~Part 15~~Lovebirds and bitches~

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*Stan and Kyle continue to show their love for each other with lots of eye contact and smiles, while Kenny walks along with them with a smug and annoying half smile.* "So whatcha got going on next?" Kenny asks Stan as they walk off towards the next lesson... "More of the same?" Kenny adds in his typical self-satisfied and condescending tone...

*During the next lesson, Stan and Kyle are both able to focus more and more on eachother, and both continue to show their love and affection for eachother with tons of eye contact and small smiles and giggles... Kenny is still being really annoying and condescending...* "What are *those two* lovebirds laughing at?" Kenny says smugly... "You guys should get a roooom!!" Kenny adds with a completely smug and self-satisfied look on his face, which just seems to make Stan and Kyle get even more annoying and lovey-dovey.*

After the lesson, the three are sitting on a bench, but then suddenly, Kyle overhears a group of girls talking about how disgusting Kyle and Stan are. The group of girls are obviously homophobic

*The three boys all start to listen in to the conversation...* "*Those two are so disgusting!*" One of the girls exclaims... "They're just boys and that's just not right!!!" Another girl exclaims... "They're both super gross!!! They're so gay!! Like eww, totally gross!!!" A third girl exclaims... Kyle and Stan both have the most disgusted and offended looks on their faces as they listen to the girls' homophobic remarks...*

*Kyle knows how angry and offended Stan is after hearing the girls' homophobic remarks, how he just wants to go over there and beat the girls up... Kyle puts his hands on Stan's shoulders and holds him back to stop him, while he also gives Stan a slight and calming pat on the shoulder... It seems to work well, as the anger in Stan's eyes subsides a little bit...* "Calm down, Stan" Kyle responds in a soothing voice... "They're just some homophobic bitches... We shouldn't care what they think" Kyle adds.

Suddenly, Stan gets up, too fast for Kyle to stop him and punches one of the girls in the face. This starts a fight

*The girl is extremely shocked and hurt from the punch... Kyle is equally shocked and is quickly brought out of his calm and soothing demeanor as he sees how enraged Stan now is... The girl runs off crying and the other girls all swarm Stan and start a fight with him...* "What's wrong with you?! You're so sick!" One of the girls screams at Stan... Another girl throws a punch at him... Meanwhile, Stan just stands there taking the hits, looking extremely angry.... Kenny continues to sit there watching with his typical smug and self-satisfied smile, enjoying the whole thing...*

*Stan takes quite a few hard punches before suddenly getting fed up... He takes a quick look at Kenny sitting there enjoying it with that self-satisfied look on his face... "I've had it with you!" Stan exclaims, as he quickly turns his attention back to the girls fighting him... Stan instantly goes into full rage mode now, and his eyes fill up with anger even more intensely than before... He starts to let out small and very angry sounding yells as he starts to dish out several hard punches back at the girls...*

Kyle suddenly runs out and and drags the angry Stan away before he can do any more damage

"*Get off of me!!*" Stan screams to Kyle as Kyle finally stops him... Stan's face is still filled with an intense amount of anger, as his eyes remain filled with rage... His whole face starts to turn red from anger again, as his breathing starts to become heavy... *Kyle can tell that Stan is probably going to try to get to those girls again,* so he pulls Stan back behind his back... "Stop it right now!!" Kyle commands Stan in a strong and serious voice... "We need to get out of here!!" Kyle exclaims, taking on his usual role of the voice of reason...

In no time, Stan and Kyle were in the principal's office

"*Now... What's going on here??" Principal Victoria asks the two of them, taking a sip from her cup of coffee as she looks at Stan first... Stan is still breathing heavily and slowly calming down from the rage he had felt just a second ago, but his face is still filled with anger...* "*Is there something you'd like to explain??*" Victoria continues, before looking at Kyle... *"Is he causing problems for you?"* She asks Kyle, looking over at him with a confused, frustrated, and angry look on her face.*

"*I'm not sure what got into him all of a sudden... It was like... Like something just snapped... He started acting all... All insane and filled with rage...*" Kyle explains, still sounding confused and surprised... Stan is standing there looking down, clearly ashamed and embarrassed by his actions... "*I don't know... I've never seen him do something that bad before... He usually doesn't... He... I don't know where this came from...*" Kyle explains, looking down at his feet as he seems equally confused and embarrassed by all of this...

"*We have zero tolerance for this type of thing at this school!!"* Principal Victoria scolds, speaking to Stan in a loud and firm voice... "*Gay this or gay that, it doesn't matter! You can't go around attacking people like that... It's completely unacceptable!*" She continues, looking over at Kyle now while looking down at Stan... "**Is that clear?!"** She asks Stan with an extremely serious and stern look, with her arms folded and her whole body filled with anger.

Stan says yes, ashamed by his actions

**Principal Victoria:** "*Good!*" Principal Victoria replies, clearly trying to maintain a calm and controlled demeanor, but still seems equally angry and frustrated by Stan's actions... After a few seconds of silence, she turns her attention to Kyle, as Stan is still standing there looking down in shame and embarrassment... "And what are you involved in this?" She asks Kyle in a loud and firm voice, her voice filling with an even greater level of anger as her tone turns hostile and accusing.*

"I- I just tried to stop him" Kyle said, slightly sacred

**Principal Victoria:** "*Just stopped him? Just?!*" Principal Victoria scolds Kyle in a loud and hostile tone, in a loud and hostile tone as her anger continues to build up. "*You watched your friend get bullied by those girls, and then you just sat by and did nothing!?"* She continues, her voice getting louder and louder with each sentence as she moves in closer to Kyle, "*That's just as bad as what he did!!!*" She continues, her voice now raised even louder as she continues to let her anger and hostility build up.*

Stan got very, very angry

He stood up

"Sit down!!" Principal Victoria scolds Stan immediately, her voice filling with an even greater amount of anger as she continues to move in closer to Stan, her face filling with rage as she is now close enough to Stan where she could be physically aggressive with him if she so choose... "I'm not finished with you yet!" She adds, continuing to raise her voice louder and louder as she moves in even closer still... "Do you have anything more to add, Kyle?" She asks Kyle in an extremely tense and hostile tone, as she continues to stand over Stan in a menacing and threatening manner.

10 minutes later, it was over. Stan and Kyle were about to leave the principal's office until she interrupted them

"Before you two go, you both need to be served your... Your punishment!" principal Victoria states with a smug self-satisfied grin on her face... Both Stan and Kyle's faces fill with worry and suspicion as they look at principal Victoria, both of them seeming very nervous... "Your punishment is that... *You have Saturday school*!!!" Victoria says with a giggle and a light tone of humor, looking at both Stan and Kyle with a smug, self-satisfied look. Stan and Kyle both let out the most annoyed and disappointed sighs ever.*

Stan wakes up the next day, his face still filled with disappointment and annoyance from having to go to that Saturday school. He lets out a huge yawn, stretching out his arms and yawning again.. His face then quickly fills with disgust and annoyance... "Ugggh... Not Saturday school again!" He says with disgust, throwing his arms around and looking up at the ceiling as his arms fall back down into his lap. "This is sooooo stupid..." He says, throwing his head back and letting out a huge annoyed looking sigh... 

Then there's a knock on Stan's bedroom door..

(Words: 1142)

(Published 14/5/23)

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