Chapter Seven

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Week 8...

Present Day...

Another two weeks had passed and since that night Antonio would torture me during the day and then every night he would come into my room and rape me. It was like clockwork, his very own relentless routine that he was adamant on sticking to. Two whole weeks of feeling him inside me every single night, hearing his groans in my ear as he told me how precious i was to him.

I couldn't even fight him off anymore, my body was so battered and bruised when i wasn't being tortured and raped by him I'd fall into an unconsciousness from the exhaustion alone.

My only little glimmer of salvation was Luca, every night after Antonio would leave my room he would come and help me bathe that disgusting pig off of me. Redress my wounds and try his hardest to get some kind of food into me. It wasn't that i wasn't hungry because i was practically starving but any time i would eat the majority of it would involuntarily come back up. I don't know if it was the infection that was back again or the fact that i truly felt disgusting and repulsed. If i could have had the energy to rip my own skin off then i would have but i couldn't even do that.

Each day Luca would tell me not to give up and that it would get better but we both knew that wasn't the case. This was never going to get better Antonio was going to do this to me for the rest of my life. I just hoped that if he didn't end up killing me soon then the infection would.

Today was a little different though, i hadn't seen Antonio at all and the house was unusually quiet with only a few odd footsteps here and there. It was already getting dark outside and the fact that he hadn't been in here at all told me he wasn't in the house. But when my door creaked as it opened my heart sunk. I was so stupid to think that i would get at least one day where i wouldn't have to be touched and defiled by him.

"Alissandra it's me" Luca said quietly as he came towards me.

"What's happening?" i asked as i tried to lift my head off of the pillow and was instantly met with a horrendous thudding feeling. He put his hand over my mouth and signalled for me to be quiet.

"You're going home but we need to go into the bathroom" His tone was hurried and i could tell he was scared about something. Was it because the guards were going to find us? I was so confused really not understanding him. If i was going home why would i need to go into the bathroom. There was no window in there we'd be trapped with no way out.

I nodded and used every part of the willpower i had left to make it easier for him to lift me up off of the bed.

Before the bathroom door even closed the sound of gunshots and explosions tore through the house making the walls shake. I clung onto Luca as we crawled into the corner of the bathroom, both of us shaking from the fear and clinging onto each other like our lives depended on it. Maybe they did i had no idea what was going on.

The gun shots continued to sound off throughout the house coming from all different area's. Me and Luca stayed silently still in the dark waiting for them to stop when all of a sudden the bathroom door flung open and one of Antonio's guards came storming towards us. Luca stood up and tried to stop him but the guard threw one punch and Luna fell to the ground unconscious. 

Before i even had chance to react he grabbed hold of my legs dragging me out of the bathroom. I don't know where i found the strength but i kicked and i screamed as much as i could kicking his hand free. Once i was free i scampered away from him as quickly as i could but it was no use he bent down and went to grab hold of both of my legs again. 

In a sudden flash i heard the sound of a gun shot and all i saw was the guys head practically exploding in front of me. Then his body tumbled on top of me with his blood and brain matter spewing everywhere. 

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