Chapter Twenty-Three

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After we dance for a little longer I can't take it any longer with the burning questions that I can feel bubbling up inside me. They've all been acting weird all day and that can only mean one thing, something bad is coming. "Okay tell me what's going on" I say sternly to Freddie but it comes out with as much force as a whisper.

"Nothing princess" he replies but this time he couldn't keep his expression blank, i see the slight smirk forming in the corner of his lips even though i could tell he was trying his hardest to not let it show.

"You're a liar Freddie it's written all over your face" I replied pulling back from him and crossing my arms.

"You're hot when your angry" he says leaning in to kiss me, and as our lips touch he completely defuses me.

"Fuck you" I say shoving him slightly.

"Oh I'd love you to it's not fair that Lorenzo gets to have all the fun" he says back with that fucking grin that just melts me.

For the rest of the night I was supplied with drink after drink I half remembered coming back to the house and getting into bed with Alec. I knew exactly what they were playing at they were keeping me distracted so I didn't ask anymore questions. I was beyond bothered about it but then I was also having a great night so eventually I let it go knowing I'd just continue with my questions in the morning until they gave me a believable response, that was until i woke in the middle of the night and could feel the emptiness in the bed next to me.

I felt around and i could tell that where ever Alec is he's been gone for a while because the bed is cold. I quickly jump out of bed and go to see if i could find him. As i walked through the house it brought me straight back to that night, part of me didn't even want to go and see in case it was just going to be another rerun of before. I felt a little bit of relief when i got downstairs and there was no one there other than the voices of Lorenzo, Freddie and Alec coming from the office. They must of heard me coming because they all went silent as soon as i reached the office door all 3 sets of guilty eyes looking at me. They are definitely up to something there's no doubt about it. "Okay the last time I caught you all secretly meeting in the middle of the night it didn't end well for me what the hell is going on?" i ask crossing my arms visibly showing my frustration.

"We can't get anything past you can we?" Lorenzo laughs but i don't find it the slightest bit funny and my scowl only deepens.

"Just tell me what's going on please you've all been acting weird all day" I say glaring between the 3 of them. Whatever is happening i know their keeping it from me for my own protection but I'd rather they just ripped the band aid and told me.

They all give each other a quick look like they have no idea what I'm talking and that just confuses me even more. Eventually smiles form on their faces and Lorenzo sighs. "It was meant to be a surprise for you we were going to let you get a couple more hours sleep before we woke you up"

"We're taking you away" Freddie beams like a excited child.

"You are?" i ask completely dumbfounded and they all seem to find that pretty amusing. "Wait where are we going?" I'm still half asleep and feel like pinching myself to see if I'm actually just dreaming because none of this is making any sense.

"It's your final birthday present and like i said it's a surprise" Lorenzo answers with a smug look on his face.

I can't deny this type of secret I'm definitely not opposed to but then they've already gone way overboard as it is already. "But It's not my birthday anymore"

For the first time Alec genuinely looks annoyed with what I said "Just go and pack, it'll be warm so pack appropriately" he sighs and instead of arguing against it because I don't actually want to I turn on my heels to do what he says.

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