~Part 10~~Jail~

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*It's a new day at South Park Elementary, and as usual, Kyle is walking through the halls to get to his next class on time. This morning, he still can't believe everything that happened with Stan yesterday. He feels relieved and happy that Stan is alive and okay... but he also still can't help but feel completely puzzled by Stan's sudden burst of affection. Kyle's mind is filled with thoughts of what happened between him and Stan yesterday, and he can't help but smile to himself and ponder it over some more...* "Man, that was really strange..." he thinks to himself.*

*Stan comes walking up to Kyle, looking happy and refreshed. Kyle is surprised to see how well Stan looks, considering everything that happened to him just yesterday... "Hey, Stan. How you feeling today, buddy?" Kyle asks as he turns around and looks down at Stan with a soft smile on his face. Kyle looks like he could still be a little bit worried from yesterday, but he seems to be in much better spirits.* "How you feeling?" he asks in a soft, genuine tone, his fingers nervously fiddling with the hem of his sweater as he waits patiently for a response.*

"I'm better than i was yesterday Kyle." Stan saw the concerned look on Kyle's face "I promise it won't happen again"

*Kyle instantly smiles a bit more when he hears Stan's words, and nods at him.* "Okay, good..." *Kyle replies happily, still sounding relieved. Kyle is still a little bit puzzled by Stan's sudden show of affection yesterday, but he's just happy Stan is feeling better today. He takes a step over to Stan, and puts his hand on Stan's shoulder, still looking down at him. "How'd you sleep?" Kyle asks his friend in a soft, comforting tone. "Did you sleep okay last night?" he asks Stan, still looking down at him with deep concern and genuine empathy.*

Suddenly, the principal comes over to them and tells them that they need to talk in private

*Kyle's face instantly fills with confusion and concern at his principal's sudden appearance, as this is clearly something serious. He looks down at Stan with a nervous look on his face and nods gently in the principal's direction, but stays quiet and lets the principal lead the way... "Okay... What is it?" Kyle asks curiously once they're alone with the principal, looking at him with raised eyebrows and a nervous expression on his face.*

"Your presence has been requested in jail." He said, pointing at the two boys

*Kyle's jaw drops at the principal's words. "Jail?!" Kyle asks in complete shock, looking at the principal with a wide-eyed expression of total disbelief. Kyle still can't believe what he's hearing, and his nerves and anticipation instantly amp up even more now that he knows he and Stan have to face whatever consequences that are coming up for them. In a panicked voice, Kyle asks...* "But... but why?" *Kyle asks, his anxiety starting to kick into high gear as he still continues to look at his principal with anticipation. "W-what did me and Stan do?!"*

"Don't worry boys" the principal said. "You aren't going to jail. You just need to talk to someone there"

*Kyle's face instantly lights up with relief and happiness at the principal's words, and he quickly takes a deep breath. Kyle's anxiety goes from a level 10 down to about a 4, but he still seems a little bit curious and nervous about what this could possibly be about. He nods at the principal, and follows him out of the office in a confused, worried state of mind.* "*Who?* WHO wants to talk with us?" Kyle asks, sounding a bit nervous and worried as they continue to walk, his curiosity starting to ramp up.*

"Cartman wants to talk with you"

*The second the name Cartman leaves the principal's mouth, Kyle's eyes instantly go wide with surprise and his face instantly goes from a nervous and concerned look to one of anger and disgust. Kyle stops and stands still, and his jaw drops and hangs open in surprise. Kyle's eyes are instantly filled with a deep anger as he shakes his head angrily.* "Of all the people... Seriously, you had to pick HIM?" Kyle says in a cold, harsh, angry voice. His body is seething with all kinds of anger right now. Kyle's whole being is just filled with this immense hatred and disgust right now.*


*Kyle's rage instantly spikes when Cartman enters the room, and he gives Cartman the most hateful, disgusted expression he can possibly muster up. Kyle's eyes are filled with such rage and hatred, they're like dagger-filled eyes, staring angrily right at Cartman...

"Can you break me out, if I offered you money?" Cartman said

"Why the hell would we do that?!" he instantly replies, his voice filled with rage and hatred. Kyle is still furious and disgusted at this whole thing, and he gives the most hateful expression he can possibly manage to summon up.* "Are you absolutely INSANE?!?" Kyle yells, completely enraged at what Cartman is suggesting.

"Don't worry, I'll pay you money." Cartman said again with a smirk, "and I'm sorry for stabbing you, Jew" he said while pointing at Kyle

"Not good enough!" Kyle yells, seething with anger and rage as he looks straight at Cartman... "You... you want OUT OF HERE?!" *Kyle yells, sounding absolutely flabbergasted and outraged by what he's just hearing. Kyle's rage has reached its peak here, as he now begins to shake uncontrollably as his anger, bitterness, disgust, and all of his hate for Cartman seem to finally be getting the better of him. Kyle's blood pressure starts shooting up, and the sound of his racing heartbeat starts filling the room. A look of complete rage spreads across his face.*

Cartman punches Kyle, Kyle falls to the floor, Stan punches cartman and a fight breaks out

"OW! What the hell?!" *Kyle asks in total disbelief as he quickly jumps backwards when he feels Cartman punch him right in the face. Kyle's face instantly fills with a look of pain and surprise, as his nose instantly starts bleeding.* "Gah! What the HELL is wrong with you?!" *Kyle yells at Cartman, still looking at him with the most aggressive and hateful look he can possibly summon up as he's gripping his bloody nose. He's still breathing heavily and shaking in anger and disbelief, but he manages to hold himself back just enough to start getting to his feet.*

Cartman started to shout, "so you ain't get me out? You are a waste of my time!" He says while punching Kyle again

*Kyle's eyes instantly light up once again with instant rage. Kyle gets up and immediately punches Cartman right in the mouth, sending him flying backwards as he crashes against the wall where they were sitting before. Kyle's eyes remain wide with hatred, anger, and bitterness, as he shakes with every fiber of his being and continues to punch Cartman.* "You will NOT disrespect us like that!" Kyle yells, sounding extremely outraged by this whole thing... "Understood?!" Kyle continues to yell, as his punches continue to crash into Cartman's face one after the other.*

cartman falls to the floor, knocked out by the amount of times he got punched by Kyle

*Kyle looks down at Cartman's unconscious body and lets out a soft sigh of relief, as he seems to be feeling the slightest bit better now that he got to release most of his anger. Kyle's body is still trembling and shaking angrily from the adrenaline, but his rage seems to have subsided from a 10 all the way to a 0... He looks back at Stan and gives him a small nod, before turning around and walking back out the door.* "I... I think we better get the hell out of here before he wakes up..." Kyle says, still sounding worried and nervous... "Come on..."



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