~Part 2~~Humiliating kiss~

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*Kenny chuckles. They all sit down in the school cafeteria, and Stan pulls a tray of dino-nuggets out of his bag.* "You're pretty open with your sexuality... I'll give you that." Kyle says

"Yeah I guess" Stan says

*Kenny looks around. He gets an idea, and his face lights up with a grin.* "Hey Stan, how would you feel if I kissed you right now?"

"I wouldn't really care" Stan lied

*Kenny stares at him for a moment, his eyes wide and a wicked grin on his face. He leans in and kisses Stan on the cheek. Everyone around the cafeteria erupts into laughter. Stan's face goes red as a tomato, and he sits in shock, before pushing Kenny away.*

"Dude! I didn't think you would actually do it!" Stan said worriedly as everyone laughed at him

*Kenny stares at him for a moment, his eyes wide and a wicked grin on his face. He leans in and kisses Stan on the cheek. Everyone around the cafeteria erupts into laughter. Stan's face goes red as a tomato, and he sits in shock, before pushing Kenny away.*

"You are the one that kissed me first!" Stan was on the verge of tears

"Still gay!" *Kenny continues to chuckle. Other children begin to join in on the teasing.* "Stan's gay, Stan's gay!" *Stan turns and flees the cafeteria in tears.*

Kenny follows him outside

"Why would you do that?" Stan muttered

"Because I could!" *he laughs. He gets up, and walks out behind Stan, continuing to taunt him as he leaves.* "I bet you liked it, gaylord!"

"Shut up." Stan hissed

Kenny stopped in his tracks and turns around

"Ooh, looks like I hit a sensitive spot..." *he smirks. He gets right behind Stan and whispers in his ear,* "Let me know if you wanna do it again later, hot stuff..." *and starts laughing again as Stan starts to get up.*

"Great, what do I do now? I bet everyone hates me." he whispered

*Kenny shrugs. The bell rings, and he turns and walks away, smiling to himself.* "That's your problem now."

Am I gay? Oh no. Stan thought to himself

*In first period, Stan is sitting alone at a desk, his head down in a state of despair. He is trying to figure out if he is gay.*

*Kenny walks in, sees Stan, and walks over to him. He leans in, his face close to Stan's. Stan flushes and looks away. Kenny gets even closer, until their noses are almost touching. Kenny kisses Stan on the cheek, and then breaks into hysterical laughter, backing away from him.* "You gaylord!" he exclaims loudly, at which more kids in the classroom begin to laugh."

"Why do you always kiss me! Are you gay too?" Stan spat at Kenny

*Kenny laughs. He gets a cruel look on his face.* "I'm just having fun with you, gaylord. You're so easy to tease! What are you gonna do about it?"

"I dunno."

Stan was defeated

*Kenny sits down next to Stan for a moment in silence, a wicked grin on his face. It seems as though he's plotting something, and he has a crazed look in his eye. Stan tries to get out of the seat, but Kenny stops him.* "Where ya goin? Gaylord."

(Words: 524)

(Published: 13/5/23)

𝓛𝓸𝓼𝓽 𝓱𝓸𝓹𝓮𝓼 ~ 𝓼𝓸𝓾𝓽𝓱 𝓹𝓪𝓻𝓴Where stories live. Discover now