Part 28: Into The Caves

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Erichan: I'm in a really good mood, my mom bought me two new androids..I dunno why, I have too many gadgets lol. Thanks anyway, mom!

Sylv: Lol, is your mom even reading this?

Erichan: Nah, I don't let her >:3

Shion: Riri! Ya' better get ready for the story!~ *Wipes scythe*

Doge: Yeah! It's time to write it :P

Erichan: Whatever, Shion –_–*

Narrator's P.O.V

Back at Y/N's group, two people had shown up for an unfriendly duel. Well, they're not really what you would call humans. More of an immortal creepypasta. Who were these two? It was The Puppeteer(Or Jonathan Blake) and The Bloody Painter(Or Helen Otis) that has come to greet Y/N and her companions. "You were the ones who made up that fake Sally, weren't you!?" Masky growled only to earn a chuckle from The Puppeteer. Let's call him Puppeteer for a shortcut and The Bloody Painter as Helen.

"Yes, it was indeed us. My art looked so realistic now, didn't it?" Helen chuckled, his face hidden behind a mask which was painted with a bloody thin smile.

"I admit that you fooled us for months but we eventually found out and now, you're gonna get it from us!" Tails bared his fangs at the two men. "Oh my, how scary" Puppeteer mocked and soon, the two of them noticed an unfamiliar person; Y/N.

"And may I ask, who is that lovely young maiden beside you guys?" Puppeteer asked then right after that, Tails stood in front of Y/N with an act of protection. The girl just smiled carelessly and casually walked in front of the fox, facing the two enemies. "My name is Y/N! It's nice to meet you!" She greeted happily, despite all the bitterness that consists of the present atmosphere. Y/N held out a hand for the two to shake and they seemed to be quite surprised of her chosen actions, was she an airhead to not realize that they weren't on good terms with each other?

"How...Enthusiastically polite" Helen spoke slowly after regaining his self, Puppeteer cleared his throat and hesitantly took Y/N's hand in his, shaking it afterwards. The other two had to prevent themselves from lunging on them. Y/N went back to her group, unharmed and satisfied. "Ok, so..Since Y/N is a good little girl, we'll spare her from death" Puppeteer began and broke the awkward silence. Tails and Masky got ready, glaring at them.

Then as if on cue, puppets appeared and swarmed the room. There were strings on their body and the amount of them was many. "I'll leave my dolls to handle you guys and in the meantime.." Puppeteer began and chuckled, then turned to look at Y/N who tilted her head at the stare he had given her. As Puppeteer snapped his finger, Helen appeared behind of Y/N and then carried the girl in bridal style. You could say that he scooped her up. "Eh?" She reacted and looked up at Helen's mask, it wasn't a  hostile reaction though. "Hey! Don't you lay your filthy hands on someone as pure as her!" The fox threatened in a way, he tried to get out of the murder of puppets but there were too many that needs defeating. "Say that again once you got rid of my precious toys~" Puppeteer laughed at how miserable the two of their enemies looked at this moment.

Tails tried to escape by getting past the strings but he only got wounded in return, the girl gave him a look of worry and pity. Helen chuckled then walked into one of the paths in the cave after getting his last look at Tails and Masky.

Meanwhile, back at LJ's group~

Shion laughed as he swung his scythe, aiming for the three. He seemed to be teasing them, not serious at all because the only farthest he went was letting the tip of his weapon get dangerously close to the three's skin and nothing else. "You can run but when the time's run out, the finish line will be your death!~" The blue-haired male grinned. Jeff,Jane, and LJ could attack him but Shion just wasn't generous enough in letting them find a blind spot so they just kept running and jumping nonstop.

"Hey! Why won't you attack me too!?" Erichan furiously questioned, shooting balls of power at Shion with her staff but missing every time. It's almost as if she can't hit him in a way of 'she can do it but won't bring herself to do it'.

"Told ya' that I wouldn't hurt you!" Shion cheered in a cheeky manner as he kept dodging Erichan's attacks. The little girl growled and turned her staff into a sword, "Frigging hit me or something, you imbecile!" she demanded while trying to slice who she was talking to.

"Can't have someone special getting hurt now, can we?~" Shion chuckled with a closed-eye smile. "Who the hell are you anyway!? You're not a creepypasta and it's getting us curious in what's your relation to Erichan!" Jeff shouted, barely avoiding the blade of Shion's nonstop-swaying scythe. "None of your business" Erichan shot a glare at the pale-skinned guy and he immediately shut up, it's not everyday you see someone as cheerful as her get all irritated.

"Hey, can't we do something else? This is boring!" LJ complained whilst still dodging the blade, being childish even in this situation they were caught in.

"Hm, okie!~" Shion agreed and with a snap of his fingers, the room turned into some kind of torture chamber that no one would want to even see. Everything turned red, moving blades of all sorts appeared from the ceilings,wall,floors and were everywhere. It was like a harsh and hardcore training center. "Woah!" Jane exclaimed when she almost got sliced in half by a circle blade that moved on the ground as fast as a moving car, she thankfully and luckily managed to avoid it. Jeff ran away quickly just before a moving guillotine blade from above cut one of his body parts, or even snatched away his life. "LJ, I blame you for this!" The two frenemies pointed at the monochrome clown who was busy dodging the knives that were being thrown from inside a wall. He got distracted for a second and one of the knives made a not-too deep wound on his shoulder, it still bled slightly and dripped down his white skin. "Sorry" LJ chuckled and tried to wipe the blood away.

"Now this isn't boring anymore, don't you agree, Riri?~" Shion smiled, placing his palms on each side of his cheek as he swayed his legs softly while watching the three struggle. Erichan glared at the boy and pushed him off the rock he was sitting on causing him to hit his head, "I want you to hurt or attack me! Just do something violent, it's not fair!" she complained and stomped her feet on the ground at the cyber-like boy who was clutching his head in pain. "That hurt!" Shion pouted with puffed-out cheeks, sitting on the hard rocky ground as he stared at Erichan who was still comfortably sitting at the rock he was previously on. "Then get back at me!" She taunted with arms crossed. The trio couldn't help but watch the two children while avoiding the things that could cost them their life, they were just so childish yet powerful.

"Nah! Let's just play a game!" Shion grinned and Erichan was confused until the boy poked her, "Tag! You're it! Now, you must catch me!~" he said and stuck out his tongue at her then ran into one of the paths in the caves.

"What!? Shion, you idiot! COME BACK HERE!" Erichan angrily exclaimed, seemingly tricked. She chased the boy and disappeared in the same direction he had gone to.

Jeff,Jane, and LJ couldn't do anything but avoid the intense blades so they just had to stay behind.

Meanwhile, Elsewhere~

Sylv sipped her teacup as she sat on the grass, "Do you think Erichan needs help?" she asked with an uninterested expression. "Haha, nope!~" Doge laughed and spilled Sylv's cup causing her to chase him around the field of the secret valley.

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