Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Alissandra's (POV)

Alec's words hit me like a ton of bricks, I knew they'd been hiding something from me but knowing I was right fills me with fear. If they've kept this from me it's got to be bad, it's got to be something that they know is going to terrify me. After how draining today has already been I don't know if I'm ready for it but I still have to know.

"Tell me what?" I ask. My heart is hammering in my chest and I'm suddenly aware that it's been like this ever since me and Freddie got back.

I can tell by the way that Lorenzo looks at Alec that he's pissed and not wanting to have this conversation. He doesn't want me to know, he doesn't want to have to bring my world crashing down around me.

"What the hell is going on" I snap getting impatient. "Please just tell me" I plead the waiting becoming excruciating.

"We only kept this from you because we wanted you to be able to enjoy yourself here first" Alec says with sadness in his voice and all I can do is brace myself for what's coming next.

Hesitantly they all sit on the coffee table and explain to me what all the calls and mystery conversations have been about. Every single word is like a knife going straight me opening up wounds I've tried to hard to close.

Antonio had come out of whatever hole he was hiding in and it was in the worst possible way.

The morning we left New York to come here Zak and Brads heads were delivered to the club in wrapped boxes with a card saying Happy Birthday to me. They'd told me what had happened to them when Antonio found me but they never told me they didn't have they're heads, I guess I just assumed that even though they were removed they were still there. That was a detail they'd left out and I could understand why.

But hauntingly enough that wasn't the worst part of it. Not only did he do that but since then more heads had been delivered, heads of girls that either looked exactly like me or were made to look like me. Girls that he'd been torturing. Their bodies were found by police in close proximity but every one of their heads were delivered to the club in boxes addressed to me.

He was taunting me, sending them to let me know he was still around and he was coming for me there was no doubt about it.

As they continued talking some of what they're telling me doesn't quite go in and I guess part of me is happy about that. Grateful. It's like my brain is trying to protect me from hearing the gruesome things he's doing to them poor girls.

Torturing them.

He's imagining they're me whilst he's doing it.

Doing to them exactly what he wants to do to me.

"How many?" I ask breathing heavy. I don't know why I ask because the reality is I really don't want the answer, the thought of these girls going through what I went through all because he can't get to me kills me. This is all my fault he wouldn't be hurting them if I never left. If I just agreed to go with him.

He even said he would stop hurting me. This is my fault.

I see the way they glance at each other reluctant to really tell me the extent of it but Alec is the first one to speak. "So far there's been 4 but there was more before he took you"

"More?" I gasp. There's more. How many girls has he hurt because of me?

My stomach drops and I can't hold off the nauseating feeling that's bubbling up inside of me. I look down and realise the whole time I've been stroking a scar on my leg. Running my finger back and forth along the distinctive ultra white mark that will never disappear.

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