Chapter 14

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We went out for Eddie's birthday last night and gave him gifts. It was a blast. But, today was the big day. Today was the day.

I got dressed into a black laced dress, curled my hair, put all of my makeup on, and changed into black high heels. All of the other girls did the same.

Linked hand in hand with Fabian, the Anubis gang all walked over into the woods like a pack. We were family after all these years. On the other side of Fabian was Mick, they were talking, though I didn't care to know what about. All I cared about today was Eddie. He was contemplating whether or not he should come, but Patricia persuaded him because it would look bad for him if he didn't come.

Trudging into the woods, in fact - the exact spot where The Touchstone of Ra was placed and where Sophia died - people from every corner of the school grounds - parents, college kids, high school kids, teachers - everyone was dressed in black and all headed into the same direction. Leaves were rustling, branches were snapping. Personally, I didn't really like the fall.

We all took our seats. KT was to my left, and Fabian was to the right of me. I sighed. In the row next to us I saw Dexter, Cassie, and Erin. Eddie and Patricia went over to talk to them for awhile before the funeral started.

Oh, and there was her black casket. Two guys set it on the table in front of us. I saw people in the front row crying, I assumed that they were Sophia's family. A mom, dad, and what seems like to be a younger sister.

"Hey, mate." Fabian said to Eddie as he sat right next to him.

"It all comes back in flashes. I remember it all too well." Eddie said, resting his elbows on his knees and his hands on his head. "I caused all of this."

"Eddie, stop. Look, I don't know what precisely went on in this very spot, but the more you start thinking about it the worse it will become. We're all here for you, this isn't your fault. This is Ra's fault."

"Thanks, Nina."

At this time, the clergy conducted his eulogy. I really tried to pay attention - but it's hard when you don't even know the girl they're talking about. I was looking around - seeing if I knew any familiar faces.

"KT, look - very back row - Rufus and Victor." I whispered.

"Well, you didn't expect them to not show up, did you?"

Mr. Johnson and Mrs. Curtis were here, too. Along with all of my other teachers.

I looked around more. Then I saw him - Zack. He was already looking at me. Once he saw me make eye contact with him, he winked. I rolled my eyes and turned back around.

After the clergy was over, I saw Dexter, Cassie and Erin all go up to the podium. I guess they were doing their speech together.

Erin began, "We were her best friends. Sophia guided us and showed us incredible things-"

I zoned out after that. After they were done, Sophia's younger sister stepped up. Her hair was in pig tails, and she wore a black dress with black flats.

"Wow. How old do you think she is?" I asked Fabian.

"Probably around April's age. Ten?"


"My name is Suzie. I am ten years old-"

"Score." I whispered to Fabian and cracked a smile. He quickly gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"Sophia was my favoritest person in the whole world. She is the only person that would play dolls with me and not complain. Sophia was the best sister ever. We shouldn't look back with sadness, we should look forward and be happy. I know all of you loved her. Thank you for coming out and supporting her with us. I love you, Sophia." Suzie read. She looked up to the sky and blew a kiss, then walked back down to join her parents.

House of Anubis: The Real Ones - Book 1 - COMPLETED.Where stories live. Discover now