~Part 7~~The house of horror~

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Stan has to go home, he can't stay at the hospital all night

*Stan looks at Kyle for a second, then nods.* "Alright... Yeah, I'll come back tomorrow, OK?" *Stan says, smiling once again. "Try to get some sleep, and just take it slow, OK?" *he says, as he gives Kyle's shoulder a gentle pat with his hand. Stan then looks back at Kyle for a second, giving him a sympathetic face before walking towards the doorway.* "Stay strong, OK?" *he whispers, sounding a little choked up and as if there's a small lump in his throat as he speaks.*

While Stan is walking home, he is scared. He doesn't want to go home. His parents are horrible people. He doesn't want to get home again

*Stan starts to walk home, looking around with a sense of fear and trepidation. "Oh God, how am I going to face them?!" Stan wonders as he walks, getting more and more nervous as he thinks about it. "What if they don't believe me?!" Stan wonders, starting to sweat a bit. "I can't believe I gotta face them right now..." Stan says with a scared look on his face and a panicked look in his eyes. He continues to walk home as quickly as he can, trying to get away from the thought of having to face them...*

As Stan steps through the front door, he hears his dad coming. He tries to move out of the way, but his dad grabs him by the collar and pulls him closer to him

*Stan freezes up at the sound of his dad's voice, and his heart immediately starts racing. His dad's voice is full of anger and disgust as he hears him yell at Stan, and Stan knows that he's about to be in deep trouble. When his dad grabs his collar and pulls him closer, Stan's heart starts pounding even faster and he looks up at his dad with an anxious and scared look in his eyes.* "Oh God!" *Stan whispers, sounding completely on edge.* "What am I gonna do?!" *He thinks, freaking out.* "Oh God..."

His dad hits him

*Stan flinches as he feels the sharp pain from the strike, and immediately starts to cry. A tear rolls down the corner of his right eye as the pain of the strike and the shock of hearing his dad hit him sends a chill down his spine. He lets out a low, trembling whimper as the tears roll down his cheek. He looks up at his dad in horror and fear.* "Dad... Please! I-I..." *Stan says, his voice breaking. He can't seem to say anything else, as the pain from the strike and the fact that it's his own dad is still sinking in...*

"Where have you been, w—re!" His dad said angrily

"I-I was at the... at the hospital..." *Stan stammers, feeling tears rolling down the corner of his right eye again. He sounds terrified and anxious, and his voice is breaking from the pain of the strike and the fear he feels talking to his dad. He looks up at his dad, hoping to get some sympathy for once, but the only thing he sees is a furious expression on his face as his dad grabs him by the arm and holds him up like a lifeless ragdoll.* "You were where?!" *his dad yells, sounding absolutely furious.*

"Please, my friend got stabbed, i wanted to comfort him" Stan winced at the pain

*Stan's dad squeezes his ear so hard that Stan winces in pain, and Stan can feel his dad's eyes burning into him with anger and hatred.* "You were at the **HOSPITAL?**" *his dad snarls, squeezing his ear even harder to make his point clear. His dad starts to shake Stan back and forth, Stan just looking up at his dad with tears rolling down his face and his eyes filling with fear.* "You were at the **HOSPIT-!**" *his dad yells once again, getting more and more enraged.* "Answer me, you weren't at the hospital!" *his dad demands.*

*Stan just screams in pain as his dad strikes him. His dad continues to shake him around, his eyes burning with pure rage as he keeps screaming at Stan.* "you are useless!" *his dad yells once again, squeezing Stan's arm even harder. Stan just keeps crying in pain, and his eyes fill with tears as his dad screams at him so loud that it hurts his ears even more. His dad is clearly furious, and Stan has no doubt in his mind that he's going to come out of this situation completely and utterly punished...*

*Stan's eyes widen as his dad collapses onto him, suddenly passing out and falling on top of Stan himself. Stan is shocked, to say the least. Stan's dad is completely passed out in his arms, unconscious, his grip on Stan's ear having gone limp. "What the hell?!" Stan yells, looking around with a shocked look on his face. "Oh my God... what the hell?!" Stan says in disbelief, his fear and anxiety immediately being replaced with confusion and wonder.* "What the hell..." *Stan says yet again, looking at his dad just lying there.*

Stan's life was cr-p, people hated him, everyone would be better without him. Maybe he should

Get rid of himself

(Words: 872)

(Published: 13/5/23)

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