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All the rituals before the bride comes are finished . Darsh is getting impatient to see her , but everyone is taking more and more time to bring her . And finally the crowd turns up and there comes the groom's bride . He is spellbound after seeing her , like he somewhere knew that she must be looking like an angel but as she came in his vision , he was mesmerised by her beauty . But actually it's the inner beauty what she carries . She is walking up towards him but her eyes are fixed on ground . She don't want to look up in his eyes and loose herself . She felt his gaze and she so wanted to see him , because she knows that he must looking like a king , a charmer . As she reached up to the stage , a hand was forwarded , she knew its him . Within a blink she put her hand on his . And it gave goosebumps to both of them . She looked up and their eyes met . And they drowned into each other's eyes .

Everyone fake coughed and they come back to the world . All started laughing out , darsh rub is neck in embarrassment and shweta looked down shyly . Darsh take her up to the stage . And while leading her whisper in her ears , " you are looking breathtakingly beautiful , and this blush suits you " , and here she lost the count of her heartbeats . Darsh is tightly holding out her hand , as if claiming that she is just his . Kri brings the vermala

Kri - darshan we know she is yours and in fact we are gathered here to see that only , leave her hand bro

Darsh - ka----

Kri cut him in mid - hold on bhai , look around where we are . It's your marriage

Darsh loosen the grip over her hand . Kri give them the vermala , pandit ji asks them to put in each others neck . Shweta look up and is about to put it but his friends pick him up . As that happens rishab and yash come forward and pick up shweta , and then in one go she put the vermala through his neck , and darsh being impatient puts it up without wasting a second . They both are standing beside each other , when finally her voice reaches his ears

Shweta - I love you

Darsh looked at her - that's so sweet of you or thank you what am I meant to say , may be I love you too

Pandit ji calls them for the another ritual of phera and filling vermilion and black pure thread in her neck . He holds out her hand and takes her with him .

They sit down , pandit ji starts chanting some mantras , he is just looking at her with pure emotion of love . After a while pandi ji asks them to get up from taking pheras , they tell them that at first groom will lead up to 4 and then the bride for the remaining three .

Darsh hold out her hand and start taking steps forward with a promise , " we will let individual identities remain , accept each other the way we are " . As they finish the first round darsh stop and turn to her , " I will always and forever love you for the way you are , promise " .

He again start taking steps with a promise ," we will be equal , everywhere , in all respects  " . He turns up again and says , " I will always withstand your rights and the responsibilities will be ours and not just your , promise  "

He take up steps , slowly and realising that with his each step she is taking step in his life , this time with a promise , " we will trust each other and communicate openly  " . He turned up ," trust has built up our relationship and it will forever stay the same , promise "

They both together lead up to the next step with a promise , " we will back each other in all the lows  " he turns to say but this time she speaks up ," I love you for the way you are and it will forever stay the same , promise  "

She looks forward but gets shocked because he picks her up and start taking steps with a promise ," we will keep our egos aside while resolving disagreements " . He stops to let her speak ," we will never take decisions on our own , because we know the consequences . It will always be our mutual decision , promise "

Looking up into each others eyes he take the further steps with a promise ," we will love each other without any conditions " . She speaks up ," loving you unconditionally without any expectation is what love is  , and this is what we have believed firmly , and it will be the same till the end , promise "

It's the last phera , some unsaid emotions are travelling with each step with a promise , " we will travel from me to us together  " . She asks him to put her down and then she speak ," we started this journey as you and I and then reached up to we , it will forever and always stay the same , promise "

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