Chapter Thirty

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I stayed up in my room for the rest of the evening. They didn't try to come and talk to me and I was grateful for it. I needed time to process everything, I was angry with them for yet again keeping something from me. Not once did I think I couldn't trust them but after what Jason said I can't help but doubt them, and doubt their true intentions.

I spent most of the time either crying or staring at the same spot on the wall. Eventually I think I must of been so exhausted I fell asleep. But even in my sleep I couldn't escape the unwelcome feeling of betrayal.

I was back at the docks standing where Jason was and they were standing across from us. I tried to move towards them but everything was foggy and moving exceptionally slow, it was like there was this unknown force pulling me back.

Each time I got close enough to them they'd disappear and move further away. It was like I was chasing 3 ghosts. Then something shifted I could feel someone behind me and as I turned to see there he was. Antonio.

I wasn't trying to catch up to them anymore I was running. Running from him  and no matter how many times I screamed for them to help me they just stood there smirking at me. Why wouldn't they help me.

He was chasing me calling out to me over and over again but no matter how fast I tried to run to get to them where it was safe I just couldn't make it. My legs were like lead. Just as he caught me there was a sudden bang that snapped me back to consciousness and before I can even comprehend what's going on the bed drips next to me and a set of arms wrap around me tightly.

"It's just a dream, Alissandra it's just a dream" Freddie's voice calls to me but it's so muffled I can barely hear it and that's when I realise I'm screaming and clawing at his skin.

I cling onto his top and bury my head against his chest and then the sob breaks free. The uncontrollable sob that has me hyperventilating. "It's okay Liss it was just a dream" Freddie coo's trying his hardest to calm me down. He's stroking my hair and gently peppering soft kisses on my forehead.

I don't know how long we sit like that but Freddie doesn't try to move he just holds me there like usual until I come back down to earth. Once my breathing has settled and I manage to stop myself crying he finally releases his hold on me and turns to switch the bedside light on. Blinding me in the process.

I only chance a glance at him before I turn away because I know the look I'm going to be met with. It's the same look of worry and concern that I get after every nightmare but it's been a few weeks since I've had one like that. Recently they've been jolting me awake and not so intense but this was bad and we both know it.

My eyes meet the door and I can see that the frame is all splintered from what I can only image was because Freddie had kicked it in. "My door" I gasp mortified at the damage.

He tilts my chin towards his face and gently strokes my cheek."You were screaming for help I had no other choice, Don't worry about it we'll get it fixed"

For a moment I almost forget that I'm angry with him, angry with them all. I shrug him away from me and climb out of the bed heading towards the bathroom.

"Alissandra please" is all he says as he goes to follow me. I don't even give him chance to say anymore I just slam the bathroom door and turn the water on, he's pleading with me to give him a chance to explain but I don't want to hear it right now. I don't even think I'd believe any explanation they'd give me right now.

By the time I shower and finally come back out Freddie seems to have not moved. He's perched on the end of my bed waiting for me. I expect him to start trying to talk me round but he doesn't his eyes just follow me around the room until I'm the one to actually cut through the silence.

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