Part 16(1/2): The Beginning

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Erichan: I dunno if I should continue this story or not..It kind of sucks to me..

Sylv: Are you losing motivation?

Erichan: No..not really..

Doge: Are you being worried that people hate this story?

Erichan: Dang, sometimes you're smart

Sylv: Well then, that obviously means yes.

Erichan: I'm scared to update because I feel like another chapter will be an epic fail..

Doge: The world is cruel

Sylv: Note from Attack On Titan.. :P

Y/N's P.O.V

"Zalgo? That underworld creep?" I asked and the trio nodded as they nibbled on their cookies, I sighed and turned around to face Slenderman then said with a hand on my hip

"Look, I don't know why I'm helping you but all I know is I care for Sally. This is happening too fast, I know. But I just wanna save her, if you don't want me to then let's do it individually".

Slenderman thought for a while then 'faced' me saying "Very well, now the problems are the rest of the creepypastas here..Being the reckless children they are, they would probably ambush you."

"Hehe, leave that to us!~" Erichan spoke up and sat properly on the sofa with her leg placed over the other one, I raised a brow and the trio giggled making me and Slenderman sigh. "I don't know these children and what they're talking about but I get the feeling that we should trust them" Slenderman said and fixed his tie, he stood up and opened the door that leads outside his office and I picked up that we were actually going to leave this to the trio. I walked outside accepting his gentlemanly gesture and soon, everyone was now outside while walking through the large halls.

We went down the stairs and entered the living room where Ben was playing video games,Masky and Hoodie were eating cheesecake on a table,EJ was sleeping beside Ben on the couch,Jeff was competing against Ben, and Toby..the one who kidnapped me..was looking straight at me with a shocked face

'He noticed quickly' I thought and he charged at me mindlessly with his hatchets, his features behind his goggles and mouth guard showed that he was scared of me and that's why he tried to get rid of me quickly, note to the word tried. Everyone's attention was now on him and before he could reach me, Doge yelled "Invisible Chuck Norris Kick!" quite playfully and kicked Toby's face making him fly back and hit the wall, breaking it a bit in process.

"The heck? Slendy, why are there 3 kids and THAT woman here!?" Jeff exclaimed pointing his finger at me seeming to remember his encounter with me, I giggled and waved. Everyone in this room seemed to remember me, especially the blushing elf who was caught in a trance by my presence. "Calm down, child" Slenderman said took a step forward, he was about to speak when someone beat him to it.

"That woman..kill her..she's dan--" Toby said weakly but fell unconscious before he could finish, "Yeesh, Doge..You kicked too hard" Sylv stated with arms crossed and Doge just shrugged with a chuckle. My lips formed a pout, I was kind of hurt that Toby resents me but you can't blame at how insane I am. Slenderman cleared his throat and got everyone's undivided attention, "Now then, I know it's hard to take in so suddenly but Sally is..being held captive by..Zalgo"

Everyone in the room gasped with disbelief, "Hey, how are you sure that it's true?" Ben finally said as he snapped out of his fantasies. "It's no use explaining to all of you so how about let's watch live tv?" Erichan suggested but payed no attention to the confusion in the room, she walked towards the tv and touched the screen making it form ripples. The tv turned on and it showed an unconscious Sally binded to a dark wall illuminated with torches by the help of chains, she possessed multiple wounds too. "But Sally's with us!" Masky said and I just shook my head, "We need some explaining to do, let's skip time" Doge said and shrugged.

Time Skip~

The people in the room turned kind of solemn excluding the trio,everyone soon understood everything and took their time to accept me. One by one, people left the room to try to calm down and keep up with the events. Eventually, no one was left except for me and the trio. Doge started to speak up after a few seconds of awkwardness

"Soooo......Who's up for burritos?"

Erichan: Ok..this chapter..I dunno if I should remain calm or cry

Doge: Have a burrito

Sylv: She doesn't like burritos

Doge: Who wouldn't like burritos!?

Erichan: Me

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