Chapter 26 (The end)

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A few days have passed since their intimate moment. Jisoo was doing her morning routine. Taehyung had left early for work as he had something urgent to do.

Jisoo suddenly felt the urge to throw up, so she rushed to the sink and vomited. She's been feeling nausea since yesterday.

Is she pregnant? she thought.

The thought only made her excited and happy, but she couldn't jump to conclusions so soon.

she hurriedly made her way to the nearest drug store and purchased a few pregnancy tests.

She took the test and squealed in delight after seeing the result come out as positive.

she did it a few more times and got the same result each time. She stared at the test, not being able to believe that it was actually happening. She finally feels ready to take on such a big responsibility of becoming a mother. She can't wait to have her precious baby in her arms. Taehyung would be so happy when he finds out he will become a father she really wants to see his reaction.

She firstly called her best friends and as Irene to inform them about her pregnancy.

on call

"What, unnie? Are you serious? You're pregnant! daebak!" Chaeyoung said, completely shocked.

"UNNIE YOU'RE PREGNANT I CAN'T BELIEVE IT I'M SOO HAPPY!" Lisa literally screamed in disbelief.

"Oh my god, it's finally happening. I'm going to be an aunt?!" Jennie said she felt like her heart would burst with excitement.

"Yay! we're both going to become mothers now. Have you told Taehyung about this yet?" Irene asked.

"No, unnie, I'm going to surprise him after he comes home. I know he's going to be super happy." Jisoo happily replied.

"Guys, I need to go now. I've decided to prepare a surpise dinner for Tae!" She said.

"Unnie, should we come over to help with the preparations??" Chaeyoung eagerly asked. The rest of the girls also agreed to this plan.

It's been a few hours since the girls have been preparing for the surprise. They've decorated the entire place with flowers and balloons.

Lisa and Chaeyoung were setting up the table and made sure everything looked perfect. While Jennie was adding final touches to the decorations. Jisoo and Irene were preparing all the food.

 Jisoo and Irene were preparing all the food

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