the property as a guest.

Diana has never brought a guest to the house before. Her childhood had been littered with cruel bullies and superficial friends. Even Andrew has never been on the property, showing no interest in her siblings or her aunt.

The sudden urge to flee overwhelms Diana. What is she even doing? It is naïve of her to believe that she can marry the heir to the throne. He is already engaged to another woman. He has his entire life planned, most of which does not involve her. Once they are married, Liam will be tied to her for the rest of their lives. Even death may not potentially part them due to his gift.

Eventually, Liam may grow to resent her. He'll resent the fact that the only way he could be saved was to marry the woman who murdered his brother. She has ruined his life once before, and she may accidentally do so again.

Loosening her grip on Liam's hand, Diana steps away from him. She stares at the prince, an apology already forming on her lips.

"Diana!" Octavian calls out. There's a large grin on the boy's face while he waves over at her.

Before her, Liam's face pales. He glances all around him in search of the source of the voice. Panic fills his gaze while he cowers behind the sorceress. "I am already starting to hear the spirits," he murmurs to her.

Though there are many things that Diana does not know, she does know for certain that she never wants to see that fear on his face again. That's why she dismisses her anxiety and takes the man's hand. "It's alright," she claims. "You just heard my brother's voice." She guides him toward the property, offering Octavian a nod. "Welcome to my childhood home."

She can see the moment the cottage materializes for Liam. His eyes widen at the sight, taking in the entirety of the property. "It's beautiful," he comments.

Octavian races up to the pair, immediately engulfing Diana into a hug. The wind gets knocked out of Diana's lungs at the force he ran up to her, but she finds herself smiling all the same. Her own arms wrap around the boy's body. "It's good to see you, too, Tavian."

Bouncing from his excitement, Octavian cranes his neck to look up at her. "What are you doing here!? Are you here for the celebration of the equinox?"

With all the drama that has occurred, Diana had forgotten all about the spring equinox. There are several traditions that sorcerers follow on solstices and equinoxes to welcome the new season. The spring equinox is the day where most sorcerer's wed. It is believed that the transition from winter into spring is when a sorcerer is at their greatest strength, which is shared with their spouse once they are married.

First, it had been the dream she had of her mother. Then, her sudden idea to distract Andrew by wearing his favorite color. Now, it's the spring equinox. Clearly, the gods are trying to ensure that Diana gets their message.

She is meant to marry Liam on this day.

Aurora emerges from the forest, carrying a thick bundle of sticks for the ceremony. Her eyes widen the moment that she spots Prince Liam at Diana's side. The sticks clatter to the ground beneath her while she runs to Octavian's side. With a tight grip onto the boy's shoulder, Aurora forces the Octavian to kneel.

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