Chapter Eight

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Present day Week 8...
Earlier that morning.

Freddie's (POV)

Two months. It had been two fucking months since Antonio took Alissandra and we were no closer to figuring out where she was. No matter how much we tried and where we looked there was just no fucking information on either of them. 

We were sat in the club office together and It was the first time we'd all been in the same room for a while. Things had been getting tense between us which was rare, we'd been friends for as long as i could remember and never had there been this much tension between us. It was mainly Alec and Lorenzo with me being stuck right in the fucking middle of it, I'd had to split them apart a few times before one of them ended up killing the other. Yes we'd have disagreements over things at times but them two had barely said two words to each other for the past two weeks. 

We had to discuss what we were going to do next so there was no choice but for us all to be in the same room. I just hoped it wouldn't kick off between them. No one had said a word we'd been sitting there in silence for the last 10 minutes and you could cut through the tension with a knife. Thank fully the phone started ringing breaking the silence and diverting Alec and Lorenzo's furious glares at each other. 

Lorenzo quickly answered the call "Hello?" He visibly straightened up in reaction to whatever was being said on the other end of the phone. "Who the fuck is this" he practically barked down the phone catching both mine and Alec's attention straight away.

We couldn't hear what was being said to him but it seemed serious. "Where?" he snapped his tone was harsh and straight to the point, he started writing something down listening intently. Me and Alec both sat forward at the same time. Something told me this was to do with Alissandra and my heart started thumping in my chest straight away. 

"Tonight?" he asked and glanced at his watch and his brows burrowed. The not knowing was fucking killing me. He seemed to listen to what was being said next and then nodded hanging up the phone.

"Who was that?" i asked as soon as he hung up. 

"I don't know but they said Alissandra's at this address in Austin and we have to get her out tonight" he sighed and handed me the paper with the address on. Alissandra was there. We found her. 

Me and Alec quickly looked at each other in disbelief. This is exactly what we needed.

"Let's go get her then" Alec said straight away standing up. 

"Look we don't know if this is even real maybe we should send someone to go check it out first" Lorenzo sighed sliding his hand through his hair. I got what he meant, we needed to ensure that we were prepared and didn't completely fuck this. Especially if it meant that there was even the slightest chance of getting to Alissandra. The look on Alec's face said exactly what he was thinking, that matched with the obvious vein throbbing in his neck told me that he was seconds away from tearing the place apart. 

"Or we go and check for ourselves and bring her home" Alec snapped back clenching his fists. He was going to swing for Lorenzo any minute and i was going to have to split them up yet again. 

"Alec we don't know if she's even there it could be a ploy to distract us from something else happening" Lorenzo tried to reason with him but i already knew that wasn't going to work. "I'm sure we'll have some type of connection in the area that can check it out and let us know before..." He didn't even get a chance to finish before Alec was cutting him off.

"And if she is there? What if we wait too fucking late and then she's gone again" He growled, the rage in him practically boiling over. "get them to go check whilst we make our way there" He continued and i couldn't deny he had a very valid point. 

This was going to come down to me having to choose to agree with one of them. As much as i knew Lorenzo wanted to be cautious about this it was either we possibly miss the chance of getting her or we go and hope to god this fucker has given the right information. "he said we have to get her out tonight" i sighed looking at Lorenzo. 

I already knew what he was thinking he was torn between wanting to get Alissandra back and not wanting to fuck it up and put her in even more danger. I got that but like Alec said we didn't have time for second guessing right now. 

Eventually we all agreed that the only thing we could do was go, it was our only real option and only chance of finally bringing our girl back. 

Peter got us a jet without hesitation and within the hour we were meeting him at the airport with a team of 10 of our men and were up in the air on our way to Austin. Thankfully for us Peter had connections in Austin that were heading to the address to case it out whilst we flew there. They weren't meant to engage just feed back any information they could so we could at least be slightly prepared when we got there. 

This wasn't going to be easy and we had very little time to actually figure out a plan for all we knew we were running straight into a trap set my Antonio, but if there was any possibility that Alissandra was there and we could get her home then so be it. The biggest thing we had to consider was if Alissandra was there she could be anywhere and we had to make sure she didn't get hurt in the process. That and we had to make sure Antonio didn't try to make a run for it with her as soon as he was aware of us. 

As soon as we landed Peter called his connections to get an update on what we were dealing with. "They said there's about 5 armed guards there" Peter said with concern flashing across his face briefly. Less men wasn't exactly good news, we knew Antonio had a heavy team of guards in the states with him if they weren't at the house then it could mean that Alissandra wasn't there either. "They also haven't seen either of them there" he then continued. That didn't necessarily mean Alissandra wasn't there, I'm sure he wouldn't have her walking around freely she'd probably be kept out of sight. But if Antonio wasn't there the likelihood was she would be wherever he was.

We parked up a little way away from the house that she was supposedly being kept in and made out way towards it on foot. There wasn't any neighbours close and the only cover we had which wouldn't give off our presence was an old barn that had a decent enough view of the house itself. There was only one guard outside not particularly paying any attention to his surroundings, he appeared calm and confident. Probably thinking there was no chance of anyone pulling up on them today. 

Why the fuck did it seem so calm and settled

We'd been standing there for all of 10 minutes before Alec got antsy "I'm not fucking waiting here any longer" he snapped and stormed towards the house and in true Alec fashion he acted before even fucking thinking, he shot the guard outside and made his way towards the entrance. I looked up to scan the house and spotted that there was someone standing at the window upstairs that must have seen the guard drop to the ground. Fucking great that was our element of surprise gone, who ever it was they were definitely going to raise the signal. Me and Lorenzo gave each other the same look that said. Typical Alec. But we didn't have time to consider anything as Alec was charging towards the house and seconds away from blowing the door of it's fucking hinges heading straight into the house not giving us any other option but to follow him. 

We managed to catch up with him just as blew the door and we all rushed inside, it wasn't the slightest bit of challenging the 4 guys inside seemed to have no fucking idea we were here and before they could even get their bearings they were taken out with clean bullets to the head. This was too easy. Way too fucking easy and i couldn't help but think it definitely wasn't a good sign. 

Everything was quiet and still for a moment, we still had to clear the upstairs and as we went to make our way up the sudden sound of Alissandra's scream flooded the house from somewhere. The piercing sound of it send a shiver through me, something was happening to her and we needed to find find out what it was. Without so much of a second passing the three of us rushed up the stairs towards where we could hear her screaming coming from. Everything around me was such a blur, i had tunnel vision and my only focus was finding Alissandra and finally getting to hold her in my arms. 

I was the first into the room and straight away i saw Alissandra kicking and trying her hardest to get away from some prick. I didn't even have time to think i just let my instincts take control and in an instant i held my gun up and pulled the trigger sending a bullet straight through the fuckers head.

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