~Part 19~~Fun at the sleepover~

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Kyle and Stan are enjoying their time at the sleepover, eating junk food and watching TV together with their friends. Stan's face is filled with a big smile and happiness as he relaxes on the couch next to Kyle and watches the TV with him, looking over at Kyle for his reaction with a warm, content smile on his face. "This is the life..." Stan mutters to himself as he snuggles up to Kyle, the two of them watching some TV while their friends are doing all kinds of other things, talking... Stan and Kyle are really just focused on themselves and enjoying one another's presence while being together.

"Kyle, Stan!" Kenny shouted from behind them, "get over here, we're gonna play a game!"

"Oh! Ok!" Kyle says with a smile, quickly getting up from the couch and running over to Kenny. "What ya playing?" he adds excitedly as he looks back at Stan. "Yeah!" Stan adds excitedly, joining him. "I'm game!" Stan says, flashing a big smile and waving his hands to signal his excitement.

There was a long silence

*what Stan and Kyle didn't know is that while they were distracted, the group of kids were planning to prank them. The kids picked up Kyle and Stan and shoved them into a closet and locked the door*

"H-Hey, let us out!" Kyle shouts, his face becoming more panicked in the closet as he looks at Stan for support while banging on the door. "Wh-What's the big idea?!" Stan asks loudly, "Let us out of here right now!" he adds angrily, his face becoming more and more panicked as he continues to bang on the door, trying to force it open and get out.

Soon, they lost hope and stopped banging on the door

"At least I'm not alone" Kyle sighed

"Yeah..." Stan sighs softly as he leans his head back against the closet door, "This isn't fair... Why would they do this to us?!" he asks while looking around for some possible way to get out of their predicament. "And on our first sleepover together... Of all the nights!" Stan laments, his anger and annoyance being replaced slowly by disappointment...

"I just... I just don't get it..." he adds softly, trying to calm himself down a bit but failing.

Kyle thought this was the perfect moment to do something he has wanted to do for a very, very long time.

"Well, it's just you and me now~" Kyle said seductively

"Uh... Yeah... Just us two..." Stan mumbles softly, his face growing bright red at Kyle's comment as his eyes are directed up at the ceiling, "Just us two here...." he adds quietly, his hand beginning to creep over to Kyle's leg, hoping he doesn't notice.

This isn't the best time for this... Stan thought to himself, But he's so beautiful... Even more so here...

Suddenly, Kyle pulls Stan into a passionate kiss

Stan is surprised by Kyle's sudden move, but a soft smile appears on his face after a moment. Kyle's soft lips taste wonderful, and he begins to enjoy the kiss immensely... He leans into it just as passionately, pulling Kyle even closer to him as he wraps his arms around his waist from the inside the closet...

Oh my god, I love him... Stan thinks to himself, kissing Kyle back with even more passion

*as the kiss gets deeper, Kyle slowly slides his hands up stan's shirt, Stan seems to be enjoying it*

Stan lets out a soft whine as he feels Kyle's hands slowly slipping up his shirt, his eyes flashing with a bit of fear and anxiety. "What if they hear us?" he asks a bit frantically with a whisper to Kyle, "W-We should be quiet in here..." he adds softly, "Do you want us to get caught..?" Stan asks with a nervous look on his face, his hands holding onto Kyle in a worried manner.

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