Chapter 22

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"To us!" I rejoiced, holding my ice cream cone in the center of the table.

"To us!" my friends rejoiced back, doing the same with their ice cream.

Eddie and I decided to treat the Anubis residents by taking them out to the local ice cream parlor, you know, before we may all possible die. But we didn't come here to think about that. "So, now that freshman year is almost over, what are your guys' plans for the summer?"

"I plan on taking an internship at the vet down the street. It's looking pretty good!" Willow responded. "What about you, Nina?"

"Eddie is gonna come back to Ohio with me to our Gran's." I smiled.

"Wow, I almost forgot that you two are brother and sister. We really had to get caught up on a lot, didn't we?" Mara asked.

Eddie laughed. "Yeah, well. Just living the life as Real One's will supposedly do that to you, huh?"

"What does being 'The Real One's' even mean?" Amber questioned as she took a bite out of her strawberry swirl. "I don't understand."

"Remember, Amber? We explained this earlier. The Guiders are injecting a serum into all of us to overcome Rufus and Caroline, which means we need all of your help."

"Yeah," I said, adding onto Eddie's comment. "It's all going to be okay. None of you need to worry. We took you here to talk about our lives, not about what may be." And with that being said, I took the last few bites out of my vanilla cone. I looked to my right and laughed at Fabian, as I used a napkin to wipe the corners of his mouth.

"She's right, you know?" Patricia said. "Nina and Eddie have gotten us this far. There's nothing that they can't handle. So when they tell you not to worry, they mean it."

I looked over at Patricia and gave her a nod, as if to say thank you. Everything was going to be alright. It had to be.


Back at the House, I sat in the living room, studying for my creative writing test. Looking over key points, making flash cards, studying notes, you know, the usual.

"Thank you." I said, as Fabian handed me a cup of coffee he made.

"You're welcome." he said, going to sit next to Alfie and Mick in the dining room.

I curled up in the chair I was sitting in with my white fuzzy blankets looking over flash cards. There was something about this type of year that eased me. I stared out the window for awhile, wondering what the future was too hold. I guess I wondered too long, because before I knew it, I fell asleep again.

This time I was in the Frobisher library. All alone. There were no books on the bookshelves. What's a library with no books?

I looked around me, wondering what my purpose was here. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed something glowing red. A classic Egyptian tomb used for decoration was perched up against the wall in the corner of the room. It glowed bright red. And for a while, I wondered what that could mean. But then I remembered. My locket. I held it up to the center of the tomb. Nothing happened. Great. Now what? I held it up toward the tomb's heart. Still nothing. Okay, Nina. Think. My locket is in the shape of the Eye of Horus, so what if I held it up to the tomb's eyes? I laughed at the thought, but it was worth a shot. My locket seemed like it was about to burst into a ton of red sparks when it got near the tomb's eyes, and before I knew it, the tomb opened up like magic.

"One for one." I said, out loud.

Inside was nothing. Until I looked down. A single book was enclosed inside of the tomb. I picked it up, and right as I was about to open the book, something stopped me.

I shook myself awake, I was back in Anubis House. I blinked as I tried to recall what just happened.

"You're awake."

I looked to the right of me. Fabian just sat at the edge of a red leather chair, staring at me.

"What are you doing?"

"You're beautiful when you're asleep."

I rolled my eyes as I sat up and started walking toward the door. "Thanks, my handsome stalker. Get up, we have to go somewhere."


When Fabian and I reached the library, I looked around for that familiar tomb I saw in my dream.

"Was this it?" Fabian asked from across the room.

"Yes." I said, walking over to him. I bit my lip as I held the Eye of Horus to the eyes. All I could see was red, it blinded me and my arm started to ache. But then it opened. "Score." I bent down to pick up the familiar book, and read the unfamiliar title.

"For The Ones Who Are Real." I read out loud. "Well that's us, right?" I asked, looking at Fabian to reassure me.

"What are you kids doing?" a voice thundered from behind us. I shuddered.

"Victor, look what we found! It came to me in a vision!" I rejoiced as I handed the book to him. Robert and Caroline trailed behind him.

"Yes, look at what you two have found indeed. This may be useful."

"May?" Fabian asked. "It has our title as the title. Look inside."

"No, Mr. Rutter! I will not look inside!" Victor's voice bellowed throughout the whole library. We were lucky that no one was in here, they would have thought a bear was in the room. Or something. "You two will forget that you ever laid eyes on this book. You will forget that this book even exists. Do you understand me?"

I didn't comprehend what he just told us, so I protested. "But it came to me in a vision! Doesn't-"

"Nina, what he means is that you two will tell no one that you know about this book. Trust us." Frobisher reassured me.

"It contains certain points that are too complex to understand is a way to put it." Harriet folded her hands over her purple coat.

"Come on, Nina. Let's get out of here." Fabian grabbed my arm and started leading us out.

Once outside, I asked him, "What was that about? We were supposed to see that book, weren't we?" My hair kept flipping in my face, the wind today wasn't in my favor.

"If you dreamt it, yes. Looks like we'll need to get it back from them, huh? And to do that, I guess we'll have to bring out our old high school selves." Fabian winked at me.

"Here we go again."

I realized that this was only the beginning of the fight. We had to get that book, there was no other way. Here we go again.

House of Anubis: The Real Ones - Book 1 - COMPLETED.Where stories live. Discover now