Chapter Fourteen

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We'd told Alissandra that Luca was going to be visiting with family in Atlanta which was a complete lie, the truth was he was helping us track down Antonio's guards. We felt awful lying to her but it was the only way to get him out without her having a full blown panic attack, she cared too much about him to stop him from seeing his family. The only problem was once she found out we'd lied to her i knew it wasn't going to go down well, but we could tackle that when it came to it finding Antonio's goons was more important right now. This was necessary because apart from her Luca was the only one that had any idea what they looked like and could easily help us identify them. We couldn't even get her to leave the house let alone go anywhere to help us identify any of them so thankfully Luca offered to help. He was turning out to be pretty useful. Apart from the way he'd helped so much with Alissandra he knew a ridiculous amount about Antonio and helped us to piece together a lot of the information that was on the memory card that we had. If it wasn't for how dependant on him Alissandra was then we would of probably considered giving him a job.

We headed off to the warehouse whilst Alissandra stayed at the house with Luca, She would be fine with him and there was not a chance in hell anyone would get anywhere near the house so we at least felt comfortable enough to leave her there for a few hours. Freddie and Lorenzo took one of the cars whilst i headed there on my bike. I wanted to get into the right headspace to deal to do what i needed to do and that meant i had to flick the switch. If i did that in the car with them two i wouldn't be able to hold back from going off on Lorenzo which was the last thing we needed right now. Our focus had to be on getting Alissandra back to herself and finding Antonio so we could deal with him once and for all.

After a short ride I pulled up on my bike next to where Freddie and Lorenzo pulled up, removing my helmet I ruffled my hair slightly as I waited for them to get out. They seemed to be discussing something, something that clearly wasn't for my ears. There was a lot of that going on recently, conversations between the two of them that didn't involve me. For as long as I could remember all important conversations and decisions would be made by all 3 of us but when Alissandra was taken it reverted to the two of them. I got it at the time, I was unhinged and unable to make reasonable decisions but as soon as she was back I was more level headed she kept my mind anchored.

No doubt they were discussing Jason and what they were going to do about his most recent enquiries. As far as I was aware he didn't know it was me that off'd Jennie, if he did there was no doubt he'd of come for us already. But that wasn't to say the situation didn't need dealing with though, yet if that was what they were discussing it should definitely involve me. Eventually they both got out or the car and I spotted how aggravated and tense Lorenzo was. "I've got some shit to deal with keep him in check" he grunted to Freddie as he stormed past me. The mood I was in he was asking for me to swing for him but I needed to keep my mind on the task at hand, I'd just channel that anger into Antonio's goons.

I hopped of the bike leaving the helmet on the seat and walked towards the warehouse with Freddie. "He knows I'm not a child right" I muttered to him as I watched Lorenzo disappear towards the warehouse office.

Freddie sighed and rolled his eyes "You two need to sort it out I don't want to be stuck in the middle of this any longer and Alissandra will start to notice. She's back now i don't understand why there is even still an issue" I ignored him and continued walking through the warehouse towards the back rooms where I was planning to get the information we needed.

When we entered the main holding room the stench of blood and piss invaded my nostrils straightaway. Most people would have winced away but not me I took in a deep breath and removed my jackets placing it on the chair set beside the metal table that had all of my trusty tools on. The smell was a reassuring one, it meant the 3 sniffling men in the corner were wounded and scared. The perfect combination for what I had planned. "Now fellas, the next few hours could go one of two ways for you" I announced as I walked towards them and removed their hoods one by one. Each one of them recoiled as the light hit their eyes before they glanced up to me. "Either you give me the information I need, resulting in a quick easy death or I'll make you talk and I'll make it painful" I continued as I paced back and forth in front of them. "I'll be nice and let you decide how you want it to go" I chuckled as I glanced along them picking which one I wanted first. I decided to go for the trembling wreck in the middle betting he'd blabber like the baby he appeared to be.

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