Chapter Twenty-Four

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Despite her distaste for alcohol and her knowledge of the poison, Diana had drunk the glass's entire contents just to prevent him from drinking it. The knowledge eats away at his mind while he gently cradles the back of Diana's head.

"Diana," he says in an attempt to rouse her. He jostles her arm with his free hand. "Diana!"

One of the men at the dining table laughs. He peers down at Liam with bright green eyes while he stands. A triumphant grin slowly grows across his face. "You people are so predictable," the man claims.

His features morph, transforming him into a much more familiar face. Anton's unnaturally bright teeth reflect in the candlelight, making him appear much more villainous than usual. "I do wish that this would have been a little more challenging, but I suppose I will have to make up for it."

Anton snaps his fingers and Lord Plast begins to choke. He clutches at his neck while coughing up blood. It pours out of every hole on his face, contorting it into something horrific. Liam can feel the contents inside of his stomach threatening to make an appearance while he pulls Diana closer to his body.

When Anton flexes his fingers, the old man freezes. His chest expands outward while he draws in a deep breath. "Please," the man begs. He trembles while staring up at the sorcerer. "Please spare me."

The sorcerer cocks his head while slowly regarding the man. His gaze is Death itself, appearing to be cruel and uncaring. He has no plans to spare the old man or grant him mercy. Anton purposefully targeted him to enact revenge. "What was it you said earlier? About doing a public execution?"

Lord Plast's eyes widen. He stands from the table while shaking his head. "No. No. No no no—"

Anton points at the lord to freeze him in place. All of the guests remain frozen in their seats, uncertain of what is going to come next. The fear and shock that fills the room is almost worse than when Diana first entered.

Liam slowly tucks his arm beneath Diana's head so that she will be easier for him to lift. He makes a slow attempt at tucking his arm beneath her legs in a way that Anton will not notice.

The prince needs to get out of here and find a way to reanimate Diana. She is their only hope at making it out of this situation alive.

"Now, personally, I always love the dramatic flare of being drawn and quartered. It really is the best way to torture someone before they die." Anton places his free hand onto his chin while smiling at the ballroom. "Like this." He flicks his pointer finger to the side, causing Lord Plast's arm to rip off.

A miserable cry of pain and terror leaves the man's lips. It's a wet sound that is mixed with built up saliva and blood. He sinks to his knees, no longer able to stand.

Instantly, the ballroom turns into a mess of fear and panic. Nobles push past one another to leave, running straight out of the oversized doors. Servants abandon their duties to follow after them. Some even shove the nobles out of their way in an attempt to guarantee their safety.

Using the chaos as an opportunity, Liam scoops Diana off of the floor. He darts toward the exit closest to him, praying that he hasn't been spotted. Thankfully, Anton seems more focused on prolonging Lord Plast's torture to notice the prince's absence.

Suddenly, Liam's veins feel itchy and hot. His entire body quickly falls victim to fatigue, threatening to make him collapse in the hallway.

"Let me help," Andrew states from behind him. It's his very presence that is causing Liam such ailment. He can feel his brother's energy reaching out to him, begging to be acknowledged.

Shaking his head, Liam throws open his bedroom door. "You are doing more harm than you are good by being around here," Liam claims. "It takes a lot of energy to continue contact with you, and I need that energy to focus on Diana."

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