Chapter 18

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What happened? Seemed to be the question everyone had been asking once we stepped inside. Everybody had their own part of the story to tell. But, without anyone realizing, and Frobisher standing guard at the cellar door, I quickly snuck back into the secret bookcase in the cellar and returned the 5 amulets that were around my neck back safely in the drawer. Victor gathered us all in the living room to discuss the recent events. While we were waiting for everyone to pile in, I heard Frobisher ask me, "Is it just me or did the constructors seemed to have enlarged Anubis House this year?"

"You're right, they did enlarge it. I'm not a fan. I wish they kept it the way you built it."

He sighed. "I do, too. But I don't know, I think it will grow on me. This House's story is you twelve." He motioned around us to all of my friends talking to each other, trying to piece this together. "Maybe making it bigger was for the better. Bigger house means bigger secrets? Hmm?"

"Maybe." I laughed. Just then, Eddie and Fabian came in.

"Where were you, Nina? You had us worried sick!"

I started to reply, but then Victor interrupted me. "QUIET!" Ahh yes, just like old times. Everyone stopped talking. Victor was standing up and pacing back in fourth in the living room while the rest of us were sitting on the couches.

"First things first, Eddie, what exactly did you see in your vision?"

Eddie seemed taken aback. I guess he didn't think that Victor would pound on him first. "I- I saw them entering Anubis through the front doors. That's all. I swear. I know it seems like there should be more to the story, but there isn't."

"Okay, onto the next criteria. So, we got to Anubis. Lewis, Clark, did you see anything on the main floor?"

"Nothing out of the ordinary. Except the fact that the pie in the fridge was half eaten. They probably got hungry on their search!" Alfie exclaimed.

"No, you idiot!" Jerome retorted. "That was you, remember?"

"Oh, oh yeah. Whoops. My bad."

"Anyway," Jerome continued, "I realized that some pillows were turned over and the dining chairs weren't pushed in, they were scattered. Also, in your room, Eddie and Fabian, your guys' things- they were turned over. Both of your beds were flipped and all of your items are spilled all over your floor."

"They were looking for something, but what?" Fabian questioned.

"Patricia, Amber, KT, what about upstairs? Did you find anything?" Eddie said, sitting up in the brown leather chair we were sitting in.

"Everything was normal." Amber started.

"Even Victor's old office and the attic!" KT added.

"-But, your things, Nina, they were out of place. They're all over the floor just like Eddie and Fabian's items. Your mattress is completely flipped." Patricia finished.

"What the-"

"Well obviously they were looking for something that you three have in common. What do you three have that nobody else has?" Victor bickered down at us.

All 3 of us looked at each other, and then back up at Victor. We knew what we had.

"The attic, cellar, and gatehouse keys." I responded, quietly.

"Aha! You little mutants stole from me, hey? Well, then. I won't get mad this time, we have more important stuff going on. They obviously need something from those three places. They gave up looking for the keys that they just decided to break the old cellar lock. Guess I'll have to replace that, hmm? Anyway, Mick, Mara, Joy, and the perky one, what did you find outside? See anybody?"

House of Anubis: The Real Ones - Book 1 - COMPLETED.Where stories live. Discover now