Chapter Thirty-Five

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Seeing Alec doesn't feel real at first not until he reaches up and gently strokes my cheek. That it when the reality of everything just comes crashing down around me. I completely break.

"He wouldn't wake up" the word vomit starts and once it's started I just can't seem to stop it "Alec he wouldn't wake up I tried to wake him up but it didn't work" I'm barely taking in any breaths at all, I don't even know if what I'm saying makes any sense at all and from the look on Alec's face it doesn't. "He's going to die isn't he, he already did I saw it" Alec's just letting me go on and on without saying anything. "He wasn't breathing. Freddie wasn't breath-" I don't get even chance to finish my sentence Alec just pulls me into his arms and holds me there tight.

We stay like that until I finally manage to calm down and then he helps me up and we walk to a waiting area when Lorenzo, Peter and Garrett are.

Garrett explains that he had to move the car but when he came to find me I was gone. Apparently they'd all been looking for me since. I don't really say anything I just let them talk amongst themselves whilst I sit next to Alec but at some point he goes. I don't know where though one minute he was there next to me and then the next he was gone. Now I'm sat here with Lorenzo who hasn't said a single word to me, In fact he's currently going back and forth with Peter and Garrett. Making Garrett go over what happened over and over again.

He'd furious with Garrett and from the way he keeps glancing at me I can tell some or maybe most of that anger is because of me. That's why he hasn't spoken to me. Because this is my fault. They didn't have any of these issues before I came along. Now it's all they deal with and now Freddie's been hurt and we don't know if he's going to be okay.

I try to zone out from what they're saying and focus on something else but my attention is drawn to the blood that's dried on my skin. It's only then that I realise I'm completely covered in it. It's over my hands, my arms, my dress and smeared all over my legs. I start rubbing at my arms trying to get the blood off but there's so much of it and it's so dried on its barely rubbing off. All it's doing it making my arms turn red at the friction. Alec reappears out of no where and stops my hands gripping them tightly "Come with me" he says softly before he leads me away from the others.

We head down numerous corridors until we come across a nurse waiting outside what looks like an empty room. She's an plump older lady, with dark skin that makes her grey hair look almost white in contrast against her skin. She gives Alec a welcoming smile and ushers us inside. "All I could find was some scrubs" she says handing him a pile of folded green scubs. "take as long as you need sweetie, if there's any updates I'll let you know"

He thanks her and sees her out of the room, they share some hushed words that I don't hear before he closes the door behind her and comes to stand in front of me.
I don't even look up at him I'm just staring at my blood covered hands with the images of Freddie laying there on that bed constantly flashing through my head.

"There was so much blood Alec" I quietly mutter still in a trance staring at my hands.

"I know" he says softly as he takes them and guides me to the adjoining restroom.

"That was Rhonda she's one of the nurses. She worked here when I was brought in by the social workers that found me" he starts running the water dampening a cloth in it.

First he starts by wiping my face and when I glance in the mirror I realise my whole face is covered in Freddie's blood. Alec seems to notice my line of sight and turns my face back to look at him continuing to tell me about Rhonda. "Every time it went wrong at one of my foster homes they'd bring me here for a medical" there's a sadness in his eyes and I know it's because he's remembering what his life was back then and everything that he went through. But he's using it as a way to try and distract me.

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