Short Filler

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The next day, Stan was setting up his bed in Kyle's house, slightly struggling due to his many injuries

"*Hey, man...*" Kyle says with a sympathetic smile, standing beside Stan when he walks back into his room with his arms full of blankets and pillows... "*Look... I know this isn't ideal and all... But... You know you can stay here as long as you want. My mom is really cool and you'll like her...*" Kyle says as he puts the softest looking pillow he can find on top of Stan's pillow... "*Let me know if you need us to help you or anything...*" Kyle adds, putting a hand on Stan's shoulder... "I gotcha back."

With one blind eye and a cast on his left arm, Stan was struggling

"Uhh," Stan said "can I have some help please?"

"*Sure bro... No problem...*" Kyle says with a genuine smile on his face... His mom pokes her head out from the hallway, looking over at Stan and Kyle... Kyle's mom walks over and gives Stan a sympathetic smile as she walks into the room and sits beside Stan and Kyle... "*What can we do?"* she asks Stan in a friendly, empathetic, but soft tone of voice as she places a supportive hand on Stan's shoulder... "*I'm not exactly a healthcare professional, but I can do whatever I can.*" She adds, letting out a soft laugh.

"I can't pick up heavy stuff, because of my hand," Stan said, "can you help me with setting up the bed?"

"*Sure...*" Kyle's mum says with a soft smile on her face... She then grabs one half of the mattress and the bedding, while Kyle helps out with the other half... "*Anything else you might need help with?"* Kyle's mum asks Stan, looking him over with sympathy and concern... "*You know if you need anything, you let us know... You're always welcome here.*" She adds, flashing Stan a genuine, sincere smile as she lets her hand rest on his shoulder as soon as the bed is set up.

A few hours later, the bedroom is set up for Stan and dinner is made. They are all sitting round the table happily, talking about life

"*So, uh... How you settling in, Stan?"* Kyle asks Stan with a friendly smile on his face, taking a sip from his glass... "*You coolin' with my parents? You need anything?*" Kyle asks Stan, glancing over at Stan's mom, who sits right beside him... "*You're welcome to stay as long as you need to.*" Kyle adds, glancing over at Stan with a hint of sincere care and concern in his eyes and on his face.

"Thank you so much" Stan said, glad he is away from his dad

"*Well we're all here for you, you know that...*" Kyle's mom says with a genuine smile and kind tone of voice... "*Are you feeling okay? Are your injuries all healing okay?*" she adds, looking over at Stan and his various wounds with concern on her face... "*Do you need more medicine or anything...? Just say the word and we can take care of it.*" Kyle's mom says to Stan with sincere concern and empathy in her voice.

The day had ended. Stan was glad he finally lived one normal day. He laid In bed, hopeful about the future

(Words: 543)

(Published: 16/5/23)

𝓛𝓸𝓼𝓽 𝓱𝓸𝓹𝓮𝓼 ~ 𝓼𝓸𝓾𝓽𝓱 𝓹𝓪𝓻𝓴Where stories live. Discover now