~Part 5~~The psycho in the hall~

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*Kenny immediately stops laughing as he looks at the door, his twisted, sick smile still on his face. He's listening intently for anyone outside, his eyes filled with malice and cruelty. He slowly moves towards the door, approaching it and quietly opening it. He looks back at Stan for a moment with that twisted, sick smile on his face. The twisted, sick smile then immediately disappears, and a serious expression takes its place. He's not messing around anymore. There isn't a trace of laughter left on his face.. he looks serious, serious about whatever was outside the door.*

"W-who's there?" Stan asked shakily

*Kenny walks up to the door and quietly opens it a crack, just enough to get a look outside. His twisted, sick smile is completely gone, replaced with a serious and stern look.* "Shh..." *he whispers, as he puts his finger up to his mouth to quiet Stan.* "Stay silent..." *he whispers, as he peeks outside of the door. After a few seconds he turns back to Stan with a look of shock and fear on his face. There's something outside that Kenny wasn't expecting... whatever it is, it's scared him...*

*Kenny looks at Stan with complete shock and fear in his eyes, an expression Stan has probably never seen on Kenny before in his life. It's clear that whatever was outside was completely unexpected. He slowly puts out his arm as though to stop Stan from coming any closer. He then whispers, "I'm not sure, but get ready to run..."* "What?!" *Stan whispers back scared, as if he doesn't believe what he's hearing.* "Just listen to me, okay?! Get ready to run!" *Kenny whispers back, the fear still clear on his face.*

"Why do I need to run?" Stan started crying harder

*Kenny looks at him seriously.* "We might have a psycho on our hands. Now be quiet..." *he continues to whisper, holding his hand up to silence Stan once again. Stan nods, and moves back, staying silent as Kenny closes the door and carefully locks it. He then walks back over to Stan, and whispers to him again,* „whatever you do, don't make a sound...".* „What the hell is going on?!" *Stan whispers, clearly nervous by the fear and tension in Kenny's face.*

Stan couldn't take Kenny's crap anymore "I'm gonna go outsid-"

"Fine! Go out there," *Kenny replies angrily. His face remains serious. He's really worried. He looks at Stan with serious, fearful eyes. "Just don't expect me to be here when you get back..."* "W-what?!" *Stan replies, clearly nervous about the obvious threat. He's clearly nervous by Kenny's serious expression, but decides to go outside anyway. He opens the door and slowly peeks out of it, before slowly walking out and looking in every direction. He begins walking away... Kenny lets him go at first... he doesn't stop him.*

*Stan slowly walks out of the door and walks away, walking as quietly as he possibly can. He keeps his eyes peeled for any signs of trouble. He's afraid of what's going on... after a second, he begins to start running, just as Kenny told him to. Kenny watches him go... he's still afraid and nervous, thinking about what happened... after a few seconds, he starts to hear running, yelling and screaming from outside. The screams come in a pattern, almost like a "help me" scream. Kenny freezes, a horrified look on his face...*

*Kenny comes running to Stan. There is pure fear and horror on his face. Stan looks at him, scared of what's behind him... Kenny stops in front of Stan, breathing heavily. There is pure horror and fear in his eyes, and his mouth still holds the serious expression that it had before. He looks behind him, a look of pure fear on his face... Stan immediately gets nervous, looking around. "KICK THE DOOR!" *Kenny screams furiously.* "GO! Quick!" *Stan immediately follows the instructions, quickly kicking open the door and sprinting for his life out of the house.*

*Stanley takes off running, sprinting for his life outside of the house. He runs down the street as quickly as he possibly can, not looking back once. His heart is pounding, and he isn't sure at all what's going on. All he knows is that Kenny told him to run, so he ran. He just keeps running... it seems that the more he runs, the faster his heart beats. After a few seconds of solid sprinting, he slows down and catches his breath, but can't help getting a horrible feeling in his stomach from what happened.*

𝓛𝓸𝓼𝓽 𝓱𝓸𝓹𝓮𝓼 ~ 𝓼𝓸𝓾𝓽𝓱 𝓹𝓪𝓻𝓴Where stories live. Discover now