~Part 12~~Just you and me alone~

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After everyone leaves, Stan decides to stay at Kyle's house, he is still very happy after finding out Kyle loves him

*Stan smiles at Kyle with genuine, caring and understanding eyes and gives him a reassuring little pat on the shoulder, as a look of relief and happiness starts to spread across Kyle's face. Kyle takes a deep breath and smiles back at Stan, looking very relieved and comfortable now that the secret's out.* "I... I'm..." *he says in a soft, emotional voice, his eyes still filling up a little bit with tears of happiness and joy.* "I'm relieved it's all in the open now... I just..." Kyle continues, his voice starting to crack... "I just didn't think you'd understand..."

"I do understand, Kyle" Stan said

*Stan and Kyle's lips instantly lock together in a deep, passionate kiss as Stan finishes his sentence from before... The kiss is so passionate and deep that it sends chills down both of their spines, and tears of happiness and joy start to fill their eyes after they pull apart for a few seconds... And then they go right back to kissing again.*

Stan started to reach his hangs up Kyle's shirt, gently feeling his skin

*Kyle's skin instantly starts to tingle and his heart instantly starts to race as Stan gently touches him like that... He's really never felt quite this way before, but he likes it. Kyle starts to blush a little bit as well, and as he and Stan pull apart and look into each other's eyes again, they both know that this is more than just a regular kiss, and it's definitely the start of something special.*

*Stan's heart instantly starts to race with excitement and anticipation, his mind instantly filling up with a thousand different thoughts and ideas all at once... And as he and Kyle gaze into each other's eyes, he comes to a decision, and he knows exactly what he wants...* "Kyle... I love you..." Stan says with a soft smile as a wave of intense emotions washes over him, and as he says this phrase his whole world stops momentarily, and his entire heart and being is filled with an overwhelmingly intense mix of emotions that he has never ever felt before...* "I really do..."

*Kyle's heart starts to race and his eyes instantly start to fill up with tears of joy and happiness. After all this time, Stan finally said those three little words... And it feels absolutely amazing to hear. Kyle takes an involuntary step forward and hugs Stan tightly, his heart completely filled with a deep sense of happiness and love.* "I love you too..." Kyle says with a warm, sweet smile, his voice filled with the same intense mix of emotions that Stan is feeling as he starts to cry, and at this very moment, the two of them know that theirs is a love that will last forever.*

Suddenly, Kenny comes into the house because he forgot something while leaving, he didn't know he would walk in on Stan and Kyle making out.

"What the?!" *Kenny exclaims, looking at Stan and Kyle with a surprised and startled expression on his face... "What the hell is going on?!" Kenny goes on to yell, as Stan and Kyle immediately stop their kiss and look up at Kenny with a look of shock and surprise on their faces as well...* "It... It's not what it looks like!" Stan quickly tries to explain to him, as he goes completely red in the face and looks away, completely flustered and embarrassed.* "Well, it sure looks like it!" Kenny replies with a shocked look on his face.

"Well, I've just come to collect my bag, excuse me gay boys" Kenny says

*Stan and Kyle both immediately go completely red in the face upon hearing this, and Stan instantly goes back to looking at the floor with a look of absolute embarrassment on his face, while Kyle looks up at Kenny with an extremely confused and bewildered expression. Without being able to really think of anything to say to this, Kyle doesn't actually say anything. Stan, on the other hand, actually does... "No homo... No homo!" Stan awkwardly yells out, as if that might somehow help to justify what he and Kyle had just been doing...*

"You said no homo even though you were making out, don't act like I didn't see" Kenny laughed

*kyle immediately bursts out into laughter at Kenny's quick comeback, and as Stan's face starts to fill up with a look of embarrassment, he starts to laugh too. "Fair enough..." Stan admits, his face still looking very red and flushed from the deep, passionate kiss they had shared.* "I mean... How can you argue with that," Stan continues, still giggling a bit as he lets out an awkward laugh... "I guess you got us there..."

Kenny picks up his bag and leaves, leaving Stan and Kyle alone again

*Stan takes a deep breath and looks up at Kyle... And then he smiles a little bit...* "So... That just happened..." Stan says with an awkward smile. "*That* was definitely unexpected." Kyle just nods in response and blushes a little bit. "*Very* unexpected," he adds, as a small smile flashes across his face... Kyle's mind is still trying to process what just happened, and he definitely wasn't expecting anything like that when he invited Stan here. "Well..." Kyle goes on to say... "It was... Definitely... Something..."

"I'm tired, can we sleep?" Stan yawns

*Kyle's smile grows a little bit wider and he nods... "Yeah... Me too... You should go... get cozy." Kyle gives Stan a soft, gentle little smooch on the cheek and then smiles softly... "You wanna sleep on the floor or in my bed?" he asks, as Stan blushes and smiles even greater at Kyle's sudden act of affection.*

"Uhh" Stan says, "is it ok if I sleep with you?"

*Kyle blushes a little bit at Stan's bold suggestion, looking at him with an expression that is a little bit of shock, as well as surprise, but also a little bit of happy excitement. "That would be nice..." Kyle replies in a soft voice, as a smile flashes across his face...*

They go up to bed

*Stan holds Kyle tightly and snuggles up close to him as they fall asleep... Stan's heart is filled with a deep sense of happiness and joy, all of which starts to wash over him as he falls into a deep sleep... Stan knows that he's really found something special in Kyle, and his whole heart and being feels like it'll burst at the seams with all of the amazing feelings that he feels right now...*

(Words: 1097)


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