Chapter 26

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A.N.: Hey guys, if the spacing is weird on this I apologize. I'm writing this on my computer because my phone is somewhat broken so I can't go on there to fix all of the spacing. If the spacing is weird, I will go back and fix it later! Thanks for reading! Don't forget to vote and comment!

"Hush, hush, little one. Do not be frightened. Open your eyes and come find me."

White. Light. Bright.

I was in a white room. Would you call this a room? This room was never ending. It stretched as far as the eye could see in any and every direction.

There was light. Coming from what would be the ceiling. Coming from what seemed like miles away. 

It was bright. I had to hold my hand up just to block it from view. What is this?

"Hush, hush, little one. Do not be frightened. Open your eyes and come find me."

"Who are you?" I asked, getting up from the ground. "Where are you?" I checked to see if I still had my Eye of Horus necklace on me. I did. My white jeans and converse seemed to blend in with my surroundings. That was not the case, however, with my black t-shirt and flannel I had tied around my waist.

"I can't go anywhere." I kicked my foot on the ground out of pure stubbornness. I looked around me. There was nowhere to go. Nowhere. Unless I wanted to go into the light, but that felt too soon for me...

"Victor! Robert! Harriet! Anyone! If you can hear me, I think this went horribly wrong! I never trusted that serum when you showed it to me in the library, Frobisher!" 

"Hush, hush, little one. Do not be frightened. Open your eyes and come find me."

"Stop saying that, it's getting really annoying." I muttered under my breath. I thought some more, and I realized that the only way to get this mysterious, unrecognizable, robotic female voice to stop is to go find her.

So, I ran as fast as I could in the direction in front of me. I thought about how I needed to find Eddie, but right now it seems like the robot needed me to find her first. I thought that if I ran in one direction long enough, I would find one of my friends. I need any of them right now. But, this room seemed endless.

The voice had said her "motto" five times now. I stopped and put my hands on my knees to catch my breath. I had decided to count how many seconds would pass until she talked again.





"Hush, hush, little one. Do not be frightened. Open your eyes and come find me."

One minute. She talked every minute. That means I had been running for five minutes. This seemed useless, so I continued to walk, because it was better than doing nothing. Twice more she spoke, and then I heard music.

"Twinkle, twinkle, little star, how I wonder what you are!"

"Sarah?" I questioned, tilting my head a little. Hoping she would appear out of thin air. I couldn't recognize who was singing. It sounded like a young adult singing to someone.

"Up above the world so high, like a diamond in the sky."

I looked up. There was a single twinkle of silver light in the sky among the beaming white light. "Twinkle, twinkle, little star," I finished, "How I wonder what you are." I looked back down at eye level. There was a little girl sitting on a stool while she painted on her canvas. A twin sized bed sat behind her. We weren't exactly in a room, we were still in the white room. Only, now, the white room had all of these objects and another person in it.

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