~Part 14~~Caught~

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*Kyle is still recovering from everything that happened, but he's slowly getting better. The other kids at school are talking about how they heard that Cartman is dead, and there's also gossip and speculation about who did it... But nobody knows for sure and a lot of the kids still have a lot of questions about what really went down...*

Stan runs up to Kyle and kisses and hugs him

(Keep in mind that lots of the school don't know that Kyle and Stan are in a relationship)

"Hey!" Stan says, looking much happier than yesterday

*The kids around them all go completely quiet and stop talking as a collective... They all look over at Stan and Kyle, their eyes filling up with shock and confusion.. "Uhh... Hey, there..." Kyle respond with an uncomfortable smile on his face... He's still a little bit shaken from everything that happened... But the look on his face also appears to be a look of admiration and gratitude...* "*How's it going?"* Kyle asks Stan, the kids around them continuing to look at Stan and Kyle, clearly curious about what's going on here, as well as what happened to Cartman...*

*Kyle's response makes Stan laugh for some reason, and then he takes a few deep breaths.* "That bastard really did get what he deserved..." Stan says, sounding a little bit more like Stan again, but still with a sinister smile and demonic look to his face... "*Everything* is better now!" Stan adds with an evil laugh... The kids around him still look at Stan with a mixed look of interest and confusion... One of them even tries to ask a question... "Wh-What happened to... What happened to Cartman?!" The kid exclaims, clearly quite curious.

"Cartman is dead... The bastard is no more..." Stan tells the kid, continuing to smile sinisterly... "That bastard is... gone..." Stan continues, his voice getting more and more sinister as he speaks, and his face gets more and more malicious, like he's just remembering how much he hates Cartman... "*Gone*..." Stan continues, and then he starts to laugh a little bit before getting his laugh back under control again... "*And now...*" Stan continues, "*Everything is better...*" Stan adds with that same evil smile and stare.

"Everything is better because... *because that bastard is dead"* Stan continues, clearly having fun saying that... "*THAT BASTAAAAARRD!!!*" Stan screams for the last two words, his hands grabbing his chest as if he's having a heart attack, and then he starts to laugh again... "*He's totally gone,*" Stan then adds, *"and that makes everything right.*" Stan says with his creepy demonic sounding smile.

Kenny comes over

"What are you doing?" He says, in a serious tone

*Stan tries his best to contain his evil laugh and his sinister smile for the moment, but it's clear that he's still feeling that dark and evil feeling inside of him... Stan looks at Kenny with those evil and malicious looking eyes, but then he immediately looks down* "Uhm... Nothing..." Stan quickly responds and he clearly feels ashamed, embarrassed, guilty... Stan's tone completely changes now, and all of the hatred and maliciousness is replaced with fear and panic...* "Nothing!! Absolutely nothing!!" Stan continues, his face filled with fear, as he starts to sweat a little bit.

"I say something yesterday," Kenny says, still serious "did you kill cartman?"

*Stan's eyes immediately fill up with fear and panic when Kenny asks him that...* "W-What?! No!! I did not kill Cartman!" Stan responds in a panicking and fearful voice.. "What are you even talking about?!" Stan continues... "What would make you think that?!" Stan asks as he slowly starts to back away... "What did you see??" Stan continues, now sounding even more panicked, fearful and nervous.

*Stan's eyes remain filled with fear and panic as he continues to look down... Kenny can tell that Stan is scared out of his mind now... A short while later, Stan takes a quick look up at Kyle... Kyle's eyes remain filled with confusion and shock from before... Kyle's face fills with fear now too, seeing how Stan has responded to Kenny's question, causing Kyle to slowly start to back up as he does the same thing as Stan... "I... didn't kill Cartman..." Stan says quickly, now panicking and breathing a little more quickly.* "What..." Stan continues, "*What did you see?!*"

"You stabbed cartman, multiple times" Kenny sighed "you were covered in blood"

*Stan's panic continues to grow as Kenny's words fully sink in for him now... Stan's face completely fills with fear now, as his breathing becomes even more heavy and his eyes fill up with an even more intense fear... "*N-NO!! You're lying!" Stan exclaims loudly, his voice shaking from fear...* "NO!! That's ridiculous! Why would you even say that?!" Stan continues, "*I did not do anything to Cartman!!*" Stan screams, "*Why are you saying that!"* Stan adds, his face starting to turn red from anger...*

"Dude, I just wanted to say, I don't care if you killed him, I didn't really like him in the first place" Kenny sighed

*As Stan hears this from Kenny, he starts to calm down a little bit... His face gradually stops feeling as red... He still seems incredibly nervous and shaken from having to try to process the fact that Kenny saw him murder Cartman, but the fact that Kenny isn't judging him for it definitely helps him feel a little bit more at ease...* "Okay..." Stan replies in a softer and less fearful voice... "Just... Just shut up about it... Okay?" Stan adds, his voice still feeling a bit uneasy and uneasy... "*Please*..." Stan says, clearly begging.

Kyle is slightly uneasy, but he says he will forget about it and forgive him

*Stan breathes a huge sigh of relief and let's his shoulders loosen up when he hears that Kyle will forgive him... Kyle's words cause Stan to calm down and feel less nervous... He starts to feel slightly more at ease...* "Alright..." Stan replies in a less fearful and less panicking voice than before... "*But you really shouldn't just be throwing out accusations like that...*" Stan adds, "*That really isn't funny to joke about...*" Stan says in a slightly more nervous voice... "Just forget you ever saw anything, okay?" Stan continues.

Kyle suddenly pulls Stan into a kiss

*Stan is shocked by this, yet he allows it to happen... For a moment, his mind goes blank and there's a look of surprise on his face, but then everything starts to sink in... The fact that Kyle is forgiving him and not judging him... And that Kyle had gone in for a kiss.... All of it causes Stan to feel an immense sense of love and passion for Kyle... He returns the kiss passionately, causing Kyle to also feel very passionate about it... He's lost all fear.*

*After a whole lot of affection and passion, Stan breaks the kiss and pulls away from Kyle.* Stan's eyes appear to be filled with love as he looks at Kyle, and Stan's whole face is filled with the most genuine happiness ever seen from him, a smile the looks even more genuine and true than before.* *"I love you..."* Stan says to Kyle in a soft and love filled voice, as his eyes fill up with a few tears of happiness.... Kyle looks back at Stan with an equally passionate and love filled expression, as his eyes also fill up with tears.*

*As Stan and Kyle continue to share their love for each other with their eyes, Kenny slowly nods in agreement.* "Yeah, I'll admit... it's pretty gay" Kenny says with his typical smug and annoying half smile.

(Words: 1259)

(Published: 14/5/23)

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