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Lorenzo's (POV)

"Where is she" Alec shouted as he pummelled his fists into the guys face. There was no point in him asking anymore he was barely fucking alive at this point. Alec had blown out both of his knee caps, removed half his teeth, cut a few fingers off and drilled holes through numerous limbs. I was all for getting the information we needed but he had well and truly lost control, even Freddie had to leave at one point because it got to much for him.

It took 9 painstaking hours to get from Antonio's warehouse to the safe house Alissandra was in, we'd already sent a few men there that were closer and we already knew she'd definitely been taken but we had to see it for ourselves and make sure nothing important had been missed. Once we got there I'd really wished we hadn't of gone because it sent each and every one of us over the edge. The room that we assume Alissandra was sleeping in was completely trashed. There was blood all over her mattress, the mirror was smashed with the shards of glass also covered in blood and clumps of her bloody hair were scattered around as well. What we saw only confirmed our worst fears, Antonio had got to her and he hadn't been fucking gentle about it either. Brad and Zak were both dead with their heads removed and a simple note was sat on coffee table.

Thanks for delivering my precious Ali to me I was worried I would never find her. I appreciate you keeping her safe for me but I'll be taking her home now.

The fucker was toying with us and as soon as Alec saw everything the switch inside him was flicked and he'd been on a fucking rampage ever since. It had already been two weeks and we hadn't been able to find out even the slightest bit of information about where Alissandra was. We didn't even know if she was still in the country let alone if she was still fucking alive. That wasn't because Alec hadn't been putting in his best efforts to gather the information either. We'd managed to hunt down a few of Tommy's associates but none of them talked and I assumed that was mainly because they had no fucking idea where she was.

I continued to watch as Alec smashed the guys head off the concrete floor until I couldn't stomach the brain matter being scattered everywhere anymore. "Alec he's dead man" I said as I tried to pull him away. At first he didn't listen to a word I said not even acknowledging that I was there it took a few more attempts at shaking him to finally snap him back down to reality. By the time he let go of the guy and turned to look at me the soulless look in his eyes was scary.

"Bring the next one in" he grunted getting up and kicking the guy on the floor.

I shook my head signally for Todd to ignore him "that's enough for today" I said trying to defuse him but he was blood thirsty and wanting more.

"I said bring in the next one" he shouted making Todd flinch slightly which was a hard thing to do for a man that usually had great composure.

Just when I thought Alec would swinging for me my phone buzzed in my pocket. I knew it would be something important everyone knew not to contact me right now unless they had something that would lead us to finding Alissandra. I answered the call and before I could even say anything Peter's rushed voice came through the phone. "I've got Tommy" he said proudly down the phone and I got chills. We'd been searching for the fucker this whole time. If anyone had any idea where Antonio and Alissandra were it would be him.

An hour later Peter was dragging Tommy's limp body through the warehouse. He took him into the room Alec had been using to torture his latest victims and tied him up. We all headed there but I stopped Alec before he could go in.

"No you're staying out here" He went to protest but I silenced him. "Alec you have no fucking control right now we need answers and if he says one wrong thing you're likely to snap his neck and fuck it completely"

"I hate to say it but L is right" Freddie said agreeing with me.

"Once you've got your answers he's mine" Alec grunted and sat himself on the chair outside. We needed to get Alissandra back for him more than anything if we didn't I don't think he'd ever actually come back from this.

Tommy was still passed out in the chair so I decided to give him a nice cold wake up call of iced water. As I threw it over him his eyes shot open and he gasped for air with his eyes darting around everywhere. Once his eyes settled on me he seemed to realise exactly what was happening here. "Tommy boy we've been looking for you" Freddie chuckled maliciously.

"Fuck you" he spat back and i sent my fist flying through his face.

"Look Tommy you know we're going to kill you, so either you tell me what I need to know and I make it quick for you or I send Alec in here and you know exactly what he's capable of" I tried reasoning with him even though I really didn't want to.

His eyes widened and it seemed like just the threat of Alec was more than enough to get him talking but he clearly thought he could spout of a little first. "I don't know where they are but I do know he's fucking that sweet pussy of hers like there's no tomorrow" Freddie fist was coming down on him but he just started to laugh and it was at that point I decided to fuck it and let Alec loose.

"Wrong answer. Alec!" I barley said his name and he came barging into the room with furious glare. He had one thing on his mind and that was inflicting as much pain as possible. "I warned you man" I said to Tommy shrugging.

He took one look at Alec and pissed himself. The fucker actually pissed himself "No no okay" he pleaded as he started thrashing around in the chair in pure panic. "They're still in the states he won't take her back to Italy until she compliant" he practically screamed the words and Alec hadn't even moved yet.

I leant toward in my chair "What do you mean compliant?"

He looked at Alec and then back to me not responding to my question so I gave Alec a nod indicating he could begin having his fun.

He grabbed the pliers from the table and started pulling out Tommy's finger nails. It took till the third finger for him to finally start talking again. "He's torturing her man and he isn't going to stop until she agrees to go with him" my stomach churned to think what Alec was doing right now could be the same thing happening to her.

Once I started thinking about I couldn't stop. He'd had Alissandra for two weeks now. The pain he could inflict on her in that time was terrifying. "And if she doesn't agree to go with him?" Freddie asked seeming to be thinking the exact same as me.

Tommy started laughing at the mere thought that Alissandra would resist. "She will, he's going to make sure of it. His plan isn't to kill her he wants to keep her. The sick fuck is obsessed with her" he paused and shook his head. "You saw the state of that room and that was when he was happy to see her"

"You watched him hurt her?" As soon as the words come out of Alec's mouth I knew it was game over. Tommy was dead. Alec charged for him.

"Fred's" I called out and before Alec could get any closer Freddie grabbed hold of him trying his hardest to restrain him.

I got in Tommys face to make one last ditch attempt to get anything more out of him. "Do you know where she is?" He gave me a blank look. "If you tell me where she is I put this bullet through your head now if not Freddie let's him go" I turned my head to look at Alec who was panting and practically foaming at the mouth. Even I was a little scared of him right now.

"I don't know where she is I swear" Tommy cried and with that I nodded my head and Freddie let Alec go. We both left the room leaving him to do what he had to do but before the door was even closed Tommy's screamed soared through the warehouse.

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