~Part 11~~Truth or dare~

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(I had fun writing this 🤭)

*It's a new day, and Stan, Kyle and Kenny are sitting at Kyle's house with a group of their friends, having fun playing truth or dare together. They're playing truth or dare as a group, where they all take turns asking each other questions from the cards. Kyle is up first, and he pulls a card from the deck which says "Dare". "Hmm... Okay, so, I dare, um... Kenny... to..." Kyle says with his eyes fixed on the card, thinking for a second...* "I dare you to... let me slap you in the face as hard as I can!" *Kyle says

*The group of boys start laughing excitedly. Kenny looks up at Kyle and shrugs his shoulders.* "Eh... Alright, fine..." he says with a chuckle, shrugging and spreading his arms out to the side as he gives Kyle his full permission to slap him in the face as hard as he can. Kyle takes up the challenge with enthusiasm... "Alright, here goes nothing!" he says as he stands back and takes a few steps back, taking a run-up and then swinging his arm back... "I'm not gonna hold back here..." he says, getting in position.... "You ready?"

*Kenny nods a little bit, preparing himself for what's about to happen. Kyle takes a deep breath... then, in the blink of an eye, he swings his arm forward, and it crashes into Kenny's face with incredible force, sending Kenny crashing backwards onto the floor and rolling around in pain. The other kids in the room erupt into laughter, as Kenny's face instantly fills up with tears. It is clear that the slap he just received was incredibly violent and forceful, and Kenny is left rubbing his jaw as he lies on the floor in pain...* "Ohhh... Owww.... owwwwwww....."

Next, is a truth for Stan

It says "have you ever had a crush on the person to your left"

The person to his left is Kyle

*Stan reads the card, and instantly smiles to himself, seeming to have some kind of idea of where this line of questions might be headed.* "Alright... Let's see here... Yeah, I guess I have," he replies with a soft smile on his face, still looking down at the card. Stan looks up at Kyle, seemingly with a certain look of glee and excitement on his face, and smiles a little bit...* "And you?" Stan asks in a warm, playful voice, looking at Kyle and smiling at him with his eyebrows raised in anticipation of Kyle's response.*

Kyle says yes

*Stan's face instantly lights up and his eyes instantly fill with a happy, playful spark.* "Oh yeah... That's right..." *Stan says with a soft smile on his face, as a faint blush spreads across his face and his heart instantly starts to race.* "I knew it... I knew it..." Stan continues, his smile growing a little bit wider as he looks at Kyle with a playful, teasing attitude.* "So, who's your crush then?" Stan asks, raising an eyebrow and smiling flirtatiously at Kyle. "Or is it supposed to be a secret?"

*Kyle instantly blushes a little bit when Stan asks his about who his crush is, and his face instantly fills with a warm, nervous expression as he looks straight down at the floor.* "Ehh... um..." is all Kyle manages to get out in response, his face red with embarrassment, as well as a faint blush starting to spread across his cheeks.* "...Well, you asked..." Kyle goes on to say, giving Stan a little bit of a wink and flashing him a quick, brief glance... "It's... you!" he says in a nervous tone, his face instantly filling with a slightly more intense shade of red.

*Everybody who's in the room goes dead quiet and stares at Kyle and Stan in shock whenever Kyle confesses his crush to Stan... and after what Kyle said, Stan instantly jumps up out of his chair and runs right over to Kyle, and hugs him tightly, his eyes instantly filling with a look of pure, warm joy and delight. With a wide, happy smile on his face, Stan looks up at Kyle and gives him the deepest, most wholesome smile he can possibly muster up.* "You like me too?!" Stan asks excitedly, giving Kyle a little squeeze as he continues to hug him tightly.*

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