Chapter Tweleve

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Alissandra's (POV)

After we talked Lorenzo went and got me something to eat then him and Freddie came to say goodbye cause they were going to the club which meant it was just me and Alec at home because Luca had gone to see his family in Atlanta. He'd been wanting to go and see them since we got back but I knew he hadn't because he wanted to be around for me which I really appreciated. It was the first time I was home without him being here and I was beyond on edge. I stayed in my room for the rest of the day with Lorenzo's words playing through my head over and over again. 'You're not his' I understood what he meant but part of me felt like Antonio still had some kind of hold on me. He was still out there somewhere and I knew he'd be coming for me. Might not be today or tomorrow but he would.

The boys kept reassuring me that there was no possible way that he would be able to get into the house, they'd had added security outside and guys posted at every entrance to the house. Apparently according to them the place was like a fortress now, even with the men posted everywhere they also promised that one of them would always be here no matter what. But none of that change the fact that any little noise would make me panic and think Antonio had somehow managed to get in.

After hours of sitting in my room driving myself crazy I decided to take my bowl down to the kitchen from lunch so I could clean it up. They were doing doing so much for me at the moment I could at least try and do something for myself for once. I was in my own little world I hadn't even heard Alec approaching. "Everything okay?" He said, his voice came from behind me making me jumped and drop the bowl letting it smash and go everywhere. I fucking hated this I didn't want to be on edge all the time like this. Not in the place I was meant to be able to call home. I didn't even think about what I was doing I was in such a panic that I bent down and tried to pick up the pieces "no Alissandra leave it" Alec said making me jump again and cut my hand in the process. The pain sent me right back to that place and the images of Antonio slicing my skin flashed through my head. Alec came towards me and part of me knew it was just to check if I was okay but the panic had already set in and I had no control over it at all.

I put my hands up in an attempt to defend myself. It wasn't particularly to defend myself from him but I was in full flight or fright mode. "No don't touch me please don't touch me" I pleaded with him as the tears started to stream down my cheeks.

"Please Alissandra your bleeding and i need to clean it up" he said holding his hands up as he continued to slowly come further towards me. I looked down at my hand and all I could see was the crimson blood covering my hand and dripping down onto the floor. I knew he was right but the thought of him touching me just made me want to curl up into a ball. "Please Alissandra Luca's not here to help and you've only just got over the infection. We can go to the hospital instead if you want?" I could barely hear him over the sound of my blood thumping in my ears. But as soon as I heard him say hospital my throat started to constrict.

"No please no more hospitals" I gasped shaking my head. That was even worse. All them strangers and the noise.

"Then I'm sorry baby but I've got to make sure it's clean and wrapped up" i knew he was right it was either I let him do it or I had to go to a hospital. Really I had no choice.

I watched as he pulled up two chairs opposite each other. "Sit down here and we're going to breathe in and out together whilst I wrap this up okay" his voice was reassuring and his movements were slow. I could tell he was trying his hardest to make me feel at ease. I sat in one chair whilst he sat in the other, he was close enough to be able to sort my hand but far enough away that I didn't feel trapped.

"Ready?" He asked and I really wasn't. I couldn't think probably but I knew I had no choice.

"No" I replied honestly which made him chuckle ever so slightly.

"Breathe with me okay?" I nodded trying my hardest to keep myself from bolting out of the room. "In" he took a deep breath in and I tried my hardest to copy him "now out" I nodded again and let the air out of my lungs. We did that a couple more times until we were steadily breathing together. "Okay I'm going to take your hand and start to clean the cut" he said softly as he held his hand out for me to give him mine. I hesitated as I was just completely locked into place. "Alissandra do you trust me?" my eyes shot up to his and I remembered the first time he asked me that. The first time he asked me if I trusted him was after our date and I didn't even consider saying no because I undoubtedly did. I trusted them because of how safe they made me feel and sitting here looking into Alec's eyes I could still feel that. Antonio took so much away from me but he didn't take away the feeling of how they made me feel. I felt a little wave of comfort rush through me and I nodded anxiously holding out my hand. It was trembling uncontrollably but he didn't say anything about it he just started telling me to breathe in and out again. The sound of his voice was actually relaxing I managed to close my eyes and even though my heart was trying it's hardest to hammer it's way out of my chest I just had to keep reminding myself that I was safe. I was safe with Alec. Nothing could happen to me right now. Antonio couldn't get me here. This was my safe place here with them.

"What happened?" Lorenzo's voice came from the lounge and my eyes shot open to see him and Freddie coming towards us. The panic set in yet again. I hadn't even heard them come in I wasn't expecting it. I pulled my hand back and scrunched myself over.

"Alissandra's fine, we're just getting this bandaged up aren't we?" Alec said looking only at me I nodded my head and I saw the look he gave Freddie and Lorenzo. They seemed to understand what he was saying with his eyes and they both left the room

"Breathe in and out again baby" I did what he said until my breathing was back to normal. After I was focused enough I closed my eyes and held my hand back out for him to continue. I winced when he touched me but it was easier this time. He was being so patient with me, really they all had been.

In the end I was so focused on my breathing I couldn't even feel what was happening with my hand. "All done" he said and my eyes snapped open. Alec went to step away but I didn't want him to leave yet.

I grabbed his hand instinctively "Wait" I said without a clue of what to say next. "I'm so sorry" I whispered. It was the only thing I could think of saying.

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