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Love is life , but what if your life gets separated from you . People usually break down , when their love is not with them , but in my case , I stood up with grace , because she never wanted me to break down , but ...

May be you left me in
The middle of the journey
But still you are
Rested in my songs

Nitya I'm sorry that I wrote about someone else in this diary , but you know what you gave me this diary to write my heart out . I just did that , but you too think the same what Kri thinks . I know what he meant to say but this heart ditches us , it never accepts what the truth is . Or to say it never want to accept what the truth is . It love lies . That lies which is never gonna come true .

For me the person whom I loved matters the most . You mattered me the most after my parents and my blue fam , but what happened still break me down . Many questions but you are not their to answer them . Did you truly loved me or ..... I don't know why today I'm thinking about all the things , on which I never paid attention . But my heart is being restless to know where I went wrong or loving you was a mistake , and that mistake paid me off in this way .

I don't want my heart to go in that direction but it's not ready to hold on . Nitya till now from the time you are not with me , my every song has your essence in it , but now it won't continue further .

I told that for remembering a person we need to forget them , but now you are just another memory of my life , which I want to erase , but I can't . Love was everything to me but now this word will just rest in my songs and not in my life . You were the only one who knew me as well as this diaries but now it's just this diaries which will know me and no one else . A new journey towards my passion will be started . And my all old chapters will be closed . One last time I LOVE YOU NITYA ...

He close the diary and keep it in the locker of his cupboard . And throw away the keys from the window . And have his morning sleep . In this 3 years span he never slept so peacefully as he did today .



Never ever I would dare to lie
" But I never fall for you "
Will always be a lie
Though I refuse to accept it
But reality always laugh's at me
And say that " It loves this lie "

Why can't we have control over our feelings . Why can't we hold onto our heart , which lead us to someone's direction . I have always loved him from core of my heart , but those feelings were just as a fan , but today it was something wired , like something which I should not feel for him . But those eyes , which were looking at me with the same emotions , this emotions are something I always kept away from me .

His touch , oh god , I felt lively , my breath become uneven and my heartbeats raised as if countless . The way he held my hand , it just seemed that he should never leave it , till the end . The way he got irritated through our drama , how can someone be so cute and innocent . His ever charming smile , first time ever I felt bad that why can't he be mine , forever and ever .

Why the hell this feelings are hitting me so hard . Why is he a star , why millions love him , why I'm just one of those millions , oh god so many questions but I don't have any kind of answer to these feelings that I have felt today .

I have always kept myself under a shadow where their is no entry for love . I have felt that love stories are just mere illusions and nothing else . I have always felt that I would never see someone with the emotions I saw Darshan today . I don't know what I'm thinking or feeling , is right or wrong , you too feel the same or not , but for sure , I have always heard my heart and today also I will just hear my heart . I don't know is it love or not but something is for sure .

I won't hold on to it but will let my feelings fly the way they want , and let destiny decide up what's going to happen in our story . Believe is so strong , so let's believe in , ' everything is written we just follow ' ...

She closed her diary with her heart filled with love , which she thought that it's not her cup of tea . She goes to her bed and lay down but his thoughts and today's happenings are not ready to leave her mind , she is just moving from one side to other and in annoyance she gets up and go to ashish room

She gets in the room and makes Ashish wake up while putting up cold water on his face as he is kumbkaran , and will not wake up till I do such stupid thing . With a jerk ashish sit on the bed with fully shocked face and eyes wide open .

Shweta - Thank god you wake up or I thought I need to bring on one more bucket full of water ( she said in such a relaxing way while settling down on his bed that anyone would get angry seeing that she is not at all sorry for disturbing his sleep )

Ashish catches her ear and speaks - have you seriously lost all your senses after meeting darshan .

Shweta removed his hand as it was hurting and spoke - sorry yaar but one thing is disturbing me . And no one else can explain it better than you . So

Ashish - so you thought aaj kuch toofani karte hai

Shweta cut him in mid and speak - leave all this , and tell me when you got to know that you love me . Like what happened that you felt I'm the one who can be your better half . Like violin played in the background or something like this

Ashish - ( he checks whether she is suffering from fever or what because she is suddenly talking about love and all while yawning he speak that ) shweta I think we should find out a mental asylum

Shweta - if you are done with your sarcasm then tell me , what made you realise that you love me

He witness her serious tone and look at her with his eyes wide open and speak - why suddenly you are talking about love . Like the girl who keeps herself away from this , what you say waste of time is asking about it

Shweta - are you gonna tell me or should I leave . ( she stands up )

But ashish hold her hand , and make her sit . He gets up and ask her for 10 minutes , and she nods her head in yes . He get freshen up , go to the kitchen and come back with two coffee mugs . Sit on a chair just right in front of shweta , keep the coffee mugs on the side table on his bed and hold on her hand in his and start

Ashish - Miss photographer , I will tell you what's love in your way . So just tell me when is the right time to click a picture

Shweta - ashish there is no moment , we make the moments

Ashish - ( he smiles ) exactly shweta their is no moment where you suddenly realise that you love someone . We make those those moments , by adding our love in it . Shweta we capture sunsets when the sun is about to kiss the ocean , when it's reflection makes the water brighter and shine to its fullest , when the king waves rise up and the sky starts changing its colour from warm colours to cool colours . That click of the moment is something that we witness just for that moment and neither before it nor after it . In the same way love hits us at the right moment neither before the time nor after the time .
( she is so lost in his words as if everything is happening in front of her , her smile is just increasing with his each word )
He continue further ,
Shweta we never capture one picture , but capture many images of that moment and then we merge them up and it forms up that beautiful moment which we witnessed , in the similar way love has its own layers slowly and gradually that each layer open up , and when all the layers are opened and formed up they make a beautiful love story

As he finish , she hugs him with a wide smile on her face . She breaks the hug and speaks up

Shweta - Thank you so much ashish

And before he could speak anything or ask her anything she leaves from his room . Ashish sits there silently with a warm smile on his face

Shweta go in her and lock it , sit on the bed holding a pillow with a smile and thinking , " Can we decide whom we fall in love with ? We can't go in search of love , it won't last long . It has to happen of its own . It must spellbound us , turn like topsy turvy !!! It has to be with us always . That's love I guess ." her thoughts break when her phone pops up with a msg , and her smile widens , it's Darshan's msg , ' see u with the team at 5 in the evening for the discussion of photoshoot '

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