~Part 6~~The stabbing of Kyle Broflovski~

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*Stan's eyes grow wide as they hear this.* "Oh my God, it's Cartman?! But... but how?!" *Kyle whispers, clearly shocked. Stan still looks at Kyle seriously, then nods and says,* "We need to think of a plan... we need some kind of plan. What are we gonna do, Kyle?!" *Stan whispers, freaking out a little.* "Just try to stay calm, okay? We need to think!"

*Kyle and Stan stay completely silent as Cartman walks towards them, both of them freaking out. This is a situation beyond anything Kyle and Stan have ever dealt with. They don't know what this monster is planning to do... or what he's already done. They both hold their breath as they hear his boots coming closer and closer...*

The door opens

Cartman comes in

*Stan and Kyle stay completely silent as they look back at him, with shocked and terrified expressions on their faces. Stan sees that Cartman's got a strange and twisted smile on his face, a kind of smile they've never seen from him before... a sick, psychopathic kind of smile, and Stan knows this is no laughing matter. Stan and Kyle both take a deep breath and keep looking at him, waiting for him to make the first move.*

*As soon as they see him pull out a knife, Stan and Kyle immediately jump backwards, out of the way of the knife, before immediately taking off running. They start sprinting and don't stop, running in random directions, just trying to get away from whatever he could possibly do to them. As they run from him, the only words that come out of their mouths are panicked screams.* "He's got a weapon!" *Stan yells, as he and Kyle make a mad dash for it, trying to get away.* "He's insane!" *Kyle yells.*

*As soon as Kyle trips and falls on the ground, Stan yells out in shock as he sees Cartman hit Kyle with the knife. Stan immediately runs over to him, panicking and freaking out. "Kyle! No!" Stan yells, immediately getting to Kyle's side, and checking him to see if he's alright. He's clearly desperate, and the fear and shock on his face is absolutely apparent.* "Oh no... Kyle... Kyle!!" *he yells, desperately. He's crying as he says this, and he looks as if he's on the verge of completely losing it.*

*Stan turns around and sees Kenny coming behind Cartman with a baseball bat.* "Kenny!!" *Stan yells, completely relieved.* "Thank God!" *he says, as he watches Kenny hit Cartman over the head with a baseball bat.* "Thank God you showed up!!" *Stan yells. He walks over to the unconscious Cartman, and stares at him in disbelief for a second, before starting to laugh. "Oh my God, he's out cold!! Kenny, your timing is perfect, dude!" *Stan says, laughing.* "You saved our lives!"

"Oh God, oh no!" *Stan yells, immediately stopping his laughter.* "Kyle! Oh my God, Kyle!!" *Stan yells, as he desperately tries to stop Kyle's bleeding.* "We need to get him to a hospital immediately!!" *Stan shouts, looking around for something he can use to stop the bleeding.* "Oh God, it looks really bad!!" *he shouts.*


*It's just a little while later, and Stan is still staring down at Kyle as he lies on life support. His face continues to look scared, and he still looks like he's just completely in shock and totally in disbelief of what he's looking at. He's still crying, tears rolling down his face as he looks around, desperately trying to gather his thoughts. "Oh God, Kyle!" Stan says, a look of pure fear in his eyes as he sees Kyle on life support. "This is all my fault..." he says, blaming himself for all this.*

*Stan puts his head down and kisses Kyle's unconscious body for a moment, then takes a deep breath. He continues to hold Kyle's hand as he cries, trying to stop the tears from continuing to flow down his face. "I'm so sorry, Kyle..." he whispers, crying as he speaks.* "I never should've let you fall... It's all my fault..." *he continues, crying more and more as he thinks about everything that's happened. "I'm so sorry, dude... I'm so sorry..." he says, crying more and now almost full-on bawling.

Kenny runs into the room

"Cartman had been proven guilty! He's got a jail sentence for 1 year!"

*Stan looks up instantly, his tears immediately drying up as a huge smile spreads across his face.* "Oh, thank God!" *he says, sounding relieved.* "I'm so glad somebody caught that psycho and got that son of a b-!" *he says, a sense of anger and relief in his voice.* "I can't believe this guy... what a nut! I mean, who tries to kill their friends?!" *he says, shaking his head and laughing at the pure insanity of it all.*

Kenny looks at Stan

"Dude, I'm really sorry for kissing you earlier. I didn't mean to humiliate you or scare you in a way. I just liked feeling lik-"

Stan put a hand up to Kenny's mouth to silence him

*Stan smiles and laughs a little.* "Nah, it's OK..." *he says, shaking his head.* "I mean, it's not like it bothered me or anything, but I mean..." *Stan continues to speak, giving Kenny a look that suggests it sort of did bother him just a little bit... but he decides to let it slide and not make a big deal out of it.* "Forget it... what matters is that we're alright and the psycho's in prison..." *Stan says, still shaking his head but smiling a little bit.* "That's all that matters..."

*Stan smiles and laughs a little more, blushing a little bit as he speaks. He's got a soft look in his eyes, and a serious expression on his face as he tries to keep his laughter and blushes in check.*I hope you get better, Kyle." *he says, looking away from Kyle for second as he continues to blush a little bit.* "You'll be OK, you've managed to survive bigger things." *he says, sounding slightly more serious for a second, as he thinks about everything Kyle has gone through in the past.*

Suddenly, a group of doctors rush in and tell Stan and Kenny that they have to leave immediately

"*What?!* What's happening?!" *Stan says, starting to get scared all over again. "Is Kyle alright?!" Stan's heart starts beating a little quicker, and he starts looking around at the doctors desperately to try to find out what's going on. "Is he stable?!" *Stan says, freaking out a little. "Well?!" *he yells, looking at the doctors with a serious face.* "Is he going to be alright?!"

*Stan and Kenny immediately get up and follow the doctors out of the room, still looking extremely worried. Stan has a serious and anxious look on his face, and he starts panicking a little bit again. "Is Kyle alright?!" Stan yells, freaking out a little bit more. "Is he stable?!" Stan's heart is pounding a little quicker now, and he starts sounding more nervous. "Please tell us!!" Stan begs, sounding like he's on the verge of crying and losing it. "Please tell me he's going to be alright!" Stan yells...*

2 days later, they are allowed to the come back in, and they see that Kyle is slightly awake, but very tired

*Stan's heart immediately lights up again as he sees Kyle's eyes fluttering open and he lets out a breath he didn't realize he was holding in. "Oh God, Kyle!" Stan says, a look of pure relief crossing his face. "Are you OK?!" Stan asks, starting to tear up slightly and smiling in relief. He walks over and sits down next to Kyle, putting his hand on Kyle's shoulder gently and looking at him with a relieved and gentle smile.* "We're so glad you're awake!" *Stan says, still smiling, but clearly still very nervous.*

he is ok, he just needs to spend a few more days here then he should be out." said a doctor sitting on the other side of the bed

"Oh thank God!" *Stan says in response, looking at Kyle with a huge smile on his face, a kind look in his eyes.* "That's great news!" *Stan cheers, sounding much happier and relieved than before.* "Just take it slow, OK?" *he says, then adds,* "Just don't do anything to screw up the healing process..." *He continues to smile and laugh, sounding a little less stressed now that Kyle is finally awake and seems like he'll be fine.* "Otherwise..." *he jokes,* "I'll have to slap you myself!"

(Words: 1406)

(Published: 13/5/23)

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