Part 24: Feline Bath Time!~

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Y/N's P.O.V

Me and Ben both stared at the door that was being clawed on it's other side. The scratching didn't have much pressure on it, I could tell. Though, a fact that I was sure of is claiming that the thing outside there isn't human.

I slowly got up and walked towards the door until it was right in front of me, I took action and gripped the doorknob. Looking over to Ben, I saw him shrug in a YOLO motion. A sigh escaped my mouth and I turned the knob around.

I pulled the door and I was greeted by nothing;

Or so I thought..


A figure purred from below me and I looked down as the creature began to softly scratch my leggings in order to get my attention.

From the sight, my eyes widened with disbelief and shock.

It was a cat, a rephrase of that would be MY one and only cat. Take a guess and if you guessed Bubbles, then I can safely consider that your guess is correct.

Now, this wouldn't surprise me in some instances because Bubbles often finds her way to my house to visit me whenever I was feeling alone but this wasn't valid to be my house. It was the creepypasta's hidden house or a plain secret hideout. Plus, out of all entrances, Bubbles entered through the door that leaves me wondering how she got in the house in the first place. I mean, she could have entered through the window like most cats.

And how exactly did she find this place?

I crouched down to her level after releasing another sigh, "You cute little ball of fur, how on earth did you get here?" I asked with a chuckle even with the knowledge of realizing that she had no ways of understanding or replying. I stroked her furry head and gave a gentle scratch behind her ear, she nudged my hand and licked it in return.

"So..Who's the lil' visitor? Ben asked to break the peaceful silence, I looked over to him and motioned the guy to come and take a look for himself with a smile. Ben obliged and walked to where I was and stared at the kitten.

"Woah, how did this cat get here?"

Ben said in complete astonishment.

"Hmm..I also wanna know that!~"

I cheered in a curious tone as Bubbles hopped on my lap.

"The kitty's yours?" He asked and I nodded as soon as the question came out.

"She's a kitten, but not a complete newborn. Just young, that's why she's small~" I added as the furball rested on my lap, Ben and me went back in the room and closed the door after a few minutes of having a conversation about Bubbles.

I went in the bathroom with my cat and let the bathtub get filled up until the height much like Bubbles's height.

I poked the water to observe the heat, it was warm enough for the delicate structure of a cat's body. I put in some liquid bath soap, one that makes the bubbles.

Next, I picked up Bubbles who had her head tilted because of confusion from what I'm doing.

I giggled at her reaction, "I will just give you a nice and warm bath~" I said as I carried her.

Now, most cats would hate water but I confirmed that Bubbles didn't when I judged her actions after I stated that sentence. I smiled and carefully put her in the tub which has possessed an amount of water just right for her lil' height.

"Meow!" She splashed water with the want to create many more bubbles, she jumped resulting to getting some foamy liquid to fly on me. I didn't really mind at this point, my mind and body was just too full of glee at the sight of my beloved pet doing a new activity.


I heard the door open slowly behind me and I looked to where the sound came from






I saw Ben standing on the doorway, seemingly curious about what I was doing in here with a kitty.

"Since you're here, how about helping me with Bubbles?" I questioned with bright and hopeful eyes that even a heartless being couldn't say no to.

Ben smiled as a sign of agreement and walked closer to me and the tub, he saw Bubbles splashing around with some bubbly foam on her snow-white fur-covered head. That only made his smile grow bigger. I mean, who could not call THIS cute? A cold idiot, that's precisely who.

Ben took a sponge, the kind that you use for taking a bath. He proceeded to gently scrub through the kitten's soft fur and Bubbles didn't show any signs of getting bothered, being the angelic feline she is.

I saw a rubber duck nearby and took it, putting it in the tub with Bubbles. That kind of toy isn't for adults like Ben here but I'm thankful that he has it for now since Bubbles was happy in seeing the object, Ben grew a light blush at the sight of the duck out of embarrassment. He brushed it off at the sight of Bubbles having fun.

Time Skip~

Bath time was over and now I was holding a towel as I dried Bubbles's crystal clean fur. After doing so, I hanged the towel somewhere and looked back at Bubbles who now has puffed-up fur. I giggled at the sight as she tumbled on the bed, grabbing the brush and fixing her fur.

45 minutes

was the exact time it took to complete all these activites, but it was worth it.

"Hey, don't you have school?" Ben asked out of the blue. "Well, school's off until next Wednesday and it's still this week's Thursday, right?" I smiled. Ben nodded, satisfied with what he knows.

"Meeeow" Bubbles purred with a yawning kind of tone and nudged me before curling up beside me on Ben's bed, "I guess she's tired" I giggled at the sleeping kitten. "Wow, it's still about 9:56 am and she's already asleep?" Ben chuckled and I hummed in return as a reply.

"Oh, I forgot.." He said with a slightly shocked face.

"What is it?" I urged him to continue.

"Well, you're awake now so let's go downstairs. The others are already planning a way to save Sally." Ben answered.

"Hmm, okie!~" I chimed and put a warm blanket on Bubbles before I stood up and skipped to the door.

Ben's P.O.V

I'm glad to had spend time with her, being with Y/N is really fun. Plus, she is really cute and kind. Not only that, she's all positive and I admire that.

I guess that's the reason why I fell in love with her..

"Benny! What'cha doing? come on!~"

She called out and my thoughts got cut as I chuckled and walked towards the door which Y/N already got out of, smiling at the happy-go-lucky girl's attitude.

Realization in





Did I just...

Did I frigging just come in contact with..

*Random scary piano sound*


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