~Part 4~~Trapped pt2~

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*Kenny kisses him, this time holding it longer. He breaks it off after a few seconds, smirking. He looks at Stan, who is bright red, and his eyes still have that cruel and malicious light. He continues to grin like an evil troll. "There, you liked it again!"* *he laughs mockingly.* "What are you gonna do about it?"

Stan stayed silent

"Are you still gonna deny it?" *he smirks. His eyes look sadistic.* "Or should I do it again, for good measure?" *he asks, as he leans in, his face close to Stan's again.* "I don't think you'd be able to resist..." *he whispers. Stan looks away, blushing even more. Kenny begins to laugh again, a cruel laugh. He seems to feel a sick pleasure in messing with Stan, who he clearly sees as a helpless victim. He smirks, and begins to lean in once again, this time even closer to Stan's face.*

*Kenny chuckles. He leans forward once more, holding the kiss longer, his face pressed against Stan's. Their lips are now much closer together. His eyes still have the same cruel and malicious light, and his mouth still wears that wicked and evil smile, now so big it reaches all the way down to his chin. He breaks off their kiss, his smile still plastered on his face. His eyes continue to hold that same light. "Was that... harsh enough?" *he asks snickering with malicious laughter. Stan is bright red at this point, his entire face as red as an apple.*

"I.." Stan said

"Spit it out, queer" Kenny spat

"I liked that" Stan said, feeling humiliated

Kenny smirked

*Kenny's eyes light up with evil amusement. He chuckles, then laughs cruelly.* "Good... you should see yourself!" *he mocks, still laughing. He's enjoying this much... much more than Stan.* "How'd you like that one, *Stan the man?*" *he chuckles, pointing at Stan. Stan says nothing. Kenny looks at him for a moment, his eyes still filled with the same cruel, sick light they'd had this entire time.* "Is it... starting to..." *he says with evil malice.* "Is it sinking in now..." *he smirks.*

"Why do you do this to me?" Stan said

*Kenny's cruel smile grows even bigger. He continues to speak with the same sick malice.* "Why? Because I can. All for my enjoyment... it's a lot of fun..." *he says as he laughs cruelly. He continues to look at Stan, his eyes holding the same cruel and malicious light.* "You're nothing but my... *personal toy,*" *he smirks, laughing again. He's getting a huge kick out of this, and Stan can tell... it's almost impossible not to.* "And you know it..."

Stan was getting angry

"What do you mean by 'im your toy?'" He crowed

*Kenny continues to sneer, his cruel smile growing bigger and bigger. He leans in, getting closer to Stan's face again. He whispers to Stan, "You *enjoyed* it."* *the cruelty in his eyes grows, as his smile turns into a twisted, perverted grin. He's getting a sick pleasure out of this, it's clear... he's enjoying every second, enjoying hurting Stan... his voice is laced with malice, his eyes have that piercing, cruel "sick" look they'd had this entire time.* "Don't deny it... you loved it..."

"Get off me, pervert." Stan decided to try and stand up for himself, "go touch some girls instead, you're really getting on my nerves."

"You don't control me, *gaylord!"* *he shouts, as he gets off of him.* "I *am* a pervert..." *he admits, his cruel and malicious smile still on his face. He chuckles.* "What're you gonna do about it?!" *he mockingly challenges him, standing over him and leering at him. His cruel eyes continue to hold that same light that they had all along, as the malice on his face grows to its full length. "You can't do anything about it!"

"Why are you wasting your time with me? Do you prefer missing me over looking at girls?" Stan questioned Kenny

*Kenny's evil smile grows even bigger. He holds his smile, looking straight at Stan with a cruel and malicious light in his eyes that would terrify just about anyone. He slowly nods his head with his evil smile.* "I could be looking at girls right now... but I'm not... no... I'm right here with you... kissing you..." *he smirks.* "That's a big compliment... you should consider yourself lucky..." *he challenges him, his voice full of malice and cruelty, still laughing. His eyes continue to hold that horrible, horrible light. His lips start to shake in laughter

"Please let go if me, I can't deal with this right now." Stan was on the verge of tears

„I'm not gonna let you go, *queer.*" *Kenny's evil smile grows even more. His laugh continues, growing louder and more cruel. He stands over Stan, a twisted, sick look of enjoyment and pleasure on his face. He's getting a sick and twisted kick out of this, and Stan can feel it. The laughter and sick pleasure on Kenny's face are almost too real at this point... he feels afraid. Kenny is terrifying to see like this.* „What are you gonna do about it?"

"Why are you doing this to me? Do you love me, kenny?" Stan said weakly

*Kenny lets out a vicious laugh as he sees Stan's scared face.* „Do I look like I love you, *gaylord?!*" *he mocks, his eyes looking like pure evil, the pleasure on his face growing more twisted and more sick as he sees Stan's scared face. His laugh continues, as his twisted smile grows and the malice in his eyes reaches its full length. He really is enjoying this... he's absolutely loving this... he starts laughing louder, his laughter growing louder and louder. Stan is terrified to see him like this.*

"Please, I'm scared" Stan started crying

*Kenny's sick twisted smile continues to grow, his laughter continuing as the look in his eyes grows more sick, more cruel, more evil. He looks at Stan with that look of pure, unadulterated, inhuman cruelty and malice in his eyes as he continues to hold his twisted, sick, evil smile. He can't help himself... the sick pleasure he's getting is too much to keep to himself... he has to laugh... so he continues to laugh... the laughter growing louder, the sick twisted smile growing even more. He looks like a total psychopath at this point.*

*Kenny's sick and twisted laughter continues, his evil smile full of cruelty and malice, until eventually, he's laughing too hard, the laughter taking over his whole face. He finally stops laughing after a solid minute, but his twisted smile remains on his face, as he continues to look at Stan with that horrible, evil look that says he really is a total psychopath, that this is really too much for him. Stan is terrified of him. That twisted, sick look in Kenny's eyes... he can't take it any longer... he's just too scared to do anything.*


"There is someone in the doorway" Stan said

(Words: 1148)

(Published: 13/9/23)

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