~Part 3~~Trapped pt1~

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"Im going away from you, pervert" Stan hissed

*Kenny's smile becomes even more wicked as he leans in closer to Stan.* "I'LL SHOW YOU PERVERT, GAYLORD!" *He whispers, before pinning Stan to the seat and kissing him on the lips. People are screaming and cheering around the classroom. Stan pulls himself away with all his might, but to no avail. Kenny is holding him close, his eyes locked on Stan's. They continue to make out passionately until the teacher walks up, and begins screaming. Kenny and Stan snap out of it as the teacher breaks them up, and sends them both to the principal's office.*

"WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU DO THAT?" Stan said angrily

*Kenny laughs again. He stands up. He's smiling, but his eyes look sadistic. He pulls his hood over his face, so that only his eyes are visible. He whispers to Stan as he stands up, his voice just barely audible.* "You know you liked it... don't try and deny it..." *he smirks. He smiles, his eyes still full of cruelty, and slowly backs towards the door as he continues to speak.* "You enjoyed every minute of that, gaylord." *He winks at him.*

*Kenny laughs, and leaves the classroom. Once he's out, he smiles to himself. "You know he liked it," he mocks, as he walks through the hallway. He's walking to the principal's office, where Stan is waiting for him. He sees Kyle watching him, and winks at him.* "Hey Kyle... I saw you liked that, too, eh? You wanted in on the action, didn't you?" *he smirks. Kyle turns bright red, looking away.*

"You are so gay kenny" Stan muttered "you can't deny"

"Oh yeah, I'M the gay one!" *he laughs, as the teacher opens the door to the principal's office. The teacher tells them that they're both in a lot of trouble, and tells them to go inside. Kenny holds the door open for Stan, and smiles again, giving him a wink as Stan passes by. He turns to the other kids in the hallway, and smirks maliciously at them.* "What'd I tell you? Stan is a total queer."

Stan finally summoned enough courage to ask the question

"What's so wrong with being queer?"

*Kenny snickers.* "I dunno... it's just so... gross! I mean, men kissing men?! Why would anyone want to do something like that?!"

"You say it's disgusting, but you kissed me, that makes you very gay dude" Stan sighed while looking away

"Just having fun, gaylord. Just having fun..." *he mocks, laughing. He sits down in the principal's office. The teacher continues to yell at them. Kenny is still smiling, and he still has a look of cruelty in his eyes. He is not taking any of this seriously.*

"I bet you enjoyed it though" Stan said to Kenny while unwrapping a piece of gum

"Hah! I was just getting a laugh from you!" *he laughs. He's sitting back in the principal's chair, his feet up on the table as the teacher continues to yell at him. The teacher tells him that it's not appropriate to kiss other boys, but Kenny only smirks and laughs some more. He takes out a candy bar and starts eating it as he looks at Stan. He's trying to piss him off. The teacher tells them they're in big trouble, and that they'll both be getting suspended, or worse.*

Kenny noticed Stan's expression

"Why are you so mad anyway, *gaylord?*" *he snickers. He looks at Stan, who's glaring at him, and smiles sinisterly, looking at him with a cruelty and malice they'd never seen from him before. He's getting some kind of sick enjoyment out of all of this, it's clear... but why? Is he planning something? Is it just that fun to torment Stan? Whatever the case, he looks like he's having a ball.* "You... you enjoyed the kiss. I could tell..." *he whispers to him.*

"And what if I did" Stan said quietly, "perv"

*Kenny's eyes light up with a wicked grin. He leans in, getting even closer to Stan's face. He begins to speak, his voice soft and hushed. He continues to give Stan a cruel and malicious look, his lips almost touching Stan's.* "Does it... do anything to you? You... *gaylord..."* *his smile continues to grow. He can't help himself, he's enjoying this too much already, so much so that he begins to laugh as he speaks. Stan looks away.*


"You don't need to hide the fact that you are gay Kenny" Stan said

"You wish!" *he laughs, his smile still wicked, his eyes still cruel. He looks at Stan, his face close to his, his voice soft and hushed as before. He moves so that his face and mouth are right in front of Stan's. He continues to speak quietly, smiling, mocking Stan.* "You enjoyed that kiss more than me..." *he says cruelly, the smile on his face growing bigger and bigger. He's really enjoying this. He begins to lean forward, getting even closer to Stan's face, looking into his eyes...*

"I swear to god kenny," Stan said sternly, "if you kiss me again, I'm gonna be so annoyed"

*Kenny chuckles. His eyes glow with a wicked light. He smirks maliciously at Stan. He continues to lean forward slowly, closer and closer to Stan's face. He's really getting into it now... what happens next is up to Stan. Does he push Kenny away, like the other times? Or does he let him kiss him again? It's his choice...*

(Words: 901)

(Published: 13/5/23)

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