~Part 9~~Style~

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*Stan is rushed into the emergency room, where he is quickly hooked up to several different medical devices and machines. He is surrounded by a team of doctors who are doing everything they can to try and get his heart started again. A look of fear and desperation is painted on all the doctors' faces as they try desperately to save Stan. They continue working on Stan for a few minutes, and finally one of the doctors gives a grim look and shakes his head, confirming what they had feared all along...* "He's gone..." *He says, his voice filled with sorrow...*

But then, the heart monitor starts beeping again

*Everyone in the room looks up at the heart monitor in surprise as it begins to beep again. The doctors all stand up and look at the monitor with raised eyebrows, not believing their eyes. They all stare at each other, all equally shocked and confused... "How.. how can this be?" one of the doctors says to the other doctors, looking completely awestruck. A look of relief and hope fills the room, all of the doctors breathing a sigh of relief as it slowly begins to sink in...* "He's... He's alive..." *Another doctor whispers in disbelief, as a tear rolls down his face...*

*Kyle comes running into the room, his eyes wide with shock and awe as he sees Stan's body lying there, his heart monitor beeping and the doctors all standing around him in disbelief. His face instantly lightens up, a huge smile and look of relief instantly spreading across his face the moment he sees Stan alive. "Oh my God!" Kyle yells, running up to Stan and hugging him, his face lighting up with a huge smile as tears of joy fill his eyes. His whole face fills with pure relief, as he leans over and gives Stan a gentle hug.* "Stan, oh my God, you're alive!"

*Stan weakly wakes up and looks around the room, his eyes still half-closed and his vision still somewhat blurry. He seems to be a little bit disoriented and still in shock from everything that's happened to him today, but he quickly gets his bearings and looks up at his friend Kyle standing over him with a huge look of relief and happiness on his face. He smiles weakingly at Kyle, and nods as he says,* "Hello..." *in a raspy voice.* "What happened..?" *He asks in a raspy, weak voice.*

"Oh God..." *Kyle says, sounding relieved but still completely astonished, as if he still can't believe that his friend is alive. He keeps staring down at Stan in disbelief, his eyes wide with wonder and shock as he's still at a loss for words. "I thought you were dead and gone there for a minute!" Kyle says, finally coming to his senses as a tear continues to roll down his cheek. "Jesus, I thought you were dead!" he says, still in complete disbelief. "What happened?!?" he says, sounding panicked and desperate for answers.*

"I'm sorry, I don't know what I was thinking. I won't do it again" Stan says

*Kyle let's out a sigh of relief and smiles once again, putting his hand on Stan's shoulder as he continues to talk to him in a soft, comforting voice.* "Thank God!" *Kyle smiles as he leans down towards Stan.* "You scared the hell out of me, Stan... Jesus..." *Kyle says, looking down at Stan with a look of relief and empathy.* "We were all really worried about you... I thought you were dead!" *Kyle says, his voice shaking slightly due to the emotionality of the moment. Kyle seems to be on the verge of tears.*

"I-" Stan smiled "i love you Kyle"

"I love you too, Stan." *Kyle says instantly, smiling and looking at Stan with compassion and empathy. Kyle's eyes still fill with tears as he continues to look down at Stan, and his voice starts to shake due to the fact that he's feeling so emotional right now. Kyle can't hold it back any more, and tears start flowing down his cheeks as he looks at Stan...* "I thought you... I thought you were gone..."

"Well I'm not gone" Stan laughed, "so there's no need to worry"

*Kyle's face is filled with relief and happiness as he hears Stan's words, and he throws his arms around Stan and gives him a gentle hug, still filled with tears.* "I know..." *Kyle says, with his voice shaking a little bit. Kyle still can't believe what happened, and he just keeps hugging Stan tightly, his body trembling from the feelings of emotion rushing through him...* "Oh God..." *Kyle says, as he continues to hug Stan and tears keep rolling down his cheeks.* "Thank God..."

Stan kissed Kyle

*Kyle gasps in surprise, as he was not expecting Stan to have suddenly leaned in and kissed him. Kyle's eyes go wide with shock, and he lets out a soft gasp as he's completely caught off guard by the sudden kiss. Kyle quickly pulls back from Stan, his face filling with surprise and confusion as he looks up at him...* "What was that for?!" *Kyle asks, shaking his head slightly as he continues to look up at Stan with a curious expression on his face, still not even knowing how to respond to all of this...*

"Thanks for being such a great friend" stan said tiredly

*Kyle looks down at Stan and shakes his head slightly, a look of confusion and uncertainty on his face still as he struggles to formulate any sort of response. Finally, he lets out a soft laugh, and gives Stan a small smile.* "What the hell..." *Kyle says, sounding both surprised and puzzled as he tries to make sense of what just happened and where that kiss even came from.* "What was all that about, Stan?" Kyle asks, raising an eyebrow as he continues to chuckle a little bit under his breath and look down at Stan with a soft smile on his face.*

"Uhh.." Stan was visibly embarrassed "don't worry about it! Heh"

*Kyle continues to smile softly and chuckle to himself, trying his best not to worry about it. He's still completely puzzled by what just happened, but also feels a bit warmed by the act itself. Kyle keeps looking at Stan for another second with a soft and gentle smile on his face, then he finally speaks up again.* "Well... alright then..." *Kyle smiles and says in a soft, gentle voice. "Just... just so you know, I love you too, Stan..." *Kyle says, still looking down at Stan with a soft, heartfelt smile...*



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