Chapter Nineteen

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"Come on princess let's get going" Lorenzo says snapping me out of my own thoughts. I hadn't even noticed that I'd just been standing there in complete silence staring off into the distance. His question caught me so off guard but now I don't have time to say anything about it because he's already guiding me out of the bedroom.

We head down stairs and out towards the garage which I didn't expect, usually the car will wait outside the main door for us but not tonight. This was strange, even once we were in the garage I'm still expecting the usual SUV we always take whenever I go anywhere but there was no sign of it and there was also no sign of Garrett or the other body guard either.

With a smile on his face Lorenzo guides me towards the black Ferrari and opens the door for me. "No guards?" I ask raising my eyebrows at him. This is unusual, we don't go anywhere without them.

"I think I can protect you well enough for one night princess" he replies with a smirk before leaning in a little closer to me. "but whatever you do don't tell Alec because he'll gut me if he finds out" I couldn't help but laugh, there was no doubt that Alec had became way more over protective of me recently. If I was with anyone other than him he'd routinely check in to make sure I was still in one piece, some may have found it stifling or over bearing but that was his way of showing his love for me I understood that.

I slotted myself into the seat and waited for Lorenzo to make his way round to the drivers side. He started the car and the roar of the engine went straight through me. "Better put your belt on" he says with a smirk and just as i click it into place he floors it out of the garage making me squeal and hold on for dear life.

As we drive away from the house and towards the city I fill Lorenzo in on the ideas for the club that I have and he tells me about his day, it's such a mundane conversation but it's comforting. It feels normal, I've missed normal. My life hasn't felt like that in such a long time, i can't help but smile. Lorenzo reaches across and takes my hand bringing it up to his mouth kissing the back of my palm. "I've missed that smile of yours" he says and I can't help but beam again.

We drove for a little while longer until we arrived at a theatre. As soon as we walked through the entrance we were greeted by a steward who seemed to know Lorenzo. "Mr Doyle if you would like to follow me" it was the first time I'd ever heard his last name and for some reason it made me feel uncomfortable. I'd been living with these men sharing so much of myself and my life and I didn't even know their last names. We're guided through the theatre to a private box and as soon as the door closed behind us Lorenzo pulled me close to him and tucked a stray hair behind my ear.
"Alec O'Donnell and Freddie York" he said with a smile seemingly reading my mind. "But they both go by Doyle now"
I couldn't help my brows from pinching together "But why?" It didn't make any sense to me people knew they weren't brothers so why did they now all go by the same last name.
"Well you can probably guess why Alec wanted to cut all ties from his family name and well Freddie that's a story for him to tell you" he replied releasing me from his embrace and taking his seat.
"I feel like there's so much I don't know about you all"
"All you have to do is ask" he said pulling me down to the seat next to him. I went to respond but as I did the lights went down and the stage was illuminated by numerous spotlights.
As the dancer take to the stage it's then I realise that he's taken me to see a ballet show, I'm pretty sure my whole face illuminates with joy at the pure delight of it. I don't know how he does it, how he always seems to know exactly what will make me happy but yet again he's done it.

At first my eyes are fixated on the stage watching the elegant ballet dancers that is until Lorenzo places his hand on my thigh and starts stroking his thumb back and forth. Each brush is tormenting it's like an electric charge running straight through me. I shifted a little under his touch trying to keep my focus on the show which he seemed to notice straight away. "Are you okay?" He asks leaning over and as his breath brushed across my ear I couldn't help but shiver. I haven't felt this way in so long, haven't felt that burning desire rising inside me but now it is there it's all I can fucking think about. "Baby your doing the lip thing" he reaches up and tugs my lip free but his thumb lingers there stroking across my lip.

"I can't help it" I breath and that's the thing I can't and I don't want to.

"You're horny aren't you" he says as his hand glides up a little further and instinctively I part my legs until his fingers are about to brush against my panties but he stops and his eyes search mine. He's unsure if this is what I really want.

"No don't stop" I plead needing him to touch me before my head is flooded with thoughts that'll make me change my mind.

"Come here" he reached for my hand and as I take it he pulls me onto his lap. My back is pressed up against his chest and I sink into his warmth. I don't care that we're in a theatre, for the first time I'm desperate for his touch and to have my release. He spreads my legs and runs his hands up the inside of my thighs, it's the closest I've been to being touched this way in months and even though I want nothing more than this I still can't help but instinctively stiffen.

"I need you to tell me if you want me to stop Alissandra" he says before he starts kissing into the groove of my neck, all I can do is bite down on my lip and nod. "Use your words baby" he murmurs in my ear before biting down on my lobe. I let out a slight gasp but I don't move away from him.

"I want this" i say breathlessly and with that he continues. He brushes his fingers over my panties and he must be able to feel how soaked I am already.

"You want this?" He asks as he moves my panties to one side stroking his finger between my folds. A blissful feeling flows through me and I moan, my head falling back against him. He continues to stroke between my folds only just tracing over my swollen bud but it's not enough I need more. "Answer me Alissandra is this what you want"

"Yes" I gasp as I grind my hips against his hand desperate for more friction. As I do I can feel how hard he is and he lets out a low growl. Unexpectedly he pulls his hand away I groan wanting more. "Let's take these off" he says into my ear as he tugs at my panties. I lift slightly allowing him to pull them down and they drop to the floor.

Sitting back onto his lap his hand curls around my neck holding me close to him, he doesn't grip tightly though and I don't feel trapped. Returning his other hand to my core he uses the pad of his finger and swirls it around my clit applying a slight pleasure. My back arches and sound that slips from my lips is like nothing I've heard before, I quickly clasp my hand over my mouth in an attempt to stifle it suddenly aware of the hundreds of people in this theatre.

I can feel Lorenzo's hand flexing around my neck and his body tense as he tries to restrain himself, he's trying to restrain himself so it's not too much for me.
He plunged two fingers inside me curling them up to hit that perfect spot, thrusting his fingers inside me my breath quickens and my moans continue to slip free as I'm unable to stifle them. That's when his grip tightens around my neck squeezing "Alissandra fuck don't grind you're hips like that baby it's taking all my strength not to fuck you right here" he growls and I try to stop I really do but the more he plunges his fingers and circles my clit with his thumb I can feel the pressure building inside me. He doesn't act on his own impulses though, I know he won't either not until I'm ready.

The music in the theatre builds as just as it does he increases the pace, adding more pressure to my clit and it tips me over the edge. "Lorenzo" i let out as a muffled scream as my walls tightly clench around his fingers. My whole body convulses and he continues whilst I ride out my orgasm with force.

Turning my head to meet his our lips smash against each other, both of our mouths parting as our tongues battle for dominance. Suddenly theres a procession of applause that rings through the theatre and the whole place lights up. Lorenzo pulls his face away from mine and smirks. "That's the first time I've got a standing ovation for making someone cum" I instantly feel my whole face flush as it suddenly hits me that I willingly let Lorenzo do that in a theatre full of people without a care in the world.

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