Chapter Forty-Eight

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Alec's (POV)

Not even two words have been exchanged between me and Alissandra since that morning, even though we've now been back for over a week there hasn't been even a 'good morning' shared between us. 

She won't even be in the same room as be, anytime I walk in she gets up and walks straight back out again. Do I blame her for it? Absolutely no. Do I need to try and clear the air between us? Yes definitely. But in all honesty I'm completely avoiding the whole conversation because I have no idea how to salvage things. 

I head into the kitchen and the atmosphere shifts immediately. Alissandra ducks her head down and doesn't even attempt to meet my gaze. 

"Are you two going to sort this out?" Freddie snaps drawing in both our attention. 

For the first time Alissandra looks at me but neither of us say anything, we just start at each other in complete silence.

"This needs to be dealt with" He then says.

Alissandra scoffs and shakes her head "That's funny because those were his exact words" she says under her breath but clamps her eyes shut as soon as the words leave her mouth like she regrets saying them at all. 

Freddie and Lorenzo both look as if they want to rip me to shreds but it's Freddie who snaps. 

"What the fuck does she mean? deal with what?" Freddie he says glaring at me, he's the most angry about this whole thing it's been clear to see he's been furious since that morning and the only reason he's held off is because Alissandra has refused to tell them what happened. 

"It's nothing I shouldn't have said that" Alissandra mumbles. 

It seems to click in Freddie's head and he stands shoving his chair back. "Deal with the baby? Did you tell her to get a fucking abortion" he shouts furiously and goes to move towards me, I don't make any effort to move because frankly I deserve whatever I have coming to me.  

Alissandra steps into his way stopping him, I didn't even notice her stand. "Freddie please just leave it" she says placing her hand on his chests and lightly pushing him away. 

"No I will not fucking leave it, you've not said a word about that day Alissandra as always you've locked it away and we have no fucking idea what is going on in your head. Whatever was said in that bathroom resulted in you naked with that monster. What did he say to you?" He shouts in her face and she flinches. 

Lorenzo instinctively steps in between the two of them. "You need to calm down" Lorenzo says calmly holding up his hands and it's him I'm most shocked at. If anyone was going to blow I thought it was going to be him.

"How are you so fucking calm about this?" Freddie says through gritted teeth, his body vibrating with anger. 

"Because Alissandra has asked us to keep out of it" He replies simply looking back at her. 

"And since when do you listen to anything she says" Freddie shouts throwing his arms out at his sides.

"Please stop arguing" Alissandra pleads but it falls on death ears Freddie's seen red and there's no bringing him back down now. It isn't often he loses his temper but when he cares about something so deeply it's inevitable. 

"Tell me what happened, I want to know what fucking happened that day. Between you two, with fucking Antonio. All of it" Freddie growls, he's taking his frustration out on her without really realising it.

I don't want Alissandra to be stuck in the middle of this none of this is her fault so I come out and tell the truth "I told Alissandra I'd take her to have an abortion, and that she had to leave to go live her life" I say and Freddie's head snaps to me. 

"You fucking what!" he shouts as he charges forward. Lorenzo has no choice but to drag Alissandra out of the way first meaning there's no one stopping Freddie. 

I don't move not even when his fist comes flying towards my face. Each blow I just take because that's what I deserve. Lorenzo comes and attempts to pull Freddie away but it isn't until we hear plates smash on the floor that everything stops.

"STOP! just stop please" Alissandra cries and storms straight out of the house slamming the door behind her. 

I go to go after her, she might not want me to but I have to try, I have to try and attempt to repair this somehow. "No! you can fucking stay there" Freddie growls pointing at me.  

"No they need to talk" Lorenzo snaps and Freddie actually listens taking a step back. 

I go straight out and it's not until I get to the end of the drive that I see Alissandra storming down the street as fast as her legs can possibly take her. I have to run to be able to catch up with her she's moving that fast. 

"Alissandra wait" I call once I'm close enough but she doesn't stop or even acknowledge that she's heard me so I have no choice but to reach out and grab her arm stopping her. "Please" I say softly. 

When she looks at me I half expect her to be crying but it's pure anger that's written all over her face "You just couldn't keep your mouth shut could you" She swallows hard and then continues "I didn't want them to know Alec, I wanted to wait so we could talk about it together" 

"I'm so sorry Alissandra" Is all I can think of to say in this moment

"It's too late for that. Now you're all arguing" she starts and takes a deep breath before continuing "It's bad enough that I've had to come to terms with the fact that I'm going to lose you because of this, and now there's going to be such a wedge between all of you" 

"Hold up Alissandra you're not losing me" I quickly say needing her to realise that I'm not going anywhere even if she had said yes to leaving I still wouldn't have let it actually happen. Fuck the thought of actually losing her practically tares me apart.

Confusion flashes across her face and she says "Of course I am, you don't want this. You don't want a baby" 

I let out a sigh and shake my head "That's not how I feel, of course I want this. I want nothing more than to have a family with you" 

"So why did you-" I stop her before she can finish. 

"Why did I say you should leave? Because I thought that was what you would have wanted to hear" she shakes her head disagreeing with me, and I know that's not how she feels fuck I even knew it that day but I couldn't comprehend it at the time. "I spotted the change in you Liss, the increased eating, vomiting and hell you're fucking sex drive was through the roof" A slight blush creeps over her cheeks. "I thought you knew and hadn't told us because you were scared you was going to be trapped with us" 

"But that isn't-" she starts but I stop her again

"Just let me finish please" she nods and waits for me to continue "In Puerto Rico you looked so panicked when we said we'd want children with you, so when I saw you vomiting that morning I wanted to say that you had options. All of which we would undoubtedly support, but it all came out wrong. When I got to the drug store I was going to explain it to you properly, explain that I fucking love you and the thought of us all having a family together was everything I wanted" 

"You've never told me you love me not to my face anyways" Is all she says and she's right I've never actually told her because I'm a fucking idiot.

"I know but I do Alissandra, I love you and I want this" I reply hoping it actually sinks in. I wouldn't blame her if she didn't accept it though.

"So you don't want me to get an abortion and leave?" she asks, still clearly doubtful and I can't blame her for it.

"No I fucking don't" I grit back thinking about how much I could have destroyed everything we all have.

She nods and steps forward wrapping her arms around me. "I love you too but you are kind of difficult sometimes" she half chuckles. 

I hold her tight and let out a relived sigh "More difficult than Lorenzo?" 

"You're all fucking difficult" she says and we just stand there in the middle of the street together.

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