Chapter 15

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Being in the middle of winter was brutal. Snow would constantly fall every second of every day. All of the Anubis residents went back to their homes to celebrate Christmas. I went back to Fabian's, and saw my Gran again. Fabian's family had invited her back for the occasion. She had reminded me yet again to be very careful. I hate how she knows everything that I know now. I told her how we have to get all of the Anubis residents involved once we get back to school.

Anyway, Christmas was amazing. Fabian got me a bracelet that said "the treasure was you." on it with a matching necklace. I got him antique guitar picks and new acoustic strings since he needed new ones.

But, we were back on the school grounds now. Everything was back to normal. Class was back in session.

Victor and Robert were avoiding us. I tried reaching out to both and got no response. So one day after class, I went to see Harriet. Alfie and Amber came with me. The rest of Sibuna had class still. Harriet had took over her sister's job at the high school and lived in the gatehouse.

"I'm so happy to finally meet The Chosen One, and Amber! Tea?"

"It's good to be here. Yes, please."

Harriet poured us some green tea. "Before you ask, I do know about Victor and Robert's plan to get Eddie's powers back so that we can defeat my sister and Rufus."

"You do?" I asked, sitting down on a chair in the living room.

"Oh, yes. Have they not told you anything about me?" Harriet looked worried.

"No." Amber said, shaking her head. "I don't recall."

"Maybe it was for the best then. Did everything with Frobisher go as planned? Does Jerome know who he really is?" Harriet put teacups in front of us on the coffee table.

"Yes it all went well. How are you involved with all of this, Harriet?" Alfie asked.

"Good. I'm not sure if I'm supposed to be telling you guys this, but, Robert, Victor and myself are what we call 'The Guiders' in this ritual. The three of us stand in a triangle shape. Eddie, Nina, and Jerome will be in a smaller triangle inside of us. Robert, Victor, and I will each place our right hands on your left shoulders. The rest of the Anubis residents will stand in a circle, holding hands, outside of the triangle."

"Then what do we do?" I asked.

"Then; 'The Guiders' repeat this ritual. You and Eddie will hold your hands out, if everything goes as planned, Nina will see a light glow literally in the palm of her hands. Then, Nina, you'll wave your hands up and down and the light will shimmer around Eddie to signify that you, Nina, are giving some of your powers to Eddie. Eddie will then have light all around him. Eddie will then use his light on Nina to signify that that is indeed who he is getting his powers from. Jerome will then see some light appear in his hands to signify that he watches over The Osirian. Jerome doesn't really have a big role in this, but he has to be there."

"What time does this all take place? When we met up with Frobisher we had to meet him on Jerome's birthday." Alfie asked.

"Well, we will need to do it before Rufus and my sister Caroline attack, so as soon as possible. It will have to be at exact noon, though. I do know that."

I nodded my head and shoved the rest of my tea down my throat. "We're ready, thanks Harriet."


We told the rest of the Sibuna members what Harriet had told us. We met in a supply closet at the college. The Sibuna Supply Closet.

"Wow." Patricia remarked. "I say we stomp right up to Victor and Frobisher."

And so we did. It was about time. They said that they would be working in the library, so we went up, all squad-like.

"January first, at noon, in the woods." Victor said, without even looking at who was entering the doorway.

"A new year. A new month. A new day. A new life. A new world." Frobisher finished his thoughts.

"Well, okay then." Eddie said. And that was that.


Later that day, Patricia and I went to the grocery store to get groceries for Anubis.

"Think Alfie needs these?" Patricia asked, picking up a bag of sweets.

"NO." I laughed. "He doesn't need anymore of those. But, he 'can't live without it', so hey, why not?" I grabbed the bag from her and put it in the cart.

Our cart was full by the time we were done. We went to go check out. The only aisle open was aisle number 5.

"I can't go up there." I said to Patricia as we approached the check out desk.

"Why no-?" she asked, before realizing why. The check out lady looked a lot like Denby. "Oh. Yes you can, Nina. Don't be scared. You show her who runs the show around here. Come on!" she grabbed my arm with one and and pushed the cart in the other.

As she was scanning the items, all I could do was look down at my tennis shoes and bite my lip.

She didn't say anything to us, until the very end when we were putting our bags back into the card.

She stared at us very intently and said, "Good luck with getting Eddie his powers back. You'll need it."

This made me want to slap her. But I didn't. I'm nice. I'm good. Imagine if Fabian and Eddie were here. Imagine if Fabian and Eddie were here.


In Patricia's car on the way home, all I could do was think about what just happened. "We tell no one!"

"Wait-what? Why?" Patricia asked, keeping her eyes on the road.

"Because! It could jeopardize this whole thing!" I said, exasperated and leaning back into my seat.

"This ceremony apparently already is jeopardized!"

"No-just stop. Okay? You don't say a word. If this whole thing ends up failing, then we'll tell the group. Because it might not fail, she might just be trying to psyche us out."

"I hope you're right." Patricia responding, pulling into the college grounds.

House of Anubis: The Real Ones - Book 1 - COMPLETED.Where stories live. Discover now