Part 19: Scary? More Like Fluffy!~

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Sylv: What happened at school?

Doge: Yeah! Tell us!

Erichan: *Red face* N-Nothing.. *Looks down*

Doge: This is a rare kind of Erichan, LOL XD

Sylv: Dang, I wish I wasn't absent. I could have seen what happened.

Erichan: Idiot, I'm just h-happy! Thats all *Blushie*

Doge: Tsundere!

Sylv: Did something special happen? Hehe

Erichan: -///-

Doge: Kehehehe~

Narrator's P.O.V For A Change X3

"We were just searching for the others!" Y/N chirped as a reply to Ben who appeared to be swooning a bit over her, the oblivious girl.

"You didn't have to h-hold hands with him!" Ben pouted with a bit of envy, he was the first one to admit that he liked the sweet angel. The reasons to why so were long but true.

Y/N giggled and took the scarlet-eyed boy's hand in her other one, "Better? Now let's go back to the gang!~" she said as she faced the blushing elf. The hooded boy remained quiet through out the little journey but he felt as if he didn't want Y/N holding another person's hand other than his, the exact word of this feeling he was encountering right now was unknown to him since he was a cute and innocent boy sometimes.

"We're back!" Y/N shouted to the gang to catch their attention, she glomped Jane after everyone took note that the three were back. "Where's the trio and why is Benny-boy blushing?" Jeff asked quite teasingly.

Before we proceed, you may be asking why the people aren't fleeing. Well, it's a halloween event so everyone attended with costumes so they surely thought that the creepypastas were normal people!~

Anyways, Ben grumbled and turned around to hide his red face. The rest of the creepypastas chuckled.

"You're already bullying poor Ben when he just came back, that isn't very welcoming" Jane taunted Jeff after Y/N was done with the short cuddles. After all, those two loved to bicker from time to time because they were obviously frenemies.

"Shut up, Jane. I'm in a cool mood and I don't want some bleached woman to ruin it" Jeff smartly retorted and an invisible tick mark appeared on Jane's forehead. She got interrupted before she could fight back though.

"Pfft, look in the mirror, Jeff. You're looking generously bleached yourself"

Doge appeared beside Jane, trying to keep a cool act by giving all his best in trying not to howl with laughter. That expectedly failed when Erichan and Sylv laughed which made everyone laugh, in a somewhat relation to a domino.

"You're getting on my nerves, kid!" Jeff growled not too violently, in a kind of playful manner but still looked like he would kill someone in an instant like he usually does.

"Oh please, he's not even touching your body. How could he get into those nerves of yours?" Erichan joked and turned up the laughter more.

"THAT'S IT. GET BACK HERE!" Jeff roared and chased Doge and Erichan, failing when the two flew up past our heads.

"Too bad, so sad! Sucka!" Doge mocked while laughing along with Erichan.

"Alright, children. That's enough. We should go inside the horror house." Slendy chuckled making a stupid grin appear on the trio's faces.

Erichan's P.O.V

There were lots and lots of horror houses in this big park and everyone decided to split up with their partners and find one. Y/N and Jeff found a good one together, it was considered as the best horror house here so they were either lucky or screwed. Being us, we stalked the two by making our presence impossible to notice or invisible, just for short.

"Hey, Jeffrey! Let's go in!" Y/N pleaded with excitement sparkling in her eyes and Jeff groaned. "Did no one ever tell you that I hate being called by THAT name?" He deadpanned, he sighed once he noticed that Y/N payed not even a little bit of attention but pulled
him into the horror house instead.

"Heh, do you ship them?" Sylv asked as we proceeded to follow them in the horror house, "Maybe a bit, I like Toby x Y/N more!~" Erichan confessed honestly but playfully too.

"Well, maybe Ben x Y/N?" Doge said unsure with his arms crossed at the back of his head once he noticed the other two looking at him, quietly waiting for him to speak up.

"Is Sylv go-- SCREW YOU!" Erichan began to tease but got cut off and exclaimed of shock because of a jumpscare that appeared from above which caused the child to karate chop the contraption, it's hairy plastic head fell on the ground as a result.

"Kahahaha! You should have seen that look on your face!" Doge laughed with Sylv trying to prevent a giggle beside him, Erichan gave up on trying to be irritated and laughed with them.

"Hey! We lost those two!" Sylv realized and told the other two,

"We can easily find them so just chill" Doge chuckled and the trio resumed their stalk.

Jeffrey's P.O.V >;3

We just started our walk in the horror house and so far, there were n--


Nevermind, a human-sized halloween doll sprang up I took a step back from being startled. Y/N did the opposite, that careless being innocently poked the doll as if not knowing that it was obviously just a fake. How childish.

I facepalmed and we continued to try and find our way out of this place. All the while, Y/N kept a firm grip on my arm with that cheery face never fading even for a single milisecond. I sometimes wonder how she's so happy. Though, what I'm oblivious about is how my pale cheeks had a light tint of pink from the contact. Even though my face showed a sign of not caring at all.

"Aaaah!!!" Came the loud ear-piercing shriek of a jumpscare that appeared right in front of Y/N's face, hanging from the ceiling from a thin but sturdy string.

"Waah!" Y/N yelped when it popped up right in front of her.

'Hmm, I guess pop-up jumpscares work on her' I thought and chuckled quietly to myself, stopping when I almost fell to the ground when Y/N buried her face on my chest. I got flustered and embarrassed, raising up my hands to push her away but I stopped.

I stopped once I noticed her shaking, I sighed and hesitatingly put my arms around her for comfort. It felt a bit awkward to be hugging a girl I only started to hang out with but I guess I needed to do this. That jumpscare shocked her badly, I admit it but I wasn't expecting it to be this extreme.

"I-Idiot..Stop being scared and be the stupid and happy g-girl you are!" I tried to encourage her in my own way, I finally felt how my cheeks were flushed. She sniffed and began to giggle, is she okay now?

She looked up at me with her smile visible on her face once again, "I'll take your advice! Thanks, blushie man!" she teased but thanked at the same time causing me to push her shoulder which made her giggle more.

We went on, searching for the exit again. I wrapped an arm around Y/N's neck, not violently but as a sign of protection just in case another scare comes again. As for her, she didn't seem to mind it all..In fact, she was glad.

I felt embarrassed for doing this but it's for her sake--- wait.. I even care?

"I see the exit, Jeffrey!~"

I chuckled with what she said.

Oh well, some other time..I'll try to find out but for now, let's just accept what fate brings me

Meanwhile, elsewhere..Erichan's P.O.V

"Jeffrey's liking Y/N! Jeffrey's liking-- Mmph!"

"Shh! They might hear, Erichan!"
Erichan: Finally, a chapter that I like! Well, Sylv and Doge are already asleep so..Goodnight, Y/N!~

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