Part 1: Bloody Eyes

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Erichan: The last chapter totally sucked for a prologue  ̄ 3 ̄

Sylv: It didn't

Erichan: It did °^°

Doge: Excuse us for now..The intro got ruined by some technical difficulties..

Sylv: How is that technical?

Doge: *Facepalm*

Sylv: How do you face palm in a book? Like literally?


Sylv: The only ball I'll be breaking is yours if you don't stop being a kill joy!

Doge: Clean your ears woman I said wall!!!

Erichan: They're at it again *backs away slowly with hands up*

Sylv: Excuuuuse me! I have fine ears compared to yours!

Doge: *rages* lapodjdnwausbdewwon *table flip*

Sylv: *walks away and whispers* man periods

Y/N's P.O.V

The door was now closed so I plugged the nintendo and all that stuff after turning the lights off and turning on the television and finally putting the game in while holding my trusty controller in my hands, the game processed as it loaded while I sat there with some snacks since I'd stay up late considering it was Saturday tomorrow. It finally loaded and I made a new save file noticing the 'BEN' file but I shrugged it off reassuring myself that the previous owner did not delete it, everything was going smooth for me until this creepy smiling midget link statue followed me around while I was playing. I raised a brow but sighed continuing my game not giving a care to the stalker statue until the game glitched with some static and was soon followed by bloody red pixel-like words forming the sentence

"yOu ShOuLdN't hAvE DoNe tHaT"

I sipped from the straw of my soda and giggled saying "Is this secretly a horror game? That's cool!" and waiting for something to happen as I hummed quietly sitting on the floor, something happened beyond my expectations and that was when a bloody-eyed link guy crawled out of a tv like a dramatic spider with a smirk causing me to burst out in hysterical laughter. He blushed out of embarrassment and fell on the floor yelling "The hell are you laughing!? You're supposed to be crying for your mummy!", I stopped laughing wiping tears off of my brightly colored eyes apologizing as I giggled slightly. He blushed more and stood up after some time and it was silent until I rummaged through my top drawers as the boy waited in confusion taking a guess that I was going to pull out something for self defense.

I pulled out some tissue paper and the boy raised a brow getting confused more and more as I walked to him tissue paper in hand with a smile on my face shining as ever, I tore a piece of tissue and wiped the blood under his eyes and that shocked him as in VERY much just by watching me wipe the blood off even though it kept coming back. After some endless minutes of wiping I pouted whining "Why does it keep coming back?" disappointed that I didn't heal the poor guy, now BEN here would have laughed but he was to stunned to even think that this was something a mere sane person would do at first sight of his monstrous appearance.

But here's the funny thing about our dear Y/N: She's not sane..

Erichan: You guys are ok now rig- Oh! Y/N didn't see you there, I was just trying to get these two in good moods again ehehe.

Sylv: Hmph! Good mood with HIM!? Never gonna happen sister! *Arms crossed*

Doge: You stole my words you idiotic thief!

Erichan: Come on please guys? Get together!


Erichan: *Demon voice while body sets on fire as well as the eyes* dId YoU jUsT YeLl aT Me!?

Sylv & Doge: Ahaha we would never dream of it! We are both best pals now! *Pats eachothers backs*

Erichan: Oh goodie! *Hops away with rainbow trails*

Sylv: Note to self, never dare to piss of Erichan if I value my precious life .-.

Doge: I could never agree more.. .-.

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