Chapter Four

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The moment that their carriage pulls up to the palace's gate, it is completely surrounded by guards. The doors are ripped open and two faces gaze at Liam with cruel glares. Once the guards recognize Prince Liam, their expressions switch to something more neutral. They both bow before the prince.

"We are so sorry, Your Highness," one of the guards states. "The Queen has instructed us to search every carriage for you so that we can bring you to her at once."

He should have expected as much. The moment that his parents discovered him missing, they likely ordered a search for the prince. Since Andrew's death, they have been too protective over him. To the point that it took him two full years to convince them to allow him to leave the castle.

After the stunt he pulled, Liam will be lucky if he's ever allowed to leave his room again.

In the seat across from him, Diana leans forward. There's a mocking grin on her face as she flashes a quick look to the guard. "Uh oh, it looks like you made mommy mad." The dim light from the sun glints off of her eyes while she forces them to widen. "How will you ever make her forgive you?"

Immediately, the door on the other side of the carriage is thrown open. Two swords are pointed at Diana's throat as she settles back into her seat. Liam didn't even have time to react to the woman's comment, creating a mix of emotions. Annoyance. Anger. Delight. Diana deserves to be held at swordpoint for what she had said to him.

"You're only upset that my mother will forgive me for my actions, unlike yours," the prince quips.

Hurt quickly flashes through Diana's eyes, giving Liam an odd feeling of satisfaction. He enjoys her pain. He enjoys that he is capable of making her hurt, just as she has made him hurt for the last four years.

When Diana brings her gaze to the two swords crossed at her throat, they immediately turn into black snakes. The guards panickedly release the creatures, scrambling back as Diana steps out of the carriage. Any guards outside of the carriage sink into the earth from Diana's power, unable to move and attack her. "We'll see how willing your mother is to forgive you once she sees my face and our matching tattoos."

Her dress pools around her as her feet touch the cobblestone ground. Her long, white hair blows back with the breeze. She takes only a moment to take in the palace's exterior before walking toward the palace. "For both of our sakes, let's hope that she does not exile you for treason."

It never occurred to Liam that his behavior could be considered treasonous. He had been so focused on his people and keeping his family safe that he never thought of the potential consequences.

His mother has always been a level-headed woman. When it comes to topics that deal with Andrew, however, something inside of her always seems to break. Every year, on the anniversary of his death, she will always disappear and will not be seen until the next day.

Liam is slow to catch up with Diana due to the two snakes that block his exit and scare off any guards that attempt to help him. By the time he catches up with her, she is already causing problems in the throne room.

King Elijah looks as though he has seen a ghost. His face is pale and his eyes are wide with a mix of fear and surprise. He practically trembles on his throne at the sight of the sorceress.

Queen Katherine, on the other hand, is full of rage. Her green eyes glow with passion as she glares down at Diana. She is standing in front of her throne with a look that threatens violence.

In the center of the throne room, Diana drinks in all of the reactions. She looks delighted by all of the negativity she is conjuring, as if she were designed to consume all of the world's hatred.

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