Chapter Forty

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All that the sorcerer can feel is pain.

It eats away at his limbs, weakening his muscles. He can feel as his flesh slowly tries to stitch itself back together again, recovering from the trauma that has been unleashed upon him. With the amount of blood that he has lost and the serious extent of his wounds, he should be dead.

Anton ignores the whispering voices that loom overhead while he tries to make his limbs move. Minutes, or perhaps hours, tick past while he focuses on wiggling his fingers. Eventually, he is able to get the fingers on his mutilated right hand to twitch.

As he goes through the agonizing process of forcing himself to his feet, Anton recognizes the current dilemma. If he is alive, then the curse has not yet been lifted. He and the others are still trapped upon this wretched plane.

Thus far, he has failed to free them from their fates. He cannot afford to continue to fail. All of creation relies on him to carry out his sacred duty.

Anton must marry Diana. No matter the cost. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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