Chapter Seven

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Prince Andrew's dog searches the grounds for her owner, unaware that he died four years ago.

She was supposed to be a hunting dog, but she only learned to listen to Andrew's commands. Willow was barely one when Andrew had passed and she was still full of youthful energy. Now, at the age of five, a weariness has started to settle over her.

Willow refuses to come into contact with anyone, avoiding people at all costs. Liam will only ever catch glimpses of her every once and a while. The last time he saw her was over a month ago when it was pouring rain. He tried to coax the dog inside, as he had many times over the years, but she refused.

Outside is the place she had seen Prince Andrew. It's the place the pair had spent most of their time together. It's likely the place where Willow believes her owner will finally return for her.

Currently, Willow is sitting underneath the tree that Andrew used to lounge beneath. Her brown fur almost blends with the shade, disguising her slightly. If Liam was not aware of the spots the dog frequents, he likely would not have spotted her.

The bouquet of flowers feels heavier than they should, carrying with them the weight of Andrew's death. Once a month, Liam will make the effort to visit his brother's grave— which is located on the family plot deep in the woods.

It's almost a twenty minute walk to the site. It's far too long for Liam to be left alone with his thoughts. Right now, they are a mix of grief and guilt. These are not unfamiliar feelings, since Liam has felt them since his older brother's death. He often wonders if there was something he could have done to prevent his brother's tragic end.

A snapping branch catches both Liam and Willow's attention. The dog stands and drops her tail between her legs. She silently bares her teeth at the unseen threat.

Then, her tail perks up and she calms down. In fact, she even begins to wag her tail at the mysterious branch snapper, who Liam cannot see from this distance.

Diana steps into the light, a soft smile apparent on her face. She kneels down so that she is level with the dog.

Immediately, Willow is jumping on her. Her reaction is how Liam pictures an imaginary reunion with Andrew would look like. He can even hear her whines of delight from this large distance away.

He can see Diana laugh with delight, trying to keep up with the dog's excitement. She places soft, gentle strokes along the animal's head. The sorceress says something to the dog that he can neither lipread nor hear.

After a minute or so, the young woman draws back. The dog continues to shower her with the love and affection it has been missing for years. "Sit!" She shouts.

Though the dog has not listened to anyone other than Andrew in the five years she has been with the royal family, Willow listens to Diana. She sits on the ground with hesitation, ferociously wagging her tail.

She must have used her powers, Liam rationalizes.

He knows that the statement is not true, though. The collar that is loosely wrapped around her throat is made out of elutrafruit vines, which is part of a plant that is immune to all sorts of magic. Andrew had ensured that his dog would be safe from magical mind control.

Willow's friendly behavior toward Diana isn't from magic or blind trust. Willow recognizes her from some time ago. Likely before Andrew's murder.

Unable to bear the sight, Liam continues his journey to Andrew's grave. He has some words he would like to share with his brother.


Diana sits with her back to the oversized oak tree, gently petting the dog. Willow rests her head on the woman's lap, looking almost as sad as she was before Diana had approached.

This place is too familiar to Diana. She knows the thick trees and overgrown brush. She knows the hidden pathways that lead to abandoned parts of the grounds. She knows the cemetery that's hidden deep in these woods.

She knows the large willow tree by the small lake, where she had met Andrew for the first time.

A small sigh leaves Willow's nose, filling the mostly silent void that surrounds them. In this area, the birds are not as loud and the bugs are essentially nonexistent. The bubble of solitude had been her gift to Andrew for his eighteenth birthday.

The three of them used to come to this area all the time— Diana, Andrew, and Willow. They would spend hours hanging out and having fun.

She can practically feel his ghostly presence lingering beside her. He sits right next to her with his head leaned against the tree in his regular spot. His voice is as silent as the rest of the area, leaving him unnoticed and unheard.

Willow quietly whines in her lap, as if she can sense the pain that's suffocating Diana.

The sorceress's fingertips graze the dog's collar. "You miss him, don't you?" She questions.

A breeze picks up, carrying with it the smell of deep woods. Diana used to associate that smell with home and fond memories.

Now, it is nothing more than a painful reminder of what she had done.

"Yeah, me too."

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