~Part 17~~I know what happened last night~

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Stan wakes up, it is the next day

Stan wakes up next to Kyle, feeling pain in his arm, shoulder, and head. He slowly sits up and looks around the room, rubbing his eyes and head as he starts to get oriented and take in his surroundings. His face fills up with pain and discomfort as he looks down at his left arm, which is in a bandage and cast, he lets out a pained sigh and looks over to Kyle with a tired but sad expression on his face. "Kyle..?" he says nervously, "What time is it?" he asks, rubbing his eyes again as his vision slowly clears up.

"It's 6:45, we need to get up" Kyle laughs

Stan lets out a big sigh and sits up.. "Ughh.. O-okay... S-sorry, it's just.. My head hurts... And my arm, it... I just..." Stan says in a sad and tired voice, rubbing his eyes and moving his neck around a bit as he finishes with another long sigh. "I'm okay though, don't worry..." he adds, trying his best to put on a smile.

"Do you want to stay at home? You don't look fully recovered yet" Kyle says as he gently hugs stan

"No, it's okay..." Stan says after a few seconds of hesitation, trying his best to give Kyle a warm smile... "I can do it. It'll be fine." He says in a confident voice, rubbing the back of his head and giving Kyle a smile as he lets out a small laugh and gives Kyle a pat on the shoulder, telling him in a soft voice not to worry... "I'm all good... Now c'mon, we gotta get ready for school..."

*after they get ready, they start walking to school and they meet Kenny at the main gates*

"Don't worry, I know what happened" Kenny said

"You... You do? How...?" Stan asks with a confused look on his face... "I mean..." Stan stutters out, "How did you find out?" Stan adds, rubbing the back of his head again as he looks at Kenny with a nervous and unsure smile on his face.

"I was at the hospital and I left just before you woke up, I'm glad to see you have gotten better" Kenny chuckled

"Yeh, I'm feeling a lot better..." Stan says with a soft smile, rubbing the back of his head again as he gives Kenny a small nod... "I'm just... I'm still really sore and everything..." Stan stutters out before giving Kenny a small nervous chuckle, "But I'll, uh... I'll be alright!" he says, trying to put a positive spin on everything

"Anyway," Kenny says "I may have a crush on a certain someone," he laughs "and I don't know how to tell them"

"Oh really...?" Stan says in a curious voice, raising an eyebrow and giving Kenny a thoughtful look, "Well, who is she? If I may ask?" He continues in an amused voice, raising one of his eyebrows as he nods his head slightly... "I'm sure you just have to ask her out or something,*" he adds with a soft smile and warm look on his face.

"It's not a she" Kenny muttered while looking down

"Oh- oh... Oh!" Stan stutters out, his face filling up with embarrassment as he realizes that he was mistaken, "Uh... S-sorry, I... Uh..." Stan stammers out uncomfortably, rubbing the back of his head again, "Well... Who is it?! Who's the lucky person? Do I know them?" he asks Kenny, raising his eyebrows and raising his voice in an excited manner as he gets a bit impatient to hear more... "C'monnn!"

"Y'know our old friend Butters?" Kenny said "it's him"

"Ooh..!" Stan says with a soft smile, raising his eyebrows and giving kenny a knowing and supportive look... "Okaaay..." he adds, his excitement growing a bit at the idea of Kenny and Butters possibly being together after all this time, "... I can't say I'm surprised... I mean... Y'know?" Stan says with a soft smile, flashing back to a few memories with the two of them in the past as he nods at Kenny... "He was, uh... Always.. He was always kinda... Y'know what I mean?"

"I know he was a bit dumb, but that's what I like about him" Kenny smirked

"Haha, yeah... That's all part of his charm," Stan agrees with a soft smile, "He can be a bit slow... But he's a good guy.. He's got a big heart..." he adds, rubbing the back of his head again as his face lights up in a smile... "But did you ask him out? Did he say yes?" He asks, raising his eyebrows and glancing over at Kenny with a bit of excitement shining through.

"Well, I'm just about to." Kenny says, "you're an experienced bisexual right? You should know how to ask a male out" he spins around and almost falls onto Stan "can you tell me how I should do it?"

"H-hey!!" Stan says with a nervous laugh, catching Kenny and helping him to not fall... "Careful..." he says softly, looking Kenny in the eyes as he helps to steady him... "Well... Uhm... I... You just gotta... Be honest, you know?" Stan says in a soft and encouraging voice, "You gotta let him know how you feel..." He continues, raising one of his eyebrows... And ask him to be your... Your... Boyfriend." He finishes the sentence with a warm smile, flashing a thumbs-up to Kenny.

"Speaking of boyfriends, where is Kyle?" Kenny said looking around

Stan gets a bit flustered at the sudden shift of the topic and his face quickly floods up with red as he let's out a nervous laugh. "Uh... He's, uh... He's already in the school building, y'know..." Stan stutters out with a nervous laugh, rubbing the back of his head again as he gives Kenny a warm but shy expression, looking down and glancing around uncomfortably, as he tries to hide his face from Kenny... "Um..." Stan stutters, "Let's just uh... Go meet him up..." he says, his whole face still bright red from embarrassment.

"Why are you so flustered? Did you do anything with him last night~" Kenny snickered

Stan's face quickly gets bright red again as he lets out another embarrassed laughter, rubbing the back of his head more as he looks around again with a look of embarrassment on his face before shaking his head and giving Kenny an almost pleading look. "N-No..." He stutters out, "We didn't do anything... It's just, um... Um..." He continues, feeling embarrassed to admit what the reason is... "It's nothing..." Stan mumbles, rubbing the back of his head again as his face fills up with red and his voice gets quieter.

"You had it with Kyle?!" Kenny laughs

"No!" Stan yells out, "No, we didn't do anything!!" he stutters out, "I didn't do anything with Kyle..." Stan yells again, getting even more flustered and embarrassed as his face continues to flood up with red as he shakes his head... "Look, I just--" Stan starts to stammer out, getting embarrassed and flustered as he struggles to get the words out... "Just... L-Look, I'll-- I'll tell you another time... Just.. Just... Just let's go find Kyle, ok?..?"

"Ok, we'll go look for Kyle" Kenny said "I bet he'll be so embarrassed when I tell him that I know what happened between you two last night"

"C'mon!!!" Stan yells out, completely flustered now as he looks down at the ground with an embarrassed look on his face, his face filling up with red and a bit of sweat as he rubs the back of his neck with one hand and wipes a bit of sweat off the back of his head with his other hand, as he glares over at Kenny with an embarrassed smile... "I did NOT do anything with Kyle!!!!" he says, his voice getting louder and stammering out as he starts to blush

"Let's just, um... Just find Kyle," he adds, rubbing the back of his head slightly, "I wanna make sure that he's alright and all..." he adds in a concerned voice, although it's clear that his main focus now is to just get far away from Kenny and all his embarrassing questions and claims.

Words: 1345

Published: 31/5/23

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