Chapter Twenty-Two

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I woke up to feel of someone gently stroking my face and for a split moment I went back to that day. Back to the very moment my whole world came crashing down around me. Instant panic starts to set in, I feel like I'm suffocating and all I can do is clench my eyes together even tighter. "It's only me princess" Freddie coo's from next to me as he continues to stroke my face and I feel like I can finally open my eyes. "I'm sorry baby I didn't mean to scare you I thought I'd try and wake you up gently" I could see the guilt in his eyes but it wasn't his fault, most of the time i would be fine but little moments like this would bring me right back to that time and the panic would inevitably set in. They'd asked me so many times about what happened that day Antonio found me but I still can't talk about it, I've explained about the ways he used to hurt me but i also hadn't talked about the rape at all.

I chose to avoid the inevitable question that I knew was coming and sat myself up rubbing my eyes trying to shake off the feeling of dread. Freddie sat up next to me and brought his hand up to my chin to get me to look at him but i instinctively winced away. "Liss?" he says gently, his tone filled with worry and concern.

I gave him a faint reassuring smile and glanced over him noticing that he already seemed to be dressed and ready to leave. "You're already changed what time is it?" I say using it as my perfect opportunity to avoid his questions that i know are going to come.

He analyses my face for a moment and I know he wants to press the matter but to my relief he chooses not to this time. Although they want to know everything and i understand their reasons behind that, they've come to learn when to push and when to back off and thankfully Freddie understands that this is exactly one of them moments. I don't want to think or talk about that today, i just want one day where i can just still be Alissandra. "7 you've been out for a few hours" he chuckled seeming pretty amused by that. A few hours? I'd been asleep for almost 4 hours. I was only meant to have a nap but fuck I'd slept the whole day away. He notices my sheer confusion and that smug Cheshire grin beams across his face "it's only 5 but we are going for dinner so looks like you better get a move on princess" my mouth drops open and i punch the side of his arm in frustration. He doesn't even flinch and that smile of his grows wider "Clearly Peter needs to train you better that was like a tickle" he mocks but leans in to kiss me gently. I instantly feel myself getting lost in the feeling of his lips against mine and open up allowing his tongue to slip into my mouth. He pulls back breaking away from me and i sigh a little. "Get ready" he mumbles against my lips.

It doesn't take me long to get ready and the whole time Freddie was sprawled across my bed chewing my ear off telling me all about the endless list of trouble he got into at college seeming to be pretty proud of himself for actually being able to get through it and not just get kicked out. It's nice to be able to get to know more about him, last night i hated the fact that it dawned on me that i really knew so little about them.

Once I'm ready i turn looking at myself in the mirror making sure i look okay. Freddie comes up behind me wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me against him. He moves my hair to one side and places a kiss into my groove of my neck "You look beautiful" he says softly and i melt into him a little.

"Mmmhmm that's what you always say" i mumble back rolling my eyes dramatically.

His lips twist up into a smirk "That's because it's true"

Turning in his arms i wrap mine around his neck. "Alec said birthdays are a big deal to you why's that?" i ask wanting to really know more about him.

"well when you grow up being one of 8 children birthdays are kind of always happening it's the one day where you can actually be special and i wanted you to feel that today" he explains and that revelation surprises me.

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