Chapter Fifteen

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Alissandra's (POV)

I was so startled by Alec's sudden and agitated appearance I didn't see his blood soaked clothing at first. It wasn't until I tore my eyes away from his and analysed him that I finally noticed. He was absolutely covered in it but I couldn't see where it was coming from. As my eyes scanned over him I could see how tense he was, his whole body was rigid, he was panting heavily and his usual bright blue eyes were almost haunting. "Out" he ordered glaring at Luca making us both flinch. I'd never seen Alec like this, he was usually so calm and soothing but not now. Now he was completely different, almost menacing.

"I said out" he then growled through clenched teeth. I had no idea what had happened or what was going on with him but his eyes kept flickering to mine seeming to be searching for something.

I glanced over to Luca who looked absolutely petrified and gave him a faint reassuring smile. "It's okay go" I said quietly.

"Are you sure?" Luca muttered quietly as he glanced up at Alec then down to his balled up fists "what if he hurts you?" I could hear the fear in his voice as he trailed off and in all honesty I was terrified too.

"Luca go I'll be fine" I replied and I believed it. When Alec asked if I trusted him I didn't even have to think about it and that hadn't changed. Even though I was scared I still trusted that I would be safe with him. Alec wouldn't hurt me but I couldn't guarantee he wouldn't hurt Luca.

Luca did what I said and quickly scampered out of the room. Leaving me with this version of Alec. This version I'd never seen before, never knew existed. I stood up and took a couple of hesitant steps towards him. My whole body was trembling and I felt like I was going to be sick but I kept moving towards him. "What's happened? Are you hurt?" I asked gently fearful of the answer. But I had so many questions Where were Lorenzo and Freddie? Why was he covered in blood?

For a moment he just stared at me as if he was unable to speak. Then all of a sudden he snapped, letting out a roar he rushed towards me and wrapped his hand around my throat squeezing tightly. Every instinct in me was telling me to scream and run but I couldn't, I couldn't do that to him. I just stood there completely still staring into his eyes as they stared back into mine like he was still searching for something.

Tell me how to help you Alec

"You should be scared of me Alissandra, I'll hurt you like I did to them" he growled tightening his grip and lifting me up off the ground slightly.

"You won't hurt me" i croaked in between gasps. My feet were barely scraping along the floor and I could feel myself becoming faint but I still didn't fight against him.

He shook his head and his face scrunched together like he was in pain, he was battling with himself about something. "I hurt people, that's my job. All that pain and the scars he left on you. That's what I do I hurt people like that. I'll hurt you. Kill you one day" he was barely coherent barely making any sense. It wasn't like he was even in the room with me, this wasn't Alec. "I'm a monster" he shouted but he dropped his hand from my throat finally letting my feet drop to the floor and I gasped to get the air I needed back in my lungs. The look in his eyes was something I'd seen in my own, it was the look of someone that had been broken. Someone broke him, they hurt this unbelievably amazing man and that made my heart hurt.

But who?

He was still panting and so distressed I needed to help him. He'd done everything he could to bring me comfort these last few weeks and now as much as I was terrified to do it I needed to comfort him. He needed this. He needed me. I did the only thing I could think of, I stepped towards him and wrapped my arms around his body pressing the side of my head against his chest. He was so tense with his fists still clenched at his side but his breathing started to become more even and I could hear his thumping heart slow as each second went by. It was working but I could feel that this wasn't enough for him, he needed more, more from me. Hesitantly I reached down to his hands and brought them up wrapping his arms around me. Even though the feeling of someone touching me like this was agonising and made all of the hairs on my body stand up I had to just endure it this wasn't about me right now this was about Alec and I needed to help him calm himself.

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