~Part 18~~Perverted Bitch~

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*After 10 minutes of searching, they found Kyle curled up in the corner of the library reading a true crime book*

Stan looks completely shocked and confused when he sees Kyle like this with his head buried in a book and doesn't even try to hide his curiosity. He raises one of his eyebrows and gives Kyle a slight wave, calling out to him. "Hey, ky- Kyle?" Stan says in a bit of confusion, "What's up bud? Are you alright?" he asks with a curious look on his face. "What are you doing out here, alone?" he adds, flashing Kyle a curious look.

"Oh, uh, hey!" Kyle said, quickly standing up

"Heey!" Stan says with a warm smile, now giving Kyle a friendly, curious look... "How are you? Whatcha doing out here?" he asks, pointing to the book in Kyle's hand. "You like reading true crime, or something?" he asks in a curious voice, glancing over at Kyle's book, trying to look at the title

"Y- yeah" Kyle stutters

"We've still got a few minutes till our first lesson" Stan says as he sits down and snuggles up next to Kyle

Stan smiles softly at Kyle's reaction, now giving Kyle a warm and supportive look as he nods with a soft smile. "So is that, like, one of your things and stuff?" Stan asks with a light laugh, "Like, do you read a lot of crime stuff?... C'mon bud, tell me about it!" he leans in a bit closer to Kyle as he raises his eyebrows in a curious manner, glancing down at the true crime book in Kyle's hands again.

"I just find it interesting how people do these things and don't get caught" Kyle says

Then suddenly he remembered how Stan killed Cartman

"Oh, uh.. Oh yeah..." Stan says with a small sigh, "Yeah... You're right.. It is pretty crazy that some people just...Get away with that stuff." Stan says, shaking his head with a sad smile, as he rubs the back of his head and looks away, "I mean- You know..." he continues in a tired voice, "I can't imagine even... Imagine... Imagine doing that to people and then just walking around and going on living your life.*" He shivers a bit at the thought. Yeesh...

"But..." Kyle was scared to bring it up. Yet he did anyway

"Isn't that what you did to cartman?

Stan sighs softly at the sudden shift in the conversation and looks into his lap for a moment. "... I had to," he replies softly and with a frown, his eyebrows raised slightly as he looks back up at Kyle with an apologetic look. "He, uh.. He hurt you-!" Stan says with a bit of hurt in his voice as his eyes begin to tear up a bit at the memory. "I didn't have any other choice!" he adds defensively, "That bastard deserved it! He had it coming!" he says, glaring off to the side in anger, "He did!"

"It's ok, I still love you" Kyle said while placing a small kiss on his cheek

"Love you too, babe..." Stan says softly, smiling at Kyle's kiss as a warm and happy smile fills up his face... The tension in his face eases and tears begin to form at the corners of his eyes a bit as he lets out a soft sigh, wrapping his arms around Kyle... "I'm so sorry..." Stan whispers, holding Kyle closer to him and burying his head into his shoulder.

"It's ok.. it's already been done and y-"

Stan was cut off my a sudden shout from behind him

"RING-A-DING LOVEBIRDS!" It was Kenny. "Get your asses off the floor otherwise you are gonna be late for your first lesson!" Kenny laughed

"Oh shoot-!" Stan exclaims, letting out a nervous laugh as he quickly gets up from the floor, his face filling up with red and his heart beginning to race with embarrassment... "H-hey Kenny!" he adds quickly, brushing off his pants and trying to fix his hair a bit before it's too late... "Yeah, yeah, we're coming!" he says in a quick tone, waving Kenny over to them and giving him an apologetic smile, "Just give us a second," he says in an embarrassed tone.

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