Chapter Eight

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Prince Liam seems to be nervous about revealing her assignment. He constantly wipes his palms on his pants to wipe away his sweat, leading her down twisty hallways.

His behavior should make Rosalie nervous, but she is far too excited to feel any other reasonable feeling. Today is the start of her new life where she is getting everything she has ever wanted. No matter the task, Rosalie will graciously accept.

He stops in front of one of the largest bedrooms in the castle. Hesitation lines his shoulders while he spares the new guard a wary glance. Then, he knocks on the door to announce his presence.

There is no response to knock, causing him to knock once again. This time, the door opens partially with a loud creak. From where she is positioned, Rosalie cannot see who opened the door. They must be hidden behind it, too shy to reveal themselves.

The prince shoves the door open and storms into the room. "Must you—" His voice cuts off when his eyes fall onto the young woman in the room.

Who happens to be completely naked.

Rosalie is quick to avert her gaze from the naked woman. Heat rushes to her cheeks while she tries to keep the image of the stranger's body out of her mind.

At her side, Prince Liam pinches the bridge of his nose. "Why aren't you dressed?" He asks. There's clear frustration in his tone. It's almost as though this type of behavior is a daily occurrence.

Hangers click together while the young woman looks through her clothes. "I just got out of the bath," she answers.

How they are both so calm about this, Rosalie does not know. Currently, it's taking all of her willpower to remain standing in this room.

"Why didn't you wait to open the door until you were dressed?"

"You were banging on the door like you were going to tear it down." The sound of rustling fabric reaches Rosalie's ear. "You may look now. Although, it isn't like Prince Liam was averting his gaze in the first place."

The new guard waits a few seconds before she risks looking back in the woman's direction. The young woman is now dressed in a black silk robe, which makes her brown skin appear to be more sallow. Her dark brown eyes are full of amusement while she scrutinizes Rosalie.

These traits are not what takes Rosalie's focus.

Instead, Rosalie focuses on the woman's vibrant white hair, which is a characteristic only one person in existence has. The very person who has been locked away because of her crimes against Ichiga.

In her chest, Rosalie's heart begins to race. Sweat licks her palms while she stares at the world's most powerful sorceress.

Diana runs her fingers through her wet curls, turning her attention toward the white mirror on her vanity. "What was so urgent that it was worth seeing me naked?" She asks casually.

It's unbelievable for Rosalie to think she is supposed to guard Diana. The sorceress does not need a human guard to protect her. She is far more than capable of taking care of herself.

"I would like to introduce you to your new guard," the prince claims.

Fear seizes Rosalie when the sorceress rests her gaze on her. She can sense Diana's judgment.

Rosalie turns to the prince, an incredulous look on her face. "This must be a joke," she claims. When the prince does not acknowledge her comment, Rosalie shakes her head. "You honestly believe that Diana, the world's most powerful sorcerer, is not capable of protecting herself?"

"Where do you people come up with this ridiculous notion that I am the most powerful sorcerer?" Diana questions. She walks over to her bed and perches at the edge of it. "I haven't even lived to twenty-five, which is when a sorcerer reaches their full potential."

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