~Part 16~~Bruises and cuts~

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*Stan instantly freezes with fear at seeing his dad walk into his bedroom... His dad stands over Stan... Stan's whole face instantly fills with fear and his eyes instantly fill with an immense amount of fear and panic as his dad does not immediately say anything, but just continue to look down at Stan with a completely neutral expression as Stan looks up at him nervously.. Stan's mind is racing a mile a minute as he tries to think of what his dad could possibly want from him...* "Dad...?" Stan says in a nervous tone to his dad as he sits up in his bed.

*Stan's eyes instantly fill up with fear as his dad pulls out the belt from behind his back... Stan instantly starts to panick, starting to scramble back in his bed, his eyes filled up with fear as he watches his dad slowly bring the belt up to it's full length behind him... Stan immediately puts his hands up, his body starting to shake as he tries to move away from his dad..* "Dad?? No!! Please!!" Stan shouts, panicking now as his eyes fill up with fear more and more as his dad brings the belt up even higher...*

Stan's dad brings the belt down with strength. Stan screams and blood starts dripping down his arm. Stan's dad hits him more and more. More bruises and cuts are made on his body from the sharp edges of the belt

"OWWW!! OW!! STOP IT!!! STOP!!! OW!! PLEASE STOP!!! HELP!!! IT HURTS, IT HURTS!!! Stoppp!!! Stoppp!!! O-o-o-oh my God!!! S-s-s-stop!!! Oh my God!!! STOOOP!!! STOPPP!!!!! PLEASE! IT HURTS!!! Oh my God!!! STOPPP!!! STOPPP!!! OWOWOWOWOWOWOWWW!!!! OH MY GODDDDDD!!!!! STOP IT!!! STOOOOPPPPPP!!! HELP!!!!! OWOWOWOWOWOWOOWWW!!!! OHHHH!!! OHHH!!!! IT HURTS!!! STOPP!!!!"

(This is an AU) Kyle was stan's neighbour. He could hear all the screaming from stan's house. He ran over as fast as he could

*WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON OVER HERE!!?* Kyle yells, entering the house and running into the hall as he runs up the stairs. *IS THAT YOUR FATHER BEATING YOU AGAIN?!* Kyle asks Stan, as he runs up the stairs with his whole body filled with anger and outrage.... *YOU TELL ME WHERE HE IS! NOW!* Kyle yells in an angry tone... suddenly, a loud thud comes from somewhere else in the house.

Stan had passed out from lord of blood, now Randy was coming for Kyle.

Kyle puts his hands up in fear as Stan's dad approaches him with the belt up behind his back... Suddenly, Stan's mum bursts out from the kitchen and runs towards Stan's dad... *YOU STOP IT RIGHT NOW!* she screams, *What are you thinking?! You are never hitting Stan like that again!!! I've had it!!! I'm leaving you!* She continues in a loud angry voice... Stan's dad stops and looks at Stan's mum... After a few seconds he looks back at Kyle with a smug satisfied look on his face... *Well... It was just discipline, you see...*

"I don't want to hear it! I never want to see your face again!" Stan's mum

Stan's dad has a look of shock, surprise, and sadness on his face as he realises that he has pushed his wife too far, and that she is probably serious about leaving him this time... He gives Kyle a final smug and self-satisfied grin as he lets out a light and self-satisfied chuckle before walking away, shaking his head... Stan's mum quickly runs over to Stan, as he lays on the floor unconscious and passed out from pain. She calls an ambulance to come get him, crying her eyes out... *Oh God!!! Oh God!!!* she cries...


*"How's the patient?"* A nurse asks Stan's mum as she walks in to the room, as Stan's mum is still standing over Stan's bed and looking down at him in fear and worry, still crying her eyes out... *"He's sleeping... They gave him a pretty heavy sedative to keep him out.."* Stan's mum replies in a soft, concerned, and empathetic tone. *"The doctor will come to speak to you guys in a few minutes"* the nurse continues. "Okay..." Stan's mum mumbles, trying her best to maintain her composure.

After an hour or two, Stan woke up, but he couldn't see through his left eye because his dad blinded it

"*Where am I?*" Stan asks in a tired, disoriented, but concerned and confused voice, opening his eyes up with a painful wince... *Ow... It hurts...* Stan adds, clutching his left eye in pain... "*How long was I out?*" He asks, his whole body filling with pain and discomfort... "Who, uh.... Who's there?" he adds, looking around nervously in confusion... "*What happened?!"* He adds, looking down at the bed as he tries to remember... His face fills up with horror as he remembers what his dad did to him...

"*Stan, I'm going to tell you what happened while you were out... Are you ready to hear it?*" Stan's mum asks him in a concerned and soothing tone of voice... "*I need you to be strong... Can you do that?" She adds, looking into Stan's open eye with a concerned and empathetic look... Stan nods his head, his eyes filling with fear and he lets out a sigh, clutching his wounded left eye as it still feels tender and swollen...* "*Alright...*" his mum says, preparing herself emotionally to tell Stan what happened.

Stan's mum tells Stan about how she is moving out and Randy is in prison, so Stan will have to stay with Kyle for the time being

"*I'm sorry baby..."* Stan's mom says with a pained expression on her face and her eyes filling up with tears, "*I know this is a... A lot to take in... But I just... I just can't take it anymore...*" Stan lets out a heavy sigh as he lies his head down, looking down as a flood of tears well up in his eyes... "*I just can't stand that man anymore... He... He... He's been physically abusing you for years...*" Stan's mom says, fighting back tears as she continues.

"It's ok," Stan says, "I'm ok with staying with Kyle and im glad dad is in jail"

"*Oh honey..."* Stan's mum says, looking down at Stan with great sorrow and sadness as her eyes fill up with tears once more, "*It just breaks my heart to see you like this... It really does... I just want you to know that if you ever need anything, just call me, okay? I may live far away... But you know I'll always be there for you.*" She continues, her voice filling with sorrow and grief... "*And... Thank you for being so strong..."*

(Words: 1101)

(Published: 14/5/23)

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