Chapter Twelve

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Liam would be lying if he claimed that the bruising on Diana's face did not provide him some sort of twisted satisfaction. He's glad that she is finally getting what's coming to her, even though it comes at the expense of someone else's life.

He is partially at fault for Reginold Tymbrick's death. Had he stayed at the party, he could have ensured the safety of others. Reggie could have survived the night if Liam hadn't been so focused on himself.

Though Rosalie insists that Diana did not poison the late Reginold, Liam knows that the sorceress can be crafty. Diana is a liar and a murderer. One who does not care what she does or who she hurts.

The meeting room practically shakes as Lord Tymbrick enters in an angry storm. Liam can sense the man's pain hidden behind the depth of his overwhelming anger.

Rising from his seat, Liam bows his head. "Lord Tymbrick, I am incredibly sorry for your loss."

His eyes are hot coals while they stare into the prince. Liam can practically feel his flesh beginning to melt. "Do you believe me to be some type of idiot, Your Highness?" He plants his hands on top of the round table. "Do you think that I can be easily manipulated?"

Taken aback by the accusations, Liam furrows his eyebrows. "I apologize, but I do not believe I know what—"

"My son was poisoned by elutra seeds, and I am being told that his murderer was Diana Lockheart— the most powerful sorcerer in existence."

The lord's tone is beginning to teeter dangerously close to disrespectful. Liam can understand that the sorcerer is in pain and is currently in denial. He had experienced the exact same emotions before. The prince, however, cannot allow the lord to disrespect him, even in his worst moments.

"I understand that you are in pain—"

An incredulous laugh leaves the man's lips. "In pain? My son was poisoned with a seed that only kills sorcerer's and you're trying to convince me that another sorcerer gave it to him. Pain does not even begin to describe what I am feeling!"

Liam must not have heard Lord Tymbrick correctly. Diana had given Reginold the exact same poison as Andrew, and Andrew was not a sorcerer. "Lord Tymbrick, I must ask that you trust the crown to swiftly and accurately deliver justice to your son."

Several emotions shimmer through the man's eyes, but the lord somehow manages to dampen all of them. He bows at the waist, swiftly ending the meeting. "Alright, Your Highness. I will leave you to your investigation." He does not look back at the prince while he approaches the exit. When he grabs the door knob, the lord briefly pauses. "I do hope that you find the right culprit. For Reginold's sake."

A royal physician stands on the other side of the door, his hand poised for a knock. He startles backward when he sees the lord. Then, he quickly bows before the lord and steps out of the sorcerer's way.

Liam waits for the witch to walk into the room before he takes a seat at his table. "Do you have any news?"

Fidgeting with his gloves, the physician avoids eye contact with the prince. "Yes."

There's a full minute of silence where Liam waits for the witch to inform him of what he has learned. He wants to know if Diana had truly been poisoned last night or if she lied.

"What is it?" He spits out impatiently. The physician flinches from his tone, fidgeting more with his gloves.

"Well," he begins. "She sustained bruising to her face as well as a broken leg from the guard's assault."

Batting away the comment, Liam leans forward in his chain. "Nevermind that. Was the sorceress poisoned?"

Gently tugging the fingertips of his gloves, the witch draws in a deep breath. "She was. With enough elutra seeds in her system to kill ten sorcerers."

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